Zhen-Zhen's voice gave them a chill. She sounded mad.

Tristan felt alarmed when he noticed that her blue eyes already turned red. He was the only person who saw the changes in Zhen-Zhen's eyes.

The gang leader and his underlings had no idea that they angered the demoness.

After seeing the bloody appearance of Tristan, Zhen-Zhen had finally lost it. She was freaking mad right now.

The members of the Bermuda Gang were still clueless about the impending danger that was about to come for them.

'No, wifey! Not here! Not now. You have to get a grip of yourself!' Tristan was silently praying.

Tristan closed his eyes. He felt helpless. He didn't want Zhen-Zhen to do something that might reveal her identity and her supernatural ability.

He didn't know what these people might do to her. And the scariest thing Tristan was afraid of was Zhen-Zhen going berserk again, just like what she did in Mt. Calypso.

'Father-in-law?!!! Where are you? Can you hear us? Can you see us? Zhen-Zhen is in danger. Please come and show yourself to us!' Tristan started calling FaMo in his mind.

He hoped FaMo, whom he thought was his father-in-law, would come and save them.

'Father-in-law?! Don't let your daughter fight these scumbags!'

Meanwhile, the gang leader was still bothered by Sophia's and Zhen-Zhen's presence. He wondered whether they escaped or his two men just let them go.

"Don't tell me those as*holes were deceived by these two beauties?! Heh! I knew it. Beauties… that's their weakness!" The gang leader said angrily.

He had the urge to beat those two men whom he thought were bribed by Sophia and Zhen-Zhen, that's why they were able to leave the van without his order.

Little did he know, Zhen-Zhen was able to knock those men easily. After she was done calming herself while suppressing her inner demon, Zhen-Zhen decided to check what was happening inside the warehouse.

She unsealed her power and she heard everything. Tristan and Matthew were being forced to beg. Then she heard them as they hit Matthew and Tristan using the baseball bats.

Zhen-Zhen could no longer sit still. She untied the rope that was restraining her hands. Then using her five percent strength, she punched the two men who were watching over them.

Sophia was still blindfolded at that time so she didn't see how Zhen-Zhen knocked those men but she could feel and hear the movements inside the van.

It did not take long when Zhen-Zhen helped her remove the rope that was binding her hands, including her blindfolds. Sophia was surprised that the two men were already unconscious.

Sophia had no time to mind those men. She was concerned about Matthew and Tristan. They didn't waste more time as they stepped out of the van and ran towards the warehouse where Matthew and Tristan were being beaten up by the gang.

"Men!!! Capture those two women! Now! We can use them so that these two stubborn men here will finally beg for their life!" The gang leader commanded his underlings.

"Nooooo! Don't touch them!" Matthew screamed at them. He was worried for Sophia and Zhen-Zhen.

Tristan, on the other hand, was worried about something else. He was still staring at Zhen-Zhen who was now emanating a chilly and dangerous aura around her.

Matthew's eyes widened when two men dashed in Zhen-Zhen's and Sophia's direction.

"Sophia! Lillie! Run! Leave now!!!" Matthew yelled at them.

But Sophia couldn't move. She was frozen in her spot, utterly shocked by what she was witnessing right now. Matthew and Tristan were both badly hurt and injured.

Instead of running away, Zhen-Zhen stepped forward, meeting the men who were coming in their direction.

"Lillie!" Matthew screamed in horror. Then he turned to Tristan who was still lost in his own thoughts.

"Tristan! Tell your wife to go and leave! It's dangerous for her and your baby."

Matthew's voice snapped Tristan back to reality. That's the time Tristan found his voice to warn Zhen-Zhen. He hoped she would still listen to her. He was already feeling uneasy, seeing her red eyes.

"Wifey! Please... go and leave! Bring Sophia with you!"

The gang leader just laughed at Matthew and Tristan.

"Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Davis, why don't you start begging now so that your women would be safe?"

"You are a liar! You said you would let them go but you still brought them here!" Matthew was boiling with rage now.

The gang leader was about to respond to Matthew when suddenly they heard a loud sound inside the warehouse followed by the whimpers and screams of the two men wincing in pain.





Everyone averted their gaze at the source of that sound. They were utterly astounded seeing a fragile-looking girl twisting the hand of a bulky man.

The other man was already lying on the ground, pressing his abdomen while grunting in pain. Zhen-Zhen pushed him and he was thrown away, his back hitting the wall.

The other men who witnessed what happened to the other guy were rendered speechless in their spot. They were looking at Zhen-Zhen with utter disbelief, their eyes wide open and mouth gape.

"Did… d-did you see that?" one man mumbled to his fellow gang members.

"Who the hell is she?"

"What kind of strength is that? Did she really push him that hard to be thrown away like that?"

"AAaaargh! My hand! L-Let me go! It hurts." the man whose hand was being twisted by Zhen-Zhen, continued to scream in pain.

The gang leader couldn't believe what he was seeing right now, including Sophia, Matthew, and others. Only Tristan was not as surprised as the others.

He was reminded of Zhen-Zhen's strength. He could imagine the feeling of being thrown away by just one push from her.

"Tristan, what is this? Did you see that? Is that person really Lillie? How can she do that?" Matthew asked Tristan in disbelief.

"My wife… we are dead! She is freaking mad now! She is not listening to me…" Tristan watched Zhen-Zhen nervously. He just hoped Zhen-Zhen would not use her power like fire.

"Why are you just standing there? Go and capture the girls. Now!" the gang leader ordered his underlings once more.

Three men ran in Sophia's direction while the other three went towards Zhen-Zhen.

Meanwhile, the two men who were holding the camera were now focusing the lens in Zhen-Zhen's spot. They were now recording her action.

The three men who went to catch Sophia couldn't move further. They bumped into something hard and now they were sitting on the ground as they fell backward.

"What the hell is that?" one man complained as he massaged his nose.

"Argh! What is happening here?" They asked each other in confusion.

Zhen-Zhen built an invisible barrier that would stop them from getting closer to Sophia.

Meanwhile, the three men who were about to capture Zhen-Zhen were blocked by a newcomer.

Sophia: "Mr. Zu!"

Matthew: "Zu Wan!"

Tristan: "Father-in-law!"

FaMo had finally appeared. He sensed Zhen-Zhen's anger as well as her power. At that certain moment, FaMo already knew that she broke her seal and unleashed her power.

Aside from that, FaMo surprisingly heard Tristan's voice in his subconscious. He heard him calling his name as he asked for help. With that, FaMo learned that Zhen-Zhen and Tristan were in trouble.

"Who is that guy? Where did he come from? How come we didn't see him walking in the entrance? Why did he suddenly appear? He was not there moments ago? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" the gang leader mumbled, trying to figure what was happening right now.

"I'm sorry, I'm late," FaMo said as he glanced at Tristan.

A cold glint flashed through his eyes the moment he saw Tristan's bloody appearance.

"How dare you hurt my son-in-law?!!" FaMo said to them before attacking them one after another.

"Shit! Attack him! Now… all of you! Forget the girls. Beat that guy first!" the gang leader commanded.

Now, the fight has started again. One vs Fourteen. The two men who were holding the cameras a while ago also joined the fight.

They started attacking FaMo in different directions. Some were swinging the bats but FaMo easily dodged them.

They threw several punches and kicks, aiming at FaMo's face and abdomen. But to their disappointments, they couldn't land a hit on him.

Seeing FaMo fighting the men, Zhen-Zhen had calmed down a little bit. After a few minutes, all members of the Bermuda Gang were lying on the ground, beaten into a pulp.

"Hmm, weaklings! Now, let me face the leader!" FaMo said with a sinister smile on his face.

The gang leader was the only one left standing. This was the first time he saw someone fight like that. FaMo easily defeated his members. He started to be scared of FaMo.

Afraid of being beaten up by FaMo, the gang leader picked up his knife and caught Tristan as his hostage.

"Don't move! Don't come near me, or else, I will kill Tristan Davis!"

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