The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 794 Your New Queen

Chapter 794 Your New Queen

Despite everything that had happened, Bella still couldn't believe that she was already queen. That was despite the fact that she currently had a crown on her head and was essentially being waited on by numerous servants making sure that she looked presentable to the crowd for later.

"There's something funny here somewhere," Bella mumbled to herself as she stared at her regal reflection in the mirror. "Maybe a joke of some kind… Of me somehow becoming queen by doing absolutely nothing…"

Well, not exactly nothing. She worked hard for the position she now had. And by working hard, she meant never giving up on her mate no matter what happened.

[That's still more than enough to earn this position,] Poona told her. [You don't have to question anything. We earned this. We deserve it.]

Bella inwardly smirked. Her inner wolf was right. There was no use thinking about these things now, especially since she was about to do her first act as queen by attending her husband's usual court meetings. While she wouldn't be doing much today, she would slowly make herself heard and be a valuable asset to her kingly husband.

[You'll probably take over some of the more logistical side of running the kingdom,] Poona absently thought. [You have mercantile experience too, so maybe being an economic adviser would fit you.]

[We'll see what happens,] Bella inwardly shrugged even as she smiled at all of the possibilities. [No matter what happens, I'll just do what's needed of me. Whatever that may be.]

Nodding to herself, Bella hummed as she turned around and left her room. Sure enough, she met up with Amon just as they were both making their way to the throne room.

"Oh, I thought you already went ahead," Bella greeted him with a loving smile.

"That wouldn't look good on you, Bella," Amon explained himself as they walked together. "It's best that we be seen together putting up a strong front. So instead, I just went and prepared a few things for the meeting later."

Bella smiled as she went ahead and wrapped her arms around Amon's arm, hugging him closely as they continued with their walk. It was a nice feeling to be on her beloved's side like this, just casually walking through the hallways as they made their way to their first meeting as king and queen.

Eventually, however, that feeling had to end as they reached their destination. Giving each other a reassuring nod, the two of them entered and promptly announced their arrival to those in attendance.

As such, she listened as her husband did all the work, silently cataloging any and all information that she could use in the future. That was, until, an idiot decided to say something that shocked the entire court into silence.

"What is this?! Why in the world is that foreigner here?!"

Everyone stood still as they all looked at the one official who dared voice his opinions. On her part, Bella simply watched as the tension in the room rose to dangerous levels. Not that she needed to care. She was sure that her husband had everything under control, especially since all of the foreboding pressure in the room was coming directly from him.

"What did you just say?" Amon challenged. "Are you seriously insinuating that my queen is a foreigner in her own lands?"

"She's no Helionian, that's for sure," the official scoffed back. "She shouldn't even be here. What if she leaks information about the kingdom to our enemies?"

Again, Bella blinked as she processed what she just heard. Was this man serious? She was quite literally there to be their queen and help them to the best of her ability. Looking to her side, Amon was clearly livid, even if he wasn't showing it outwardly if only to preserve the dignity of the court.

"I am giving you ten seconds to leave this place immediately," Amon coldly ordered. "I will expect an apology from you as soon as possible. But for now, unless you want to die right here and now, I suggest you leave."

"What?! What kind of-"


At Amon's countdown, the official immediately bolted out of the throne room. Before Bella could even talk to the man to try and defend herself, her husband had already made things clear for everyone.

"Is there anyone else that would like to say something about your Queen?" Amon taunted. "If not, then let me make things clear. Queen Bella will be your queen from now till the foreseeable future. She will be involved in running this kingdom, and that more than justifies her presence here in this court meeting. On top of that, she will be officially taking over the Queen Mother's duties effective starting tomorrow."

Audible gasps echoed throughout the throne room. In fact, Bella almost gasped herself before she managed to stop herself. She knew she was going to be taking on more responsibility soon, but she didn't think it would be as soon as tomorrow.

"So, again, is there anyone else here that wants to kick your new queen out of this room? Because if so, then you're essentially stating that you'd commit treason against the crown!"

Bella could only watch as Amon gave a passionate speech defending her. All the while, she felt her love for him grow even more as she felt his sincerity through his words.

Truly, despite everything, Amon really was her destined mate to be.

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