The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 396 Trying Her Luck For One Last Time

Andrew felt awkward when he faced Alveena this evening. Fortunately, she thought that Andrew didn't have any idea about what transpired in his office moments ago.

They went out to have dinner together with the other employees of the Branch. After that, they went to their hotel where the two of them were currently staying.

Upon arriving at his hotel room, Andrew slumped his tired body on the soft cushion of his bed. He just stared at the ceiling for several minutes.

Andrew was a little bit distracted. He couldn't get off his mind the thing that happened inside his office a while ago. He kept on thinking about Alveena and the accidental kiss they shared.

After a while, Andrew shook his head, hoping that by doing that his mind would just stop thinking about those things… about Alveena. He wanted to forget it. But he knew it won't work just like that.

He scolded himself many times. "Damn! Andrew… you should stop doing this. Why are you thinking about another woman? You are a committed man. You have a fiance!" Andrew kept reminding himself about his relationship with Hannah.

"Yeah… that's right. Everything will be fine between Hannah and me. We are just giving ourselves space and time," Andrew mumbled to himself.

"I love her. I still love her…"

Andrew was still thinking about Hannah. Though they were in a cool off right now, he was positive that everything between them would be fixed soon.

Nothing changed. His feelings for her were still the same. Hannah was still the woman in his heart. He reminded himself over and over again. He would never betray her. He was always faithful to her.

And with that thought in mind, he was able to gather himself. That kiss was just an accident. He didn't want it to happen. He should not waver. He was thinking that Alveena and he were just friends.

They just had a special relationship because Alveena saved his life before. He was indebted to her. Now, he was just returning the favor by taking care of her because she ran away from home.

"I wonder what Hannah is doing now. We haven't talked for a while now. I missed her. Did she miss me too? I hope she will come to realize that my brother already has someone. He's already married and I can see that he is in love with Lillie now."

"I hope this time she will choose me completely."

Andrew was feeling hopeful. He was not yet giving up on Hannah. He still wanted to save their relationship. Besides, he was cherishing the fact that Hannah gave her first to him. For him, it was really a special moment between them.

"After this business trip… I think I have to see her and talk to her about our relationship. Maybe at that time, she has finally made up her mind."

Andrew had decided to fix his relationship with Hannah. He was still attached to her. He couldn't throw away their six-year relationship.


Meanwhile, if Andrew was thinking about fixing his relationship with his fiancee, Hannah, on the other hand, was thinking of approaching Tristan and getting closer to him again as they were still in this country.

Hannah wanted to test Tristan's feelings for her one last time. She would also try to assess herself and find out if she could really let go of her past love.

After all, Tristan was still her first love and it was not easy to forget those lingering feelings. She already regretted losing their chance in the past. This time she would try her best to make it up for it.

Hannah already transferred into the room beside Tristan's room. Tristan had no idea about it. Though Hannah already had a prior plan, she was still occupied by her exhibit.

She would see Tristan after the event so that she had a better excuse to see him. She would ask him to celebrate with her the success of her exhibit. Without valid reason, she was afraid that  Tristan would reject her invitation..

She somehow felt that Tristan was trying to distance himself from her. She also noticed the changes in Tristan's behavior while talking to her in the hotel lobby this morning. She could no longer see the spark in his eyes whenever he would see her.

"Tristan had been fooling around with women for so many years. Flirting with women and having sex with them became his habit… Did he really change for good now? Is he really faithful and loyal to his wife?" Hannah pondered to herself. She was enjoying her wine inside her room.

She's been lonely in the past month. Hannah even got into mild depression because of Tristan's rejection. The cool-off she had with Andrew also affected her emotions. Fortunately, her friends were always there to divert her attention.

They asked her out almost every day. They had a vacation trip as well. After she felt better, she focused on her hobby and career as a painter and an artist.

She never thought that she would meet Tristan in this country as well. She thought destiny was making way for them to meet. So she would grab this opportunity and try her luck for one last time.

"Let's see how faithful Tristan is to his wife. Will he be able to resist the temptation of his first love?" Hannah said while smiling playfully. She was already intoxicated as she had been drinking for an hour now.

"I don't want to regret losing him so I will do this for one last time. Even for one last time… I want to create a memorable moment with Tristan." Hannah was clearly up to something.

She was determined to do what she wanted without thinking nor considering the possible consequences of her actions. This time no one could change her mind. She's not even thinking about what Andrew would feel. She was also planning to get revenge against Zhen-Zhen.

'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.'


,m Oblivious about the schemes people were plotting against them, trying to shake their relationship, Zhen-Zhen and Tristan were just taking their time to catch up with each other. It was already nighttime in Tristan's place while it was morning in Zhen-Zhen's.

Tristan couldn't sleep without seeing her first. He decided to do a video call with her. Fortunately, Zhen-Zhen was already awake. He asked her to use a laptop rather than a phone so that they could see each other on a wider screen.

Zhen-Zhen just finished showering as she was getting ready to go to school. She was only wearing a bathrobe when she answered the video call.

Seeing Zhen-Zhen in her silky thin robe with her fresh and wet look, Tristan couldn't help but awaken his burning desire for his wife.

'Argh, wifey is so hot and sexy… innocently seductive with her look. I wish I was there right now,' Tristan groaned inwardly while biting his lips.

"Wifey, I missed you so much… I feel like I'm dying here without you by my side. I missed kissing you… hugging you and… touching you," Tristan said pitifully. The longing and desire were reflected in his hazel eyes.

Zhen-Zhen just sighed deeply while looking at him helplessly. She also felt the same way as Tristan.

"Me too… I miss you so much, Tristan. I am not used to waking up without you by my side. I feel empty," Zhen-Zhen also shared her true feelings with Tristan.

They wondered how long they would last without each other's company.

"How are things going there, hubby?" Zhen-Zhen asked him.

As much as possible, she wanted Tristan to finish everything so that he could return home already. However, she didn't want to pressure him. She could also see that Tristan looked tired and stressed because of the company issue in their branches.

"Matthew is doing her best to investigate the people who spread false rumors about the company. I, on the other hand, tried to talk with the investors who backed out. I managed to set an appointment with them the day after tomorrow."

"I tried my best to convince them to talk to me as soon as possible but they were very stubborn. They refused to see me so I had to adjust to their available schedules. Sigh, I want to beat them for intentionally delaying things here." Tristan vented out his frustration.

Zhen-Zhen let out a soft giggle after hearing his complaints. "Be more patient with them, Hubby. Take your time. I will just be here, waiting for you." Zhen-Zhen tried to console him.

"Hmm… one more thing hubby, stay away from women. I heard from Sophia that there are lots of beautiful women in that country," Zhen-Zhen added, reminding Tristan.

Tristan let out a soft chuckle. "Wifey, don't worry. I am a good boy here. Besides, I don't have time to see nor entertain women. My main priority is to solve the problem here as soon as possible so that I can be with the most beautiful woman in the whole world. And… that is you, wifey!"

Zhen-Zhen smiled gleefully because of his last remark. "Very good, hubby."

"Hmm, where's my reward! I deserve a reward from my wifey!" Tristan demanded.

"I will give you one once you come back," Zhen-Zhen responded while giggling.

"No! I want it now. I badly need a reward now, wifey," Tristan insisted.

"Alright, what reward do you want?" Zhen-Zhen could only concede with his demand.

Tristan's lips curled up into a wolfish grin. He was thinking about something naughty.

"Ahem… wifey… can I request anything? Anything I want?"

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