Tristan woke up at the sound of the running water from the shower inside the bathroom adjacent to the room. His mind was still hazy and his head was throbbing.

He rubbed his temples, hoping that it could help him ease the headache he was experiencing as of this moment. He felt discomfort as if his body was running a fever.

He closed his eyes for a moment to reduce the dizziness. His brain was in shambles, trying to figure out what happened to him.

After a few seconds, the door of the bathroom opened and a fresh-from-shower feminine scent spread in the entire room.

Tristan turned in the direction of the bathroom only to see a feminine figure standing by the door, only wearing her white silk bathrobe. His vision was a little bit blurry so he couldn't recognize the woman's face yet.

He blinked his eyes several times to clear his vision. Then he heard the footsteps inching closer toward the bed. The woman started to approach him until she was closed enough for Tristan to have a clearer view of her face.

Tristan's eyes lit up and his lips curled up into a gentle smile the moment he recognized the girl. The longing and yearning flashed in his hazel eyes as he watched the woman in front of him.

The woman was smiling back at him. She was about to speak up when Tristan called her out first while extending his arms to her. "Wifey! You are here! You don't know how much I am missing you every passing day."

"Wifey…?" The woman murmured. The smile on her face suddenly dissipated into thin air the moment she heard that word.

'He can see me as his wife?' She thought to herself while clenching her fists.

The woman in a white silk bathrobe was none other than Hannah. But Tristan could see Zhen-Zhen's face right now as if Tristan was hallucinating.

Hannah couldn't accept the fact that Tristan could still see his wife. 'Does it only mean that the person who truly in his heart right now is Lillie?' Hannah asked herself while having conflicting thoughts.

She mixed a potion on Tristan's drink tonight. This potion was given by a friend whom she met before. According to her new friend, the potion she received from her was similar to the love potion but it has a different effect and function.

Once a person drank this potion, she would be able to know the true feelings of that person. She would know who the person he truly loved in his heart. Because no matter how hard he hid his feelings inside, this potion would allow someone to reveal his feelings.

At first, Hannah didn't believe it but she experienced it herself. So she decided to try it out and use the potion to test Tristan's feelings for her. She was hoping that Tristan still loved her.

She thought Tristan was just hiding his feelings for her because he didn't want to ruin her relationship with his brother, Andrew.

When Tristan smiled at her a while ago, looking at her with his eyes filled with love and yearning, she thought the potion finally worked and he was about to reveal his feelings for her. She was expecting to hear from Tristan that he still loved her.

But to her disappointment, he called her his wife. In his eyes, what he could see right now was Zhen-Zhen aka Lillie, not Hannah.

Hannah was still in denial. She couldn't accept the fact that she had been already replaced by someone in Tristan's heart.

'No, Maybe Mheera is just tricking me. This is not the real effect of the potion,' Hannah was still convincing herself that Tristan was not madly in love with Zhen-Zhen.

Then a series of flashbacks on how she met Mheera and the reason why she gave her that potion popped up in Hannah's mind.

Some time ago, during one of her out-of-town trips together with her friends, Hannah met a mysterious woman who saved her from falling off the cliff.

They tried mountain climbing and camping in a forest just to cheer up Hannah. However, she was feeling very emotional at that time. She got drunk, wanting to forget her heartbreak she got from Tristan.

Not in her right mind, Hannah wandered in the mountain while she's drunk. It was also raining at that time. She almost fell off the cliff fortunately a woman appeared just in time, holding her hand and pulling her up.

Her savior took care of her inside a cave until she sobered up. Her friends were worried sick about her, searching for her but they never found her.

When her drunkenness disappeared, Hannah's savior introduced herself to her as Mheera. She told her what happened to Hannah. Then she realized that she did something reckless, wandering in the mountain while she's drunk.

She thanked Mheera for saving her. While they were together inside that cave, waiting for the rain to stop, Hannah vented out her frustrations with Mheera. She shared everything with Mheera the reason why she went on that trip together with her friends.

She told her about her first love, about Tristan, and the conflict between the two brothers as well as her confused feelings towards the two brothers. She poured her heart out and Mheera just listened to her attentively.

After Hannah had done talking, Mheera told her about the potion. She gave it to her as a gift.

"You can use this potion to test the true feelings of someone. Then you will eventually know who's the one in his heart. You can also try and drink this then you will know who between them is the one you truly love," Mheera suggested to Hannah.

She was very serious when she told Hannah about the effect of that potion. Hannah tried it and Tristan was the one who popped up in her mind. In other words, she loved Tristan more than she loved Andrew.

Hannah also realized that after drinking the potion. So there's no way Mheera was tricking her. If the effect of the potion really worked on Tristan tonight then it had only proven that Tristan loved his wife genuinely. It's not fake. He had already forgotten about Hannah.

Hannah snapped back to reality when she felt Tristan's hand grabbing hers. He was still calling her 'Wifey'.

Hannah brought her attention back to Tristan who was still lying on her bed and grabbing her hand.

'I don't care anymore. Just tonight, I just want to be with him. I don't care if he loved someone else already. I am still his first love!' Hannah had made up her mind.

She won't let go of this golden opportunity. Now, she's no different from the other women who wanted to sleep with Tristan even though it would only happen once.

She understood their feelings about how they were desperately desiring him though they knew he would never love them back. They were okay spending one night with him just for the sake of pleasure and satisfying their carnal desires.

She was still dreaming of how amazing would it feel to be in Tristan's arms, her first love.

'Yes, just for tonight... Let me have him. I want Tristan for myself,' Hannah mumbled to herself.

Hannah slowly removed her white silk bathrobe while looking at Tristan with her eyes filled with burning desire.

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