The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 797 Speed Things Along

Chapter 797 Speed Things Along

Yet again, the days passed by, and Bella couldn't help but frown as she remembered the fact that Amon had to go south to personally lead their troops to clean up a few monsters there. Not that she was worried he'd be in danger, of course. In fact, she was pretty sure that he would have helped in the form of the mages sent by King Ezekiel. No, instead, she was more worried about the fact that her fertile days were coming up, and she wouldn't have him by her side to do the deed while they had this window of opportunity.

And the worst part was that he refused to allow her to go with him.

"How many times do I have to tell you no, Bella?" Amon sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's dangerous, and you don't even have to be there."

"But I want to be there," she pouted. "And don't tell me that I can't fight. I can hold my own just fine if need be."

"But you just said it. If need be," Amon pointed out with another sigh. "You don't have to put yourself in danger just to be with me. You have many things to do here already, and putting you in danger by dragging you with me to this skirmish is just unproductive."

Bella opened her mouth, but no words came out as she found herself unable to speak. After all, he was completely right in everything that he just said. She did have a lot of work that needed to be done. She still needed to study more about the kingdom that she was in, and she also needed to learn more about the Queen Mother's former duties now that she had officially taken over her mother-in-law's role.

"I can do all that once we get back," Bella insisted. "They're not all urgent anyway."

Amon frowned at her, and yet she still remained steadfast as she stood her ground. No, she didn't really care what happened. So long as she got to be with him, she'd do anything if only to get that sweet lovemaking that she needed to get pregnant.

"Is that how a queen is supposed to talk?"

Bella blinked at the sudden hostile tone. Again, she knew that what she was doing was borderline wrong in terms of ignoring responsibility, but she really wanted to be with him while she was fertile. She really wanted things to happen, and she wanted it to happen now.

Bella meekly nodded at that. As he just said, they indeed were doing the deed constantly every night ever since she was crowned. While it wasn't as much as she wanted, they also didn't really care if their constant unions bore fruit. They most certainly didn't care how much they pleasured each other using their bodies, so they were definitely not lacking in that department.

She let out a soft smile as she returned his hug with a tight squeeze. Burying her nose into his chest, she savored his scent as she did her best not to let herself get into another argument with him about this. Enough was enough. She knew what she had to do now.

"So, did you change your mind about coming with me? I'll try to come back as soon as I can." Amon said.

"Actually, not at all," she smirked. "My prior point still stands in that I need to see more of Helion to help me get a better picture of the kingdom itself. Just hearing about what's happening from the officials makes for poor decision-making, after all."

Bella couldn't help but grin as Amon gave her a challenging look yet again. While she had partly given up on having him constantly make love to her during the trip, she still had a valid excuse to have her with him during this trip. She had to make a few concessions, but she could see herself being let on the carriage.

"Is that so?" Amon questioned back. "Again, I'm telling you that I'm about to go into a battlefield to kill monsters. I won't exactly go through many small towns and districts to see what's happening to them."

"Then we can make a few detours along the way," she insisted. "In fact, if you don't want me in too much danger, why not drop me off at a nearby village somewhere down the line? That way, I'll be away from danger while I do my own survey of the lands. It would also help for the populace to see that their queen was personally seeing them to try and help them."

She smiled at him as she saw him actually weighing her proposal. It was something she just made up on the spot, but it was still just as valid as she thought for some of her potential projects.

"You know, I hate that you're making too much sense," Amon chuckled in resignation as he shrugged. "Fine. I'll let you come with me, but only to the town nearest to my actual destination. From there, you'll have your own contingent to assist you as you do your surveys."

Bella beamed as she quickly leaned up to give him a kiss. "Thank you, Amon."

"Don't thank me yet," he scoffed as he turned around. "I might just leave you here if you're not finished packing before noon."

"I'll get to it as soon as possible then," she giggled.

She chuckled even as Amon promptly left for the carriage that he was probably already late for. Meanwhile, she quickly made her way to their shared room to have a few of her servants pack her belongings. All the while, she couldn't help but smirk at what she got. After all, while she did agree that they just should let things happen, that didn't mean that she couldn't speed things along. Queen Mother was running out of time and Bella could feel how she longed to see her own grandchildren soon.

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