Chapter 433

The Seed of the Realm... It just keeps getting engraved, but when will it sprout?

Choi Yeonseung was having doubts about the Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny. He had spent a large amount of valuable soul stones to obtain this seed, and it kept saying that it was doing something, but it still hadnt come to fruition.

-The wandering merchant...He has always been an unreliable constellation.

The goddess of sloth had similar doubts.

I was going to buy from him the things I need for the defense, but looking at this seed, I suddenly dont want to.

Choi Yeonseung thought he would have to meet the merchant constellation later and either threaten him or grab him by the collar.


-Hunter Choi Yeonseung claims that there will soon be a massive raid by the evil god constellations...Is it a well-founded prediction or a ridiculous bluff?

-Experts say it is unlikely...

-A member of the National Assembly made headlines by fiercely criticizing the idea, saying, Spreading confusion and panic in a situation like this is certainly dubious.

Choi Yeonseungs declaration had naturally sparked a strong reaction from the public.

People who had prepared in advance and those who had been influenced by Choi Yeonseung tried their best to support him, while those who thought negatively about his declaration or simply didnt like him tried to attack him.

The public opinion was quite divided.

-An A-grade hunter wouldnt tell a lie like that just because he has nothing to do.He even contracted with an evil god constellation.Im sure theres a basis for his words.

-If politicians have a conscience, they should help. However, theyre just sabotaging him.Have they forgotten who stepped in to stop the last monster wave?

-Looking at the world, honestly, there is no hunter more devoted than Hunter Choi Yeonseung.He should also immigrate to another country like Hwang Gyeongryong. Then they will come to their senses and issue an apology.

-You~ You immature bastards~~! If Hunter Choi Yeonseung... predicts that there will be an attack... I guess that there will be an attack...!

Some people argued that everyone had to trust Choi Yeonseung because of his impressive track record.

-Then why are the other constellations silent?Its either a lie or a delusion.

-Is there a law saying that A-grade hunters cant cheat others?Think of the A-grade hunter who caused an accident last time.You cant trust the humanity of hunters.Theyre all the same.

-We recently had a constellation introduction scam, a Ponzi scheme, a ridiculous virtual currency scam...Im tired of seeing hunters causing trouble.Choi Yeonseung is also showing his true colors.

-Hey, is the stock price going up because of this incident?

However, there were also many opposers.

It was unfair from Choi Yeonseungs perspective. It wasnt his fault that the hunters before him had caused so many incidents. He couldnt help wondering if those bastards had actually caused as much trouble as the public claimed.

But what we need to do now is to be prepared, not to doubt.

Jeong Wonuk was an A-grade hunter and the clan leader of Golden Blood Fish, one of the three major clans of South Korea. He issued an emergency alert to the clan and summoned all hunters.

Some hunters complained about this emergency because they were robbed of their free time, but no one could complain about Jeong Wonuks firm response.

Clan leader, is there really going to be an attack?

Hunter Choi Yeonseung isnt the type to lie.

Indeed...! I heard that the two of you have raided together in the past. What a wonderful friendship! exclaimed one of the clan members as they looked at Jeong Wonuk with reverent eyes.

Choi Yeonseung and Jeong Wonuk had to be close comrades because they had fought together for decades.

What are you saying?

However, the truth was a bit different. Of course, Jeong Wonuk didnt think Choi Yeonseung was lying, but that had nothing to do with friendship.

The sight of Choi Yeonseung always caused Jeong Wonuks embarrassing memories of the past to resurface, making him feel weak

Give the artifacts to each group of hunters and place them in their positions. If theres an abnormality during the patrols, please report it immediately.



Ahn Seongwu, the leader of the Bulgae clan, looked down from the top of the mountain with Lee Changuk.

It was truly spectacular. A huge number of hunters were deployed everywhere, and there were also various defense facilities and artificial artifacts in sight.

This couldnt be done just by obtaining a budget from the government or receiving help from politicians. Choi Yeonseung had done all of this with his own money.

It shouldve been impossible for a single hunter to make preparations on this scale by themselves, but Choi Yeonseung had done it.

Seeing this, one could realize just how powerful Choi Yeonseung really was.

I cant believe that he didnt make that public announcement in order to get help.

It had become obvious that Hunter Choi Yeonseung had planned to stop the invasion with his own power from the very beginning. The politicians would just waste time arguing among themselves. If one had the power to deal with a problem, it was better to use it instead of relying on others.

Of course, hunters normally didnt have that kind of power, so they had to request help from the government and various powerful figures.

If this was going to happen, why did he have to make such a blatant announcement? Hell only hear accusations that he doesnt need to hear...

Hearing the words of Lee Changuk, the son of the Iron-Blooded Ice Emperor, the clan leader smiled widely. Perhaps Lee Changuk was too young to see how things really worked.

It wouldve been controversial if he hadnt made an announcement while preparing for the invasion. Most importantly, its about alerting people.


Hunters who had participated in raids outside of dungeons all felt how disobedient civilians were.

In the early days of the Abyss gate, people would instantly throw away everything and run upon hearing the first syllable of the word monster. But these days, if a monster appeared, civilians would shout things like Hey everyone! They said a monster appeared at the bus stop! Ill take on the mission of recording it!

That wasnt just because people were crazy, but also because many people had adapted to monsters overall.

After being exposed to various risks and dangers over the decades, people had naturally grown accustomed to monsters. But with things being this way, a sudden and unexpected event could lead to a catastrophe.

As expected... Hunter Choi Yeonseung predicted that?

Probably. Is that the Six-Eyed Turtle clan?

Yeah, I think its them.

All three major clans are here. How amazing.

Even though these three clans were always grouped together as the strongest clans in South Korea, they didnt actually get along well.

Moreover, this incident had caused a great deal of discord, and it wouldnt be strange if a clan protested by saying things like What if our hunters go to another clan because of what youre doing?


Ahn Seongwu tilted his head after seeing Hunter Choi Yeonseung hit a Six-Eyed Turtle hunter at the base of the mountain. Were his eyes playing tricks on him?

That cant be possible.

So far, Hunter Choi Yeonseung had been an outstanding, level-headed strategist with a surprisingly open mind. There was no way a hunter like that would throw a punch in front of so many people. He had to take care of his image


You... Me? You hit me?! ME?!?

Yes. If youre not up for this, piss off already.

Y-you know I belong to the Six-Eyed Turtle clan, right?

Didnt I tell you to get lost? Choi Yeonseung waved his hand as if he couldnt be bothered to act.

The Six-Eyed Turtle clan had the most hunters among the three major clans, so naturally many of the hunters that complained about this operation were from this clan.

There was no point in working with someone who was so dissatisfied that they went beyond grumbling and actually stopped doing their job.

Whats going on?

The A-grade hunter of the Six-Eyed Turtle clan, Kwon Yeongseung, heard the commotion and quickly came over. His presence as a high-lever hunter was bound to make his peers more arrogant than usual.

The hunter who had flown away after taking Choi Yeonseungs punch looked at Kwon Yeongseung.

He keeps ruining the mood by saying that theres no invasion, explained Choi Yeonseung.

Kwon Yeongseung-nim! This bastard...

Damn you!

Everyones jaws hit the floor. Kwon Yeongseung was known for not showing his emotions, and yet he grabbed the fallen hunter by the collar in a fit of rage.

K-Kwon Yeongseung-nim. I was hit...

I cant believe youre complaining in this situation! Its a shame that someone like you is part of our clan!

The other hunters were shocked by the sight of Kwon Yeongseung shouting fiercely. The ones who had been trying to take it easy and slack off quickly straightened their backs.

Get lost! Regardless of the contract, I dont need someone like you!

Kwon Yeongseung turned sharply and approached Choi Yeonseung.

Im sorry, he apologized. With so many hunters involved, such things are bound to happen.

Yeah, it happens, replied Choi Yeonseung. Come to think of it, I didnt see you earlier. Have you been training properly? You wouldnt have appeared on shows even in this situation, right?

...Get lost! I dont need a guy like you! Kwon Yeongseung quickly turned around and grabbed the fallen hunter by the throat again.

Choi Yeonseung looked puzzled.

Did this guy only work on his useless tricks?

-Its progressing much faster than I thought.

-If theres money, humans will work much faster than you expect.

Even though everyone was motivated by money more than anything else, Choi Yeonseung was satisfied by how quickly the preparations were progressing. He also felt comfortable not having to reach out to the government for money or ask politicians for help.

It was very reassuring to see large artificial artifacts and defense bases being built around the large cities that would be targeted by the constellations first.

-Is it necessary to call the orcs?

-Theres no such thing as overdoing it in this situation.

As if the preparations werent enough, the orcs were also on standby. They were dressed up so that they wouldnt be confused with monsters, and they were ready to rush from the base with weapons at any time

-...Are they farming?

-...Let them be. Theyd get bored if they just waited around.

Choi Yeonseung was going to make the cities so impenetrable that the evil god constellations would curse at him.

At this point, they would have to invade another country.

[Cracks have appeared in the space.]


The skies over the mountain turned dark red and became distorted. The hunters turned pale as they looked up. They had seen a similar phenomenon in videos before, but they had never wanted to admit that it was possible

[The forces of the constellation are summoned!]

Just like that, the second great invasion had just begun.


[The Expert of Twisted Hallucinations tells you to calm down.]

[The Beast of Swords and Spears shouts that there is a traitor!]

The whole world, and especially South Korea, was tumultuous, but the evil god constellations were even more so.

They had been sharpening their weapons while waiting for the big day to come, but a human had picked up on their plan and tried to interfere.

The evil god constellations were obviously angry, but more than that, they were afraid that their grand plan would go awry.

[The Expert of Twisted Hallucinations tells you to calm down. He says that a human being cant do that much.]

[He says that human beings are greedy and wont believe their own people saying the right things.]

[The Rider of Thirst and Famine agrees with that.]

[The Black Magician Who Shares Everything says it is better to postpone the plan.]

[The Beast of Swords and Spears insults you by calling you a coward! It declares that this opportunity might not arise again!]

Theyre noisy.

The hallucination constellation was annoyed by the chatter of the evil god constellations. These pitiful bastards couldnt even keep a secret, so why were they whining so loudly?

Still, it couldnt be helped.

The plan has been discovered, but there isnt much that a mortal can do. We will proceed as planned.

[The Expert of Twisted Hallucinations reveals that the era of the constellations here will soon come.]


The declaration of the Expert of Twisted Hallucinations became the signal.

The evil god constellations proceeded to carry out their plans.

The Expert of Twisted Hallucinations also cast his eyes on South Korea to check the situation, but he was shocked by what he saw.

What is that?

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