'Oh great, FaMo! You are here. I will introduce you to our visitor, Tristan's best friend, Hannah.' Zhen-Zhen communicated with FaMo through a mind link.

'Okay, Zhen-Zhen.' FaMo said nonchalantly.

He didn't mind it, after all, it was Zhen-Zhen who would do the talking. He was not allowed to talk with other humans, or else, they would be frightened to the bone if ever they saw a speaking cat like FaMo.

However, FaMo and Zhen-Zhen were both oblivious of the fact that Hannah was allergic to furry animals like cats.

Zhen-Zhen scooped FaMo in her arms as she turned to face Hannah whose focus was fixed on the movie. She heard Zhen-Zhen speak beside her.

"Hannah, I want you to meet my friend, FaMo."

Hannah averted her gaze to Zhen-Zhen upon hearing that. But to her surprise, Zhen-Zhen was holding a black furry cat in her hands. Hannah froze in her spot upon seeing the creature in front of her. She turned pale immediately. She couldn't speak due to intense fear.

Hannah was traumatized when she was still young. She almost died because of the allergic reaction when she got in contact with furry animals.

Clueless of what was happening, Zhen-Zhen made the situation worse when she extended her arms bringing FaMo closer to Hannah. She wanted Hannah to touch and feel FaMo's soft furs. She thought Hannah would also like it.

That was the scene Tristan had witnessed upon coming out of his room.

"Nooo!" It was Tristan who screamed to stop Zhen-Zhen since Hannah already froze in her spot. Her mind was clouded by fear and panic that she couldn't move nor utter some words.

It was too late. Zhen-Zhen already placed FaMo on Hannah's lap, thus getting FaMo in contact with Hannah.

Horror filled Tristan's eyes when he saw Hannah started to have difficulty in breathing. Her mind already went blank. She was hardly catching her breathe as she felt like she was being suffocated.

Tristan dashed towards Hannah's direction. Zhen-Zhen watched him in confusion. Meanwhile, FaMo had sensed that something was wrong so he immediately jumped away from Hannah.

Before Hannah collapsed on the floor, Tristan was able to catch her. He steadied her on the sofa.

"Hannah, look at me. Breathe… slowly breathe." Tristan softly mumbled to her, trying to calm himself down even though he was already worried sick about Hannah.

Tristan was holding her right hand while rubbing her back. Zhen-Zhen was put in a daze after seeing Hannah's situation.

"T-Tristan, what's wrong with her?" Zhen-Zhen asked him, looking worriedly at both Hannah and Tristan.

Tristan's mind was occupied by Hannah's panicked attack so he didn't hear Zhen-Zhen. He could see that her skins started to redden and skin rashes emerged from the different parts of her body.

Tristan stood up and ran towards the room to pick up his phone. He dialed the number of the hotel front desk.

"Hello! This is an emergency. Please prepare your private ambulance. I have a patient here having severe allergic reactions. We need to bring her to the hospital as soon as possible!" Tristan explained to the hotel staff at the front desk the current emergency situation.

After hanging up the phone, Tristan went back to Hannah, carrying her into his arms. Because of urgency, he didn't waste any more time.

He didn't wait for the hotel medical team to arrive. He carried her out of their hotel room in a rush, leaving Zhen-Zhen and FaMo inside. The private ambulance would be waiting for them outside the building.

At that moment, Tristan had forgotten about Zhen-Zhen's presence. All he could think of was how to relieve Hannah. He needed to do something or else Hannah's life would be put in jeopardy.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen was just standing outside their hotel room watching Tristan who was running towards the elevator while carrying Hannah in his arms.

She wanted to follow them but she couldn't move her feet. Though she had no idea what happened to Hannah, Zhen-Zhen knew that she had something to do with it.

FaMo was also beside her, watching Tristan's figure as he vanished from their sights.

"FaMo...w-what I have done? I think it's my fault that's why Hannah became sick." Zhen-Zhen was blaming herself.

"Zhen-Zhen, don't think like that. It's not your fault, no one's fault. You have no intention to harm her. Come, let's go inside. Let's just wait for Tristan to come back." FaMo said, trying to console her.

But Zhen-Zhen stayed rooted in her spot, still staring at the direction where Tristan and Hannah's figure disappeared in her view. She was having mixed emotions right now.

She didn't know why but she could feel a pang of pain deep down her heart. She was restless and very anxious just thinking about Tristan's reaction just a while ago.

"Will Tristan hate me? Will he get mad at me?" Zhen-Zhen mumbled, there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

FaMo sighed helplessly. Even he didn't know the answer to that. Tristan didn't even take one glance at Zhen-Zhen. He didn't answer her question, completely ignoring her.

After a few seconds, FaMo noticed drops of liquid falling down the floor. FaMo gazed up only to see Zhen-Zhen silently shedding tears. But what caught FaMo's attention most was Zhen-Zhen's blue eyes that changed into red.

"Zhen-Zhen! Your eyes… your blue eyes turned to red once again!" FaMo exclaimed.

FaMo was aware that Zhen-Zhen's eye would change color whenever she felt intense emotions such as sadness and anger. He knew that she was not angry right now. It only meant Zhen-Zhen was very sad.

"Hey, Zhen-Zhen, why are you sad?" FaMo asked her worriedly.

"I am afraid that Tristan will hate me after this." She answered him truthfully.

Aside from that, she was sad but she couldn't explain why. Was that because Tristan just left without even talking to her? Or because she saw how Tristan cared so much about Hannah that he even forgot her presence a while ago?

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