The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 434 She Probably Bewitched Him!

The next morning, Hannah woke up in her ward alone. Her colleague just went out to buy breakfast.

Unlike yesterday, Hannah was very calm now. She had time to absorb everything that transpired last night in the restaurant.

She recalled in her memory the scene she had witnessed.

"I am certain… I saw her with my own eyes when she stopped the fire," Hannah mumbled to herself.

Before she lost consciousness, Hannah had witnessed Zhen-Zhen controlling the fire when she tried to save her.

If it's not for Zhen-Zhen's interference then Hannah would have suffered greatly. She would certainly be burned alive there because of the fire.

However, the fact that Zhen-Zhen saved her life didn't cross her mind. All she was thinking now was that Zhen-Zhen was not an ordinary human.

An ordinary human couldn't control fire!

"Oh my gosh, who is she? What is she? She and her parents came from a mountain. They lived in the mountains for several years. Are they a family of a witch? They know witchcraft?" Hannah was wondering about Zhen-Zhen's origin.

Hannah gasped in realization. "Don't tell me she bewitched Tristan that's why he fell for her? Yes, that's right. It's possible. I think she did something to Tristan. There's no way Tristan would love someone like her in just a short period of time." Hannah started to speculate.

Hannah immediately stood up, removing the IV Drip that was inserted in her arm. She wanted to see Tristan and informed him about the things she saw.

"I must warn Tristan. Lillie is a witch! He should know the real color of Lillie. She's not an ordinary human!" Hannah had made up her mind. She would inform Tristan hoping that he would listen to her.

"I should help Tristan. He is in danger. That Witch might be poisoning his mind. I must do something before it's too late."

Hannah was about to leave her ward when her colleague arrived.

"Oh Hannah, you are awake. Great timing, I just bought some food for breakfast. Come, let's eat. After that, I can process your paper and the hospital bills for you to be discharged today." Hannah's colleague pulled her to the small table inside her room.

Hannah just sighed deeply before following her obediently. Yesterday, Hannah learned her lesson. She knew her colleague did not believe her. She should not have acted like that last night.

But they couldn't blame her. She was shocked and frightened after witnessing some kind of supernatural thing. She had never imagined in her entire life that she would encounter something like that.

The two women sat down, facing each other as they started to eat their breakfast. Hannah's colleague didn't mention anything about last night. She was just observing Hannah's behavior right now.

She felt relieved that Hannah was back to her usual self now. She was frightened by Hannah's action when she woke up. She thought Hannah was traumatized after being trapped in the fire. As a result, Hannah was imagining things.

It was Hannah who opened up the topic about the fire.

"Gisel, how did I get out from the burning restaurant?" Hannah asked her quizically.

"The rescuers, they were the ones who saved you. They saw you unconscious and they carried you out of the restaurant right away before the big blast happened."

Hannah frowned after hearing that. 'So, Lillie was not the one who brought me out. Did she just leave me there while lying unconscious? Is she thinking of leaving me in that fire so that I would die?' Hannah pondered at that thought.

"Oh right! I just remembered. I also saw your friend, Tristan Davis. He said he was together with his wife and his wife was also trapped inside the burning restaurant last night. I didn't know that Tristan Davis was married already. I'm surprised when I heard that," Gisel informed Hannah.

Hannah became more curious about what happened to Zhen-Zhen aka Lillie.

"What happened to his wife?" Hannah threw her another question.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I heard she was also rescued but I didn't know the full details. We left the place as soon as you were rescued. We accompanied you here in the hospital."

"So do you mean… I was rescued first before her?" Hannah asked her in disbelief.

Gisel nodded her head as a confirmation of Hannah's query. "I also heard that his wife was also admitted here in the same hospital but she was discharged last night as well after making sure that she was just fine. Tristan and his wife went back to their hotel."

Hannah's frowned deepened after hearing that. She became more suspicious about Zhen-Zhen.

'Did she pretend to be weak so that Tristan would worry about her? Such a scheming woman. She is indeed a witch, deceiving everyone with her angelic face,' Hannah clenched her fists at that thought. She already lost her appetite.

She wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible so that she could meet Tristan now. She was dying to tell him the real identity of his wife. She was hoping that Tristan would listen to her.

"Gisel, I have to go now. I need to meet Tristan. Can you handle the things here? I'm asking you this favor please."

Gisel could only sigh in defeat. "Alright. You go ahead. I will settle everything in this hospital."

With that, Hannah left the hospital in a rush.


~ At the Hotel~

Tristan, Zhen-Zhen, and FaMo just finished their meal. They were now talking about their plan of going home today.

"Matthew didn't know that you are also here, Father-in-law. He had no idea as well regarding what happened last night. I dropped my phone and I was not able to retrieve it back." Tristan informed them.

"Are you both coming home with me?" Tristan added.

"Fa-Fa doesn't have a passport. He only brought mine after he teleported here," Zhen-Zhen informed Tristan.

"I can just teleport back to the City of Empire. Zhen-Zhen can go home with you so that others will not suspect anything  if they see you in the airport together."

Tristan and Zhen-Zhen agreed with FaMo's suggestion.

"Okay, father-in-law. I already booked a flight for me and Zhen-Zhen, including Matthew. It is scheduled tonight at 7:00 pm."

"I called Grandpa last night using Mr. Ford's phone. I already told him to organize a family dinner once we come back. Maybe he had informed Ma and Pa by now," Tristan said, referring to Zhen-Zhen's adoptive parents.

"I'm so excited to see them and tell them about our baby," Zhen-Zhen blurted out cheerfully, looking down and pressing her hand on her flat stomach.

Tristan leaned over, planting a kiss on Zhen-Zhen's forehead. He loved to see the glowing joy in her clear blue eyes. She was so happy.

"Oh, by the way, wifey, there's something I wanna ask you," Tristan said as he remembered something.

"Okay, what is it, Hubby?"

"I talked to Angel last night. She mentioned something to me. She said you and her were trapped in the comfort room because the door was locked outside. How is that possible?"

"What happened wifey?"

Zhen-Zhen fell silent after hearing that. Complicated emotions flashed in her eyes. She was conflicted about whether to tell Tristan her suspicion about Hannah or not.

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