The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 47: My Brother, My Friend

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Chapter 47: My Brother, My Friend

“I’m still a virgin!” Gao Yang declared amid the corpses while being entirely covered in blood, equal parts desperate and impassioned.

With her hands still gripping her weapon, Qing Ling frowned slightly, wondering if Gao Yang had lost his mind to fear like Fat Jun.

“Hahaha...” Officer Huang burst out laughing. For a moment, he forgot the danger they were in.

“What?!” And under the pile of monsters came Wang Zikai’s voice. “What...did you say...?”

Gao Yang’s heart thumped in joy. Wang Zikai’s alive!

He repeated in a loud voice, “I’m! Still! A virgin!”

“Gahhhhh...” The pile of monsters scattered like an explosion had happened.

Coated in blood, Wang Zikai raised to a staggering two meters now that he had fully transformed. With each hand grabbing a monster’s head, he dragged them like ragdolls before crushing their heads with an audible pop. Then he threw them away with a powerful swing of his arms, knocking the other monsters in the proximity down.

He strode up to the house while the surviving seven or eight monsters charged him, but none of the expendable ones were his rival, and he made quick work of all of them—he even tore one of the monsters in half with bare hands. Amid the crimson mist, he looked like a devil being reborn in blood.

Chest heaving, he stepped over the bloody corpses and entered the house, stopping only when he got to Gao Yang. He lowered his head to look at his friend, who was now a lot shorter than he was. “You...really are still a virgin?”

“Yes.” Gao Yang didn’t know if he wanted to cry or laugh.

“I knew it!” Wang Zikai flailed his arms around in excitement. ‘I knew you couldn’t have done it before me! We really are brothers...“

Bam! A monster broke the roof and landed in the house.

“Watch out...” Qing Ling couldn’t have reacted a second sooner by swinging her blade, yet her opponent was quicker. With a whip of its tail, it hit Qing Ling and flung her out of the house.

“Qing Ling!”

Gao Yang yelled and got a good look at the monster—it was a wrath monster, a slaughterer!

It was in a different league than the one they had encountered before, Auntie Ho. This monster was young, and its transformation complete. The only part that retained the features of a human was its head, while its body had transformed entirely into that of a giant lizard. It crawled on all fours, covered from neck to tail in hard, dark red scales.

If it stood on two legs, it would be taller and bigger than Wang Zikai.

After throwing Qing Ling away, it didn’t hesitate for even a moment before bending its thick, strong hind legs instantly to the limit to make a powerful jump, lunging at Gao Yang.

Instinctively, Wang Zikai pushed Gao Yang aside, saving him from the deadly attack. Then the slaughterer collided with Wang Zikai’s waist and crossed the claws of its forearms to stab Wang Zikai in the abdomen, easily penetrating his thick sturdy bronze skin.

“Stop it! You won’t die. You won’t...” Gao Yang’s hands were trembling. He shouted at Fat Jun, “Stop crying! Save him!”

Coming back to his senses, Fat Jun wiped his face roughly with his arm before running up to Wang Zikai and kneeling down, carefully checking his injury.

“Brother Yang! The two arms...have to be pulled out!”

“He’s already losing too much blood!” Gao Yang said.

“I know, but I can’t help mend his wound if we don’t pull out the arms! It’s our only bet!” Fat Jun clenched his teeth. “Make the call, Brother Yang!”

Wang Zikai’s head dropped to the side, his face pale as a sheet. He had lost consciousness.

“Pull them out!” Gao Yang said through clenched teeth.

Officer Huang came up to help. “Keep Wang Zikai steady, Gao Yang. Fat Jun and I will pull the arms out.”

The three of them got into positions and chanted, “Three, two, one...”

Splash! The moment the two arms were pulled out, blood splattered all over their bodies and faces.

“Cover the wounds! Cover them!” yelled Gao Yang.

Fat Jun immediately reached out to cover the two bleeding holes in Wang Zikai’s waist with both hands. “Healing!”

Green light radiated from Fat Jun’s thick hands, fluctuating in intensity. Still, blood continued to leak out from Fat Jun’s short, thick fingers.

“What’s going on?” Gao Yang’s heart burned with worry. “Focus!”

“I am... I am focused!” Fat Jun lost his calm as well. He squeezed his eyes shut and shouted, “Heal! Heal!”

Wang Zikai’s face turned from pale to an ashen gray. The blood gushing out of his abdomen had decreased noticeably, but not because the wounds were mending, but because he was running out of blood.

The heaving of Wang Zikai’s chest became almost unnoticeable, or had it stopped? Gao Yang didn’t dare check his breathing.

“I’m sorry...” Fat Jun’s face squeezed up like a fermenting dough. He burst into tears again. “I tried. I tried my best...”

“Keep going!” yelled Gao Yang. “Don’t stop! He’s not gone yet!”

Officer Huang put a hand on his shoulder gently. “Gao Yang, don’t...”

Gao Yang shook off the hand. He knew what Officer Huang was going to say, and he didn’t want to hear it.

Still, Officer Huang spoke up in a tired, solemn voice.

“He’s gone.”

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