"Young Master Tristan didn't go alone. He booked two first-class tickets. It seemed like he went to Oceaniz City together with a girl!" Assistant Twig reported to Grandpa Lu.



Grandpa Lu stood up quickly while slamming the newspaper he was holding on the top of his office table. Even the cup of coffee that was placed on the table slightly bounced because of the impact.

"What?!! He brought a woman with him??!" Grandpa Lu exclaimed in disbelief with his contorted angry face.

"That brat! He is really trying to test my patience! What is he thinking? This business trip is not a vacation for him to enjoy together with his fling. Is he not taking this work seriously?!" Grandpa Lu ranted spontaneously, feeling enraged because of Tristan's behavior.

"Call him right now! I want to talk to that brat!!!" Grandpa Lu's face reddened due to his sudden rage.

"Chairman, please calm down first. Let me finish." Mr. Twig approached Grandpa Lu worriedly, afraid that his blood pressure would rise up because of his anger.

"Don't you dare defend that naughty brat, Nelson!" Grandpa Lu called his first name, indicating that he was d@mn serious as of this moment.

"Book me a ticket! I will drag him back here, myself. I need to discipline that child or else he will always do everything that he wants. He is not even listening to me anymore neither as his grandpa nor the Chairman of this company!"

Assistant Twig took a deep sigh as he watched the furious Chairman helplessly.

"Young Master Andrew also brought Miss Hannah with him." He promptly informed him, hoping that Grandpa Lu would not do anything hastily that would result in another fight between Tristan and him.

Getting into a fight with Tristan would just push the grandfather and grandson duo farther apart. Mr. Twig was aware that Tristan had distanced himself from his family for the past few years. And he was still doing it now.

Tristan was still in his rebellious state. And Grandpa Lu and Assistant Twig somehow knew the reason why he was doing that.

Fortunately, after Grandpa Lu heard those words, he calmed down a little bit. His anger was replaced by his concern for Tristan.

"What do you mean Hannah and Andrew are together?" Grandpa Lu asked his assistant to confirm what he had just heard a while ago. His brows knitted in a deep frown.

"I guess Young Master Andrew forgot to inform you. Since this business trip would last for a week, Lady Hannah requested him to bring her with him. Young Master Andrew doted on his fiancee too much and he didn't have the heart to refuse her. So in the last minute, he agreed."

Grandpa Lu sat back on his chair weakly. He felt like his energy was suddenly drained. He didn't know if he did the wrong thing for giving this task to his two grandsons.

Tristan didn't move on yet and he would surely be hurt once he saw Andrew and Hannah together at Oceaniz City. That's what Grandpa Lu was worrying about.

"Chairman, can I speak my thoughts?" Assistant Twig asked his permission.

Grandpa Lu just nodded absentmindedly. His mind was still occupied by Tristan.

"I think you should not get mad at Young Master Tristan for bringing a girl with him on this trip. The girl with him might help him divert his attention away from Hannah and Andrew. Besides, if you will ask him to go back now and forget about this work then it will surely affect his image as the CEO of this company."

"Do you really want to remove him as the CEO of this company? Because I think his position is one of the reasons why he still keeps on attending family gatherings. Once you take that from him then we never know what he might do. What if this will force him to sever his ties with the Davis Family." Mr. Twig shared his opinions with Grandpa Lu.

p The crease on Grandpa Lu's forehead deepened after hearing that. His eyes darkened as complicated emotions flashed in his face.

"You said he still cares about us, then why would he think of severing his ties with our family?!" Grandpa Lu raised his voice. Mr. Twig unintentionally touched his weak spot.

Grandpa Lu loved his grandson very much even though they often got into a fight. Secretly, he truly cared about Tristan since his late wife also doted and spoiled him very much.

So the thoughts of Tristan severing his ties with the family bothered Grandpa Lu a lot.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman. Forgive this subordinate of yours for thinking negatively like that. I meant no harm. I just want you to reconsider your decision and calm down first. You can't make the right decision if you are angry." Mr. Twig apologized to him immediately.

Grandpa Lu slammed his eyes shut and massaged his throbbing temples. After a while, a long deep sigh escaped his mouth.

"Alright. I will let this slide for now. I just hope Tristan will still be able to concentrate on his work and do his job accordingly. And as for Andrew, I understand his decision for bringing Hannah. He had the right to do that since Hannah is his fiancee. I am not against that idea as long as her presence will not hinder him from performing his duty."

Mr. Twig heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that. Finally, the Chairman had calmed down.

"But I am still worried about what will be the reaction of Tristan once he sees Andrew and Hannah together. Do you think the girl with him can really help him?" The worries and concerns were painted on Grandpa Lu's face.

"Honestly, I am not sure. Since we all know that Miss Hannah is the only woman in his heart. He is not serious nor interested in other women. He is just playing with them." Mr. Twig told him truthfully.

"Okay… just send someone at Oceaniz City. Ask him to monitor and watch Tristan and Andrew secretly and report to me directly." Chairman Lu gave his order.

"Noted, Mr. Chairman!"

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