Clifford didn't ask Zhen-Zhen further. With her answer moments ago he already knew that her feelings for Tristan were sincere. It's not easy to change her heart.

Wooing women was not his expertise, unlike Tristan who knew how to make women fall for him easily. That's what he did to Olive. He was able to seduce Olive easily though she and Clifford were in love with each other. That's what Clifford was thinking.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen just continued cooking pasta, oblivious of the scheme Clifford was plotting against her and Tristan. She was so kind and generous towards others that she even failed to notice the bad intentions people were trying to do against her.

She was sealed for one hundred years without experiencing the real world. Aside from guardian warriors who were trying to kill her, Zhen-Zhen had to learn that people in this other world were also dangerous.

In fact, they were more dangerous than the guardian warriors who were hiding their true colors and ill-motives, pretending to be kind and good in front of her. But the truth was… others just wanted to take advantage of her kindness and good nature.

People were just so pretentious sometimes. If you were not careful then you would just realize that you already become their victim. If there's good in this world then there's also evil.

Indeed, Zhen-Zhen still had so many things to learn in this world. The world she lived in was not always beautiful as she perceived it to be. Sometimes she needed to experience that the reality sometimes could hurt her. Life was tough as there was always an endless battle.

The people whom she trusts today could be the ones who would end up hurting her in the end. She should be more careful when to trust someone or not.

Zhen-Zhen just finished cooking. She prepared the food, bringing them to the table. Clifford wanted to help her but she didn't allow him to move. After all, he was an injured man right now. Clifford just prepared drinks for the two of them.

Soon, Zhen-Zhen and Clifford started eating together. They talked during their meals. This time Clifford avoided mentioning Tristan. He just asked her about the things she likes and about her student life.

They both had a good laugh during their conversations. Clifford felt very odd that even just talking with her was giving him a lighter feeling as if he had known her for too long.

Zhen-Zhen was trying to finish her food fast as she was thinking of coming home soon. Alice and Thomas were waiting for her. They were excited to bond with her tonight.

"Hey, careful. Eat slowly or you will choke on your food." Clifford said while chuckling. He noticed that Zhen-Zhen was eating faster than her usual eating habit.

Zhen-Zhen swallowed the food in her mouth first and sipped water on her glass before speaking to him.

She smiled sheepishly at him and said, "I'm sorry but I am in a hurry, my parents are waiting for me at home."

"Oh, I'm sorry for ruining your dinner plan with your parents tonight," Clifford apologized to Zhen-Zhen.

"It's alright. It's my fault that you were hurt. Don't feel sorry, I already inform them that I will be coming home a little bit late so that they will not need to wait for me before having their dinner."

"Alright, let's finish. I will call my assistant to give you a ride and drop you at your house after this," Clifford said while looking at Zhen-Zhen meaningfully.

After eating, Zhen-Zhen went to the comfort room. She suddenly felt lightheaded, her vision becoming blurry. She washed her face hoping that she would feel better.

'Is this because of the wine? There's no way that I am drunk right?… I think my alcohol tolerance is strong.' Zhen-Zhen thought to herself while watching her reflection in the mirror.

She was still inside the bathroom when she received a call from Tristan. She fished out her phone in her pocket and answered the call.

Tristan's whining voice was heard from the other line as soon as the call got connected.

"Wifey, I missed you sooooooooo much! Million times!" Tristan said, prolonging his words as he whined at her.

Zhen-Zhen couldn't help but giggle after hearing Tristan's voice. She could imagine him wearing a pitiful face right now while saying those words.

She found him cute and funny. Tristan would always pout and give her a puppy-eyed look whenever they would do skype call.

"Wifey, don't laugh at me. Here I am feeling so sad while you are laughing. Stop that. I am missing you more." Tristan complained to her.

"I'm laughing because I'm so happy to hear your voice. I missed you too, hubby. Come home soon," Zhen-Zhen responded to him gleefully.

"Yes, wifey. I will return home soon. Speaking of home, are you with Ma and Pa now?" Tristan asked her as he remembered that for tonight Zhen-Zhen would be sleeping at Meyer's house.

"Not yet hubby. I am currently at a friend's place but I am about to go home now," Zhen-Zhen promptly responded to Tristan.

"Oh, Is Sophia with you?" After asking Zhen-Zhen, Tristan turned to Matthew who was just sitting on the other side of the table. Then Zhen-Zhen heard Tristan talking to Matthew.

"Haha Matthew, do you have something to say to Sophia? Should I tell my wife to relay your message to Sophia?"

Zhen-Zhen smiled inwardly. She knew that Tristan was teasing Matthew once again. After a few seconds, Tristan spoke to Zhen-Zhen again.

"Wifey, tell Sophia that her boyfriend is missing her so much!"

"Hey, Tristan! I didn't say that! DO YOU WANT TO GET BEATEN TODAY?!!" Matthew's scream could be heard from the other line, followed by Tristan's peals of laughter.

,m "Hubby, I'm not with Sophia right now. But don't worry. Tell Matthew that I will relay his message tomorrow," Zhen-Zhen said, playing along with Tristan.

Tristan relayed her message to Matthew. It did not take long when Matthew's voice replaced Tristan's on the other lines. He snatched the phone from Tristan's hand.

"Lillie! Please… Don't listen to his nonsense. I can message Sophia myself! Besides, I have her phone number." Matthew said to Zhen-Zhen with his pleading voice.

Matthew sighed deeply. Zhen-Zhen's giggle bubbled up in the comfort room. She could imagine Matthew's dark expression right now while glaring at Tristan.

"Alright, Matthew. I will not tell her. Just don't beat Tristan."

"How dare you interrupt me while talking to my wife?! I should be the one beating you!" Tristan spat back at Matthew. He got the phone back from Matthew.

"It's your fault for telling some lies first!" Matthew scowled at him.

Zhen-Zhen could only shake her head while listening to the two best friends talking on the other line. After a while, Tristan's attention was back to her.

"By the way, Wifey, if you are not in Sophia's home then who's friend are you referring to a while ago?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced him yet to you. He is Clifford. I met him at the mall before and I accidentally ruined his suit before. Then today, he saved me from getting hit by a motorcycle."

There was a moment of silence when she said that. Zhen-Zhen frowned when Tristan suddenly became quiet. Did she say something wrong?

It did not take long when Tristan's exasperated voice echoed from the phone. "What? Clifford? A guy? Does it mean you are in a guy's place right now?!!"

"Uhmm, Y-Yes, hubby," Zhen-Zhen stammered a little when she noticed the upset tone of Tristan.

"Who's with you right now in that house?" Tristan asked again with his stern voice.

Zhen-Zhen felt like she did a great mistake this time by just listening to Tristan's voice. She underestimated Tristan's jealousy and possessiveness.

She bit her lower lip before answering him truthfully. "I-It's just me and him."

She heard a slamming sound. It seemed that Tristan slammed his table so hard using his fist.

"Zhen-Zhen, get out of that house right now! Leave that place and go home!" Tristan said with his commanding tone.

He was enraged right now knowing that Zhen-Zhen was together with an unknown guy he didn't know how much more if Tristan would learn that this guy was actually Clifford Sy, the CEO of the Sy Corp who held a grudge against him.

"Y-Yes, Hubby. Please don't get mad."

Zhen-Zhen immediately got out of the comfort room. She was rushing because she knew that Tristan was mad right now. She was still flustered by Tristan's reaction.

Clifford saw Zhen-Zhen dashing out of the comfort room so he went to approach her. Her face looked pale, feeling anxious and worried about something.

Zhen-Zhen was about to say goodbye to Clifford when suddenly her vision became blurry once again. She felt like the world was spinning in front of her right now. She was dizzy.

"Lillie!" Clifford called her out as he ran to catch her from falling. Zhen-Zhen just suddenly fainted.

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