The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 123: Condition for Awakening

Chapter 123: Condition for Awakening

“The greater the despair, the more we need hope,” Sha Ye confessed.

Officer Huang was quiet, while Gao Yang and Qing Ling looked bemused.

Lowering her head slightly, She Ye looked at the platinum wedding band on her ring finger.

“Wang Fei and I didn’t really have a choice. We needed hope, needed salvation, needed a purpose to keep holding on. So we had a child. She gave us a new outlook on life.”

Sha Ye smiled bitterly. “I know it’s selfish, that it’s more arrogance and foolishness than anything. One day, our child may come to resent me, but I don’t regret it.”

Officer Huang shook his head, his eyes glinting with emotions and respect. “Thank you. I’ve gotten the answer I’m looking for.”

Gao Yang could understand Sha Ye’s response logically, but emotionally, he couldn’t resonate with her like Officer Huang did. Now that the topic had been brought up, however, there was something he would like to ask.

Gao Yang asked directly, “Sha Ye, when Chen Ying was talking to you about your daughter, was she hoping that your daughter would awaken?”

Sha Ye nodded openly. “Yes. That’s what most members of the organization hope for.”

“Awaken?” Officer Huang was shocked. He couldn’t understand. “She can’t be old enough for that!”

Sha Ye calmly explained, “As you know, the Hundred Rivers Union consists of weaker awakeners, and we only got to where we are today by banding together. Now that the second team has been wiped out, we need new blood to compensate for the serious blow we suffered.”

“Then find them elsewhere!” Officer Huang insisted. “Your daughter is still young. This is nonsense!”

“It’s easier said than done.” Sha Ye shook her head. “Awakeners with a higher-ranking Talent and even those with two or three Talents have all been recruited by the two major organizations. The Hundred Rivers Union only gets awakeners with Talents ranked a hundred and lower.”

She leaned in and continued in an even lower voice, “You’ve heard about it, haven’t you? About the bottleneck for leveling up.”

Officer Huang and Gao Yang shared a confused look.

Qing Ling coolly said, “Talents after serial number 100 can at most reach level 4.”

Sha Ye nodded.

“Really?” Officer Huang was surprised. “I didn’t know that.”

“War Tiger told me during training,” said Qing Ling.

Is War Tiger your trainer, Gao Yang grumbled silently, or your personal information broker?

“Correct.” Sha Ye looked regretful. “Most members of the Union have a Talent after serial number 100. No matter how hard they work, they can only get to level 4.”

Gao Yang was suddenly reminded of his Lie Detection and Lucky. Was level 4 really the limit?

He quickly asked, “Is that proven?”

“There’s no guarantee, but,” Sha Ye went on to ask, “Have you ever heard of an awakener with a 100 or lower Talent reaching level 5?”

“That I can tell you,” said Sha Ye. “The Hundred Rivers Union did a survey on how awakeners awaken. We have a sizable sample, and generally, there are three different scenarios.”

“First, one simply acquires a Talent one day.”

“Second, one comes to suspect the reality of the world, or is told the truth by an awakener.”

“Third, one witnesses an attack by a monster or becomes a victim themselves.”

Officer Huang nodded. “I’m the first type. I acquired my Talent first. Then the second scenario happened.”

“I’m the second type,” Qing Ling said. “Then I acquired my Talent not long after.”

Gao Yang sighed. “I’m the second type and then the third type. After that, I acquired my Talent.”

Sha Ye took a sip of coffee. “According to our study, we speculate that the three scenarios are merely the results of the cause rather than the cause itself. There is one important preceding condition.”

“What is it?” asked Gao Yang.

Sha Ye hesitated for a second. “We’ve just published an internal report, and the Qilin Guild has basically agreed to share the results soon. It should be fine for me to tell you now.”

Please just tell us already, lady.

Gao Yang was feeling impatient.

Sha Ye extended a hand. “For a human to awaken, they must come into physical contact with an awakener.”

Gao Yang stifled a gasp. Right, why didn’t I think of that? It’s so simple!

He turned to Officer Huang. “I got into contact with the man said to be mentally-ill, and for Qing Ling, it must be her cousin. What about you?”

Officer Huang shook his head. “I don’t know, but given my job, I get into contact with all sorts of people every day. It’s very likely for me to run into an awakener without realizing it.”

“That makes sense.” Gao Yang lowered his head deep in thought before looking up at everyone. “I have another question. How did the first ever awakener awaken then?”

Sha Ye shook her head.

Officer Huang smiled wryly. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. How long has it been since your awakening? Yet you are so eager to find all the answers to your questions. What are you, the chosen savior in a rush to get your KPI up?”

Gao Yang smiled in embarrassment. “That’s a bad habit of mine.”

“I was just like you back then and kept risking myself for answers.” Officer Huang clicked his tongue. “I was lucky to run into Sir Jiang, or I’d already be six feet under, and the weed around my grave would’ve been two-meter tall already.”

Sha Ye didn’t know who Sir Jiang was, but she got the gist of what Officer Huang was saying. She nodded in agreement. “There are too many mysteries about the world, too many answers that are beyond our ability to reach. Perhaps it’s safer for us to learn them later.”

Gao Yang understood that Officer Huang was worried about him. He nodded and didn’t say anything else.


Then the door slammed open, and Chen Ying rushed in.

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