Zhen-Zhen had no idea that her picture together with Clifford was published in the blind item article of entertainment news. Tristan didn't mention anything to her since he didn't want his wife to be stressed or bothered by this.

She didn't attend class today because of her check-up with the Davis Family Doctor. After that, she bonded with her foster mother, Alice, and mother-in-law, Isabelle.

The two of them started to ask Zhen-Zhen about the name of her baby.

"Lillie, Have you and Tristan decided already about the name of your baby?" Isabelle asked Zhen-Zhen.

She immediately shook her head. The two of them didn't discuss their baby's name yet.

"I suggest you start listing the names that you want and discuss it with your husband. Since we are not yet sure about the gender of your baby, you can think of names for both gender… names for a boy and a girl," Alice shared her suggestion with Zhen-Zhen.

"Make it more meaningful to both of you. Lucas and I also had a hard time deciding Tristan's name before," Isabelle smiled as she reminisced her past experience.

"Me too, I already told you the meaning of your name right? Thomas and I envisioned our daughter to be beautiful, pure, and innocent, that's why we gave our daughter the name Lillie which symbolizes purity and beauty," Alice also shared her experience with them.

"Yes, see… your daughter Lillie grew as a fine lady, beautiful and innocent with a pure heart," Isabelle said, caressing Zhen-Zhen's face.

A gleam of sadness flashed through Alice's eyes. Her real daughter already passed away at her young age. They didn't see her grow like a fine lady that Isabelle had mentioned. Zhen-Zhen just took her daughter's identity.

Alice was sad but she's fine with it. At least, she had another chance to become a good mother for Zhen-Zhen. She loved her as her own daughter.

Honestly, Thomas and Alice were wondering why Tristan made that suggestion before. They knew that Tristan had a great reason why he needed to borrow their daughter's identity for Zhen-Zhen.

They believed that Zhen-Zhen had her own identity but Tristan chose to hide it for the reason they didn't know. Though they were puzzled about that, they didn't ask him further about his reason.

They just agreed since Tristan and Zhen-Zhen seemed to be good people for them so they decided to help them. They would just wait for the time Tristan and Zhen-Zhen would be ready to share her true identity with everyone, most especially with the Davis Family.

Alice and Thomas were respecting Tristan and Zhen-Zhen's decision so for now, they would keep the secret that Zhen-Zhen was not their real daughter and that their real daughter was already dead a long time ago.

The three women were still talking in the living room when Tristan suddenly arrived. They were surprised to see him. He was supposed to be working at their company right now. It was only 3:00 pm.

"Son, you're back. Why are you here? Are you done with your work?" Isabelle asked her son curiously.

Tristan just nodded at his mother and mumbled a simple "Yes, mother" before tracing his steps towards Zhen-Zhen. Upon reaching her spot, Tristan quickly engulfed her into a warm hug. Though she was puzzled by Tristan's action, Zhen-Zhen just hugged him back.

Seeing this scene, Alice and Isabelle already got the cue. The two mothers just exchanged meaningful glances before standing up, leaving the husband and wife in the living room. They wanted to give them some private time.

Tristan could no longer focus on his work so he asked permission from his grandpa to take the day off. After seeing the news article, Tristan had the urge to be with his wife right now. Grandpa Lu could understand him so he allowed Tristan to go home and see his wife.

"Tristan… is there something troubling you right now? You don't look well. Did something happen in the company?" Zhen-Zhen asked Tristan after they broke the hug.

She could sense that Tristan was bothered by something by just looking at his troubled expression.

Instead of answering her, Tristan cupped her face and sealed her lips with a hungry kiss. He kissed her passionately as if there was no tomorrow.

Zhen-Zhen was caught off guard at first but later on, she started responding to him, matching the intensity of his kiss. They continued kissing each other for several minutes until Tristan got satisfied. Both of them were already catching their breath the moment they broke apart.

Unknown to Zhen-Zhen, Tristan felt insecure about himself right now. He didn't want to admit but Clifford's words affected him so much. He was afraid that Zhen-Zhen would stop loving him and chose a guy who was better than him… a man like Clifford.

"Tristan, tell me the truth. What's wrong? Why are you feeling down today?" Zhen-Zhen asked him worriedly.

Tristan paused for a moment, just staring at her. Soon, he held Zhen-Zhen's hands and asked, "What do you think of Clifford?"

Zhen-Zhen blinked her eyes several times, trying to figure out why Tristan suddenly mentioned Clifford.

'Is he still jealous of him?' Zhen-Zhen asked herself.

"Hubby, what do you mean?"

Tristan heaved a deep sigh.

"I mean, is he a boyfriend or a husband material to you?"

Zhen-Zhen: "..."

'Yeah, Tristan is definitely jealous!' Zhen-Zhen confirmed it.

"Ahem, why are you asking me this, Tristan?"

Tristan put on a pitiful face and asked her again. "I wonder if you will like him if ever you will fall out of love with me. Will you?"

Zhen-Zhen didn't know whether to cry or laugh after hearing that.

"Tristan, First… Clifford is just my friend. Second… I will never fall out of love with you. I decided to stick with you like bubblegum and glue, did you forget about that? I will only love you in this lifetime." Zhen-Zhen tried her best to reassure him.

"Then wifey, is this too much if I will ask you to avoid your friend? Can you please stay away from Clifford? Maintain your distance from him, Zhen-Zhen. Can you do that for me?" Tristan requested her with his pleading voice.

She could see the helplessness and desperation in Tristan's eyes.

Of course, Zhen-Zhen was willing to do that for him. But she was wondering about Tristan's reason.

"Yes, I can avoid him but can you please tell me the reason why?"

Tristan didn't know how to explain this to her. He just didn't want to bring up that he was the reason why Clifford and his fiancee had to break off their engagement.

He would appear as a relationship-wrecker. He couldn't tell this yet to Zhen-Zhen because he was afraid that Zhen-Zhen would blame him.

Though he wanted to be honest with her, Tristan was just so scared right now that he couldn't tell her about the past.

"Because I'm jealous of him! Aside from that, he is my business competitor." That's the only alibi he could think of as of now.

"I feel threatened by him. He even brought you to the restaurant I was planning to bring you." Tristan lamented to her.

"Alright! Don't feel sad anymore. I will try to avoid him, okay?"

Tristan just bobbed his head before pulling her against his body. Tristan just hugged her, finally at ease with her presence.

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