Chapter 154

“... You didn’t know?”

“No, I didn’t…” Hwang Gyeongryong admitted.

“Both of you were hunters who liked to train, so I thought you just got along well because you both trained hard.”

“Wait. Haven’t you seen her come out of my house before?”

“I thought you were just sweating hard because you have just finished training.”


Choi Yeonseung realized why Hwang Gyeongryong got divorced so much!

“Hah... How strange. The two of you were dating?”

“Yes, and Han?Seha?and Han Sehui are Yeonju’s daughters.”

“What? Really?” Hwang Gyeongryong was once again surprised. “It’s a relief that she married into a nice family.”


“Han?Seha?and Han Sehui are the daughters of a famous chaebol group in South Korea.”


Choi Yeonseung was the one surprised this time. Their mother’s early death making them suffer made Choi Yeonseung extremely sad. However, now that he had thought about it, that wouldn’t necessarily be the case. They had other family members. To top it all off, they were related to one of the most prominent chaebol groups in South Korea!

Having been divorced dozens of times, Hwang Gyeongryong coolly said, “This is good for you as well, dude. How hard would it have been for Jeong Yeonju if she married you?”

“Hyung. You know I can beat you up, right?”

“I’m just giving you advice as someone who has been in a lot of marriages. Do you want your old love to suffer for thirty years because of you? Did you want to live happily ever after with her?”

“That’s not the point. From what I’ve heard, a monster killed the couple.”

Hwang Gyeongryong’s expression immediately darkened. “... Is that so? That’s a shame.”

Even though hunters had dramatically increased in numbers and had become stronger on average, there were still deaths caused by monsters. However, the death toll was far higher ten or twenty years ago. In fact, many of Hwang Gyeongryong’s acquaintances were killed before he left Korea.

“I’m surprised Hyung doesn’t know about Yeonju. Considering she?married?to a chaebol group, you should know more about her.”

“Before I left, I put my entire focus on our clan members. Afterward, I tried not to pay any attention to South Korea. I’m not in a position where I would know the third generation of Korean chaebols...”

“Hyung, you are so annoying.”

“Still, I’m telling you the truth. Things could’ve gone differently if she had come up to me and said hello. Speaking of which, didn’t Han Seha participate in the exchange? It had to have been awkward. ?I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“As far as I know, Han Seha is...”

“Think carefully about your next words.”


Choi Yeonseung suddenly spoke seriously and formally, flustering Hwang Gyeonryong.

“No, she isn’t your child...”

“She’s Yeonju’s child.”

‘I am really dumbfounded.’

“Yes. Everything’s fine for as long as it wasn’t awkward. Anyway, if you’re going to fight Douglas, then I have to help you.”

“Huh? Can you manipulate the match?”

“What nonsense... Not like that, dude! I meant helping you off stage.”

Many people would dislike the fact that the 20th place Choi Yeonseung would be fighting the champion. However, no matter how disgruntled, they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Fortunately, Hwang Gyeongryong was powerful. Starting with various broadcasts and reporters, he could make it appear as favorable as possible! He didn’t like this type of work so he didn’t do it often, but this case was different.

“Ah. President Nguyen also asked to see you.”


“You seem to have made something great. Did you use your constellation powers?”

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says it was made with its power!]


[Frozen Blue Short Sword], the?artificial artifact Choi Yeonseung had created under the cat constellation’s guidance. The moment its measurement results came out, five researchers submitted their resignations.


Choi Yeonseung was very sorry.

He had interfered with a seamlessly running company. Considering its researchers had to have mastered various fields and took great pride in their skills, they probably felt bad when Choi Yeonseung used a different way to create an artificial artifact.

"I'm sorry."

-Cat constellation, I’m blaming you for this.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ finds that accusation unfair.]

“Huh? No, it isn’t like that. I rejected their resignations.”

The researchers didn’t submit their resignation because Choi Yeonseung offended them.

-I am ashamed of myself for not being able to create anything that meets this standard. Please fire me!

-I just don’t seem to have any talent for this.

The results destroyed their confidence.

“... No...”

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is angry!]

-This is also your fault, though.

-That’s right. A constellation’s power has always been capable of instilling despair into humans if shown incorrectly.

The constellations had immense power and lived for an incomparably longer time than mortals, which was why they naturally had an advantage when it came to skills. Choi Yeonseung was close to a beginner who knew nothing, but the cat constellation carefully taught him step by step. Hence, it was only natural for him to create a masterpiece.

“The artifact you made is allegedly several times more durable and more powerful than traditional artifacts made of blue?iron stone. I called a hunter to examine it, and he determined that the skills imbued into it are much more powerful than usual.”

Nguyen felt genuine admiration. Hunters were good at sensing magic power and had various skills, but they weren’t good at crafting. Item production required a lot of experience and complex theories. Nevertheless, even though this was Choi Yeonseung’s first time making one, the results seemed to say otherwise. He had pure, natural talent.

-Chairman. I think Hunter Choi Yeonseung is a good fit for production!

-I got it already, so calm down.

-Aren’t you the one who told me that one brilliant researcher is worth more than a B-grade hunter?! Hunter Choi Yeonseung proves that!


Hwang Gyeongryong was bewildered. He would’ve seriously taken this into consideration if Choi Yeonseung was just a regular hunter. A B-grade hunter was great and all, but the president of an artifact development company could have a better way to use his talent.

However, Choi Yeonseung was a constellation.

‘Did that bastard use some type of constellation power?’

He was thinking of entrusting Choi Yeonseung with the company’s work little by little, but wasn’t this too much? Nguyen was so excited that he wanted to meet Choi Yeonseung as soon as he could. He was like a stubborn bull that refused to back down even when Hwang Gyeongryong said, ‘I’ll try to persuade him myself!’

“How did you do it?”

“... The constellation I believe in taught me,” Choi Yeonseung admitted. It would become complicated if he needlessly twisted the story.

Nguyen nodded, seemingly convinced.

“I see! Considering what you’ve made despite this being your first time producing an artifact, that is certainly possible. Aren’t you greatly favored?”

Nguyen had a lot of experience in the raid industry. He wasn’t a hunter, but he knew more about constellations than most hunters. The constellations were generally more indifferent to their household members than children raising ants. The fact that a constellation taught him meant he was really favored.

Getting someone’s favor was also a type of ability!

Nguyen had no complaints.

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung.”

“...... ”

He took Choi Yeonseung’s hand and looked at him seriously.

“The path meant for you, Hunter Choi Yeonseung... it might just be the artificial artifact industry.”


Choi Yeonseung was as taken aback as Hwang Gyeongryong. He was a constellation...!

Nguyen talked nonstop, seemingly expecting that Choi Yeonseung wouldn’t be easily convinced.

“Look at the roads and the city outside that window.”


“Two-thirds of the city’s power probably comes from monster cores. See those electric cars passing by? Where do you think they get their energy? That’s right—monster cores. Being a hunter is a great profession that protects our civilization and our people. It is a rewarding and proud career. However, it is technicians like us who keep that civilization running!”


[The ’Cat of Lava and Magma’ is so moved that it is shedding tears.]

Nguyen’s words of pride as a technician moved the cat constellation. This was the true essence of technical skills!

“I’ve been interested in processing cores and creating artifacts since I was young. I’ll put my whole life on the line to tell you this. Hunter Choi Yeonseung! You must keep producing artifacts. This is for the sake of humanity!”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t intend to quit being a hunter.”

Despite how desperate Nguyen was, it didn’t affect Choi Yeonseung in the slightest. If he was the type to fall for tears, he would’ve fallen behind in the Abyss. Nguyen’s shoulders slumped. He became sullen.

“I see... I already thought convincing you otherwise is impossible. The chairman told me as much. After all, Hunter Choi Yeonseung has spent more time working as a hunter than I have in my entire professional career.”

“Are you saying I’m old?”

“N-No. That’s not what I meant... Anyway, if that’s your decision, then it can’t be helped.”

“I’ll help you whenever I can, at least.”

“Huh? Really?!”

“Yes. It isn’t that difficult.”

The clothes that Choi Yeonseung was wearing, the weights he lifted, and the chicken breasts he ate whenever he was bored were all bought with Hwang Gyeongryong’s money. What was so difficult about taking care of his household member’s business?

Nguyen looked thrilled.

“Thank you! I didn’t expect you to help me. The chairman is very mischievous.”


“The chairman wanted to handle this in a completely different manner. As it turns out, being sincere worked was all I had to.”

Hwang Gyeongryong planned to appeal to Choi Yeonseung’s emotions by preparing and funding a bunch of new projects revolving around Choi Yeonseung’s ability and then say, ‘Oh, Choi Yeonseung refused. This will result in the company’s sales plummeting.’

“... What nonsense is that?”

Choi Yeonseung found it absurd. No wonder Hwang Gyeongryong smiled insidiously whenever he was bored. Was this what he meant?

“Right? I also thought I should just be sincere about it.”

“That isn’t really the answer either.”

“Are you going to refuse?!”

“No. I already accepted.”

Nguyen sighed with relief. In all honesty, Hwang Gyeongryong was right. The old Choi Yeonseung wouldn’t have done such a thing. However, he had since changed, and his view had broadened.

‘There is a limit to killing monsters.’

Hwang Gyeongryong’s strength was his power as an S-grade hunter, but beyond that, it was the vast group he had. One would require more than just brute force to fight the President of the United States.

‘One would need the power of capital.’

There used to be a joke along the lines of, ‘Hunters have the talent, but the companies are the ones who earn.’

Hunters did make a lot of money, but the real winners were corporations. They generated astronomical profits by processing cores and by-products from monsters the hunters killed, thereby creating new businesses. Fortunately, even hunters could wield the power of having a company freely! Putting in extra effort would allow him to use that power.

“Now. Please accept this.”

“What is this?”

“It’s a business card. Please use this whenever you go anywhere! I prepared it in advance!”


Choi Yeonseung suddenly remembered Hwang Gyeongryong’s words.

-Nguyen looks like a nice, polite guy, but when he wants something, he will do whatever it takes to achieve it. He pulled in all the researchers down there.

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