The fireworks display had started. Andrew and Alveena found a place that was far away from the crowd but still, they could watch and enjoy the magnificent view of fireworks coloring the night sky.

They were standing side by side, looking up. Andrew was still holding Alveena's hand. Andrew turned to his side, only to see Alveena's charming smile. Her face glowing with happiness as she admired the beautiful fireworks display.

"Are you happy now?" Andrew asked her softly, his eyes still fixed on her lovely face.

Alveena nodded her head, squeezing Andrew's hand. Andrew let go of her hand for a moment to remove his suit. Afterward, he wrapped her suit in Alveena's back.

They were outside and it was cold there. Alveena was wearing a sleeveless gown so she might feel cold. With that thought in mind, Andrew gave his suit jacket to Alveena.

Alveena felt touched when Andrew did that. He might be grumpy sometimes but he was a true gentleman. He always took care of her even though she annoyed him so much.

'Damn! This is one of the reasons why I easily fall for him,' Alveena thought to herself while biting her lower lip.

Alveena leaned on Andrew's shoulder as they continued watching the fireworks. When Alveena moved closer to Andrew, he hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

The two of them felt like they were lost in their own world. They couldn't explain but they felt happy and content with each other's presence.

"Andrew…" she called him out softly, gazing up to see his face.

Andrew just answered her with a simple "Hmm?" before looking down to gaze at her.

When their eyes met, it felt like there was a magnet pulling them to each other. Andrew lowered his head as he brought his face closer to hers. Seconds later, they just found themselves kissing each other again.

Their attention was not on the fireworks anymore but on their lips. For several minutes they held onto each other, just kissing passionately.

As time went by, Andrew deepened the kiss, kissing her hungrily and ardently in a way that made her legs weak. Alveena had to anchor her arms around his neck for support. Fortunately, Andrew captured her waist with both hands.

When they broke apart, they were both catching their breath. Andrew rested his forehead on hers with his eyes closed. He was gently stroking her cheeks.

'What the hell am I doing? I'd kissed her again… I was not supposed to do this! I'm still a committed person. But why? Why can't I resist the urge to kiss her?'

Andrew was having an internal battle with himself again. As much as he wanted to control himself, he couldn't help it. He ended up losing his self-control when it came to Alveena.

He knew he was attracted to her but he was not sure if this could be considered love. She was a charming lady. Her personality was unique. Her presence made his quiet world loud and lively. He didn't hate it but in fact, he liked it.

Alveena could always make him do something he was not doing before. He couldn't say no to her whenever she would make a request. He was giving in to her as always. That's Alveena's influence on him.

Every passing day, he was becoming more attached and attracted to her. Andrew didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't want to hurt Alveena and at the same time, he couldn't let go of Hannah.

He hated himself because he was thinking that he was becoming unfair to both women.

'What should I do? I can't understand myself anymore. I don't know what I want. Why am I acting like this? Is it because Hannah is not by my side right now that's why I have become attached to Alveena since she is the one on my side right now?'

Andrew was still lost in his thoughts when suddenly he heard Alveena's voice.

"Andrew…" her voice was soft. It was like a piece of music in Andrew's ear.

Andrew snapped out of his train of thoughts and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Andrew... I like you," Alveena mumbled, looking straight into his eyes.

Andrew was dumbfounded after hearing that. He couldn't utter a word. He was trying to absorb her last words. He didn't know if he heard it right or he was just hearing things.

After a few seconds of not getting any response from Andrew, Alveena had spoken again.

"I think… I already love you… Andrew."

Andrew: "..."

Alveena mustered up all her courage to confess her feelings for him. She wanted to tell him everything now before she changed her mind because of embarrassment.

She was not sure about Andrew's feelings for her. But at least, telling him what she truly felt would help her ease the burden in her heart.

Every day, she felt like her heart was going to burst without telling Andrew that she already liked him. She needed to let it all out now.

She was not expecting an immediate answer from Andrew. She just wanted to let him know that she loved him and he was a very special person to her.

"Andrew… I know this might be a great shock to you. It's so embarrassing for me since I am a woman but I am the one confessing now in front of you. The guy should be the one doing this, right?"

Alveena giggled trying to calm herself and erase the tension she was feeling. She was really nervous since she couldn't figure out what Andrew was thinking right now.

"But you already know… I am not a typical woman. If I want something I will do my best to get it. Now, it is you that I want… so I am here, killing my pride and confessing to you."

"Don't worry, I am not pressuring you to give me an answer now. I just want to let you know that I like you… I really really like you that I can even say to you right now that I love you."

Andrew: "..."

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