Zhen-Zhen was currently resting in her room together with FaMo and Pam-Pam. They let her rest for a while since she seemed very tired and exhausted.

Matthew and Sophia were almost done cooking when they heard the ringing of the doorbell. Tristan, who was the one setting up the table in the living room, went to open the door.

As he expected, the person outside was Andrew. But he was not alone. He came with a woman… another beautiful woman, not Hannah.

Tristan paused for a few moments just staring at his brother and the Lady beside him. This was the first time he saw that girl. Tristan glanced at Andrew with a questioning look in his eyes as if asking him "Who is she?"

Andrew understood that kind of look from Tristan right away so he decided to explain things to him. However, before he could utter a single word, the girl next to them suddenly spoke up thus interrupting him.

"Good evening, Handsome! I mean, Mr. CEO. I am Alveena, Director Davis's new personal assistant. Sorry, if I tag along without an invitation. I just want to meet you in person and his sister-in-law." Alveena said spontaneously while smiling cheerfully at them.

Tristan was stupefied by her enthusiastic and bubbly attitude. She seemed friendly, approachable, and… talkative.

He wondered why Andrew chose an assistant like her because he knew his brother didn't like talkative girls. Besides, based on her behavior, she's acting like a close friend with Andrew, not as an assistant.

Andrew's assistant would never dare to interrupt him while speaking with others. So Tristan glanced at Alveena with intrigue and amusement.

Andrew, on the other hand, shot Alveena a warning look. He just hoped Alveena would be less talkative and would behave well in front of his brother and sister-in-law.

'And why the hell she just called my brother 'Handsome'? Is she flirting with him?' Andrew frowned at that thought.

He had a bad feeling that Alveena would create trouble tonight. Now he was starting to regret bringing her with him. He didn't know why he gave in again with her request.

She kept on bugging him in the office. If she wanted something she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. She was very determined to get it.

And here they were again, Alveena succeeded in convincing him to tag along tonight. Who would have thought that her pitiful act and noisy pestering would make Andrew concede to her?

Andrew had no choice but to say yes just to keep her silent and behave. 'Argh, this girl will be the death of me!' Andrew facepalmed at that thought.

Meanwhile, Tristan finally acknowledged Alveena's introduction and greetings. He opened the door wide for them to enter. He guided them to the living room.

"You came at the right time. Matthew just finished cooking our food tonight. I will just go and wake up, my wife. Please make yourself at home," Tristan said to Andrew and Alveena.

Tristan proceeded to their bedroom where Zhen-Zhen was resting. Upon entering the room, he saw her sound asleep while FaMo was watching over her. Pam-Pam was also sleeping next to Zhen-Zhen.

"Strange. FaMo returned but now my father-in-law disappeared. I wonder where he went this time." Tristan mumbled while approaching their bed.

FaMo heard him so he glanced in his direction. Tristan stopped in front of FaMo and patted his head.

"Welcome back, FaMo. I missed you. Now, you have a friend. I hope you are happy because of this," Tristan said, talking to FaMo as he continued petting his head.

For some reason, Tristan felt like FaMo had changed his behavior a little bit toward him. 'Hmm, Did FaMo miss me too? He seems very friendly to me now.'

"FaMo, you missed a lot of things here while you were gone. Did you know that I finally met Zhen-Zhen's father? He is a cool guy. He frightened me at first, but later on, I realized he was acting like that because he was just being protective of Zhen-Zhen."

"I will introduce you to him later on once he comes back," Tristan said to FaMo excitedly.

FaMo just looked at him helplessly. 'That will never happen unless I can divide myself into two, one as Zhen-Zhen's father and one as Zhen-Zhen's cat.'

When Tristan finished talking to FaMo, he averted his gaze to the sleeping beauty in his bed.

"Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty," Tristan softly mumbled before leaning over to kiss Zhen-Zhen on her lips.

FaMo immediately looked away. He felt like his eyes were bulging out just seeing this. He jumped off the bed and decided to leave the room. Fortunately, Tristan didn't close the door when he entered.

Zhen-Zhen was awakened at the feel of soft warm lips brushing hers. She opened her eyes and saw Tristan kissing her lips very gently.

She responded to his kiss as she reached her hands, touching Tristan's face. Feeling her soft hands on his cheek and the movement of her lips, Tristan knew that he succeeded in waking up her Sleeping Beauty.

They continued kissing for several minutes before they broke apart from that lingering passionate kiss.

"Good morning, Wifey. How do you feel?" Tristan asked her while helping her out to sit up.

Zhen-Zhen's lips curled up into a charming smile. "I am much feeling better now. What time is it? Did I sleep that long?"

Tristan shook his head. "You just slept for two hours. I feel bad for waking you up. But our dinner is ready. Andrew and his assistant also arrived here."

"Oh, his assistant? How about Hannah? She didn't come with him?" Zhen-Zhen asked curiously. Tristan and Zhen-Zhen didn't hear anything about Hannah for these past few weeks.

Tristan shook his head again.

"Hannah didn't come. I think it will also be so awkward for her to come here," Tristan said while smiling sheepishly at her.

Zhen-Zhen just arched her brows in amusement. To think about it, Tristan had a point. After that confession, she didn't see Hannah again.

She didn't know how the two of them would act once they saw each other again. But Zhen-Zhen was glad that Tristan and Andrew were doing fine now.

She noticed that their relationship as brothers also improved lately. She just hoped it would continue this way.

"Let's go?" Tristan extended his hand to Zhen-Zhen.

"I will just wash my face and freshen up, hubby. Go ahead and I'll follow you after," Zhen-Zhen said, getting off the bed.

"Okay, I will go back and prepare the living room. We will use the living room and gather there, instead of using the dining area. At least we can be more comfortable there and the living room is quite spacious for us." Tristan informed her.

Zhen-Zhen's eyes lit up when she heard that. "I like that. I will be out in a minute."


When Zhen-Zhen got out of the room to join them, she heard a soft giggle of a lady in the living room.

Then she saw a new face, laughing hard while talking to the four people- Matthew, Andrew, Tristan, and Sophia.

It seemed like they were having fun. They were gathered sitting on the floor as if they were having a picnic inside the house. The food and drinks were also served in the mini-table at the center.

Matthew and Sophia were sitting next to each other. The same with Alveena and Andrew. Tristan left a space for Zhen-Zhen.

If Zhen-Zhen would sit beside Tristan, she would be sitting next to Alveena as well. Soon, Zhen-Zhen approached them and sat down beside Tristan.

"Oh, wifey… you're here." Tristan immediately wrapped his arm around her waist.

Alveena, on the other hand, stopped laughing upon seeing Zhen-Zhen. She was starstruck when Zhen-Zhen suddenly smiled at her to greet her.

After a few moments of being in a stupor state, Alveena finally found her voice back.

"Oh my gosh! Is she your sister-in-law, Andrew?" Alveena asked with her exasperated voice.

"Damn, I didn't expect to see a goddess here, aside from Sophia!"

Alveena immediately yanked Zhen-Zhen's arm right away, pulling her closer to her to the point where Tristan's arm was removed from Zhen-Zhen's waist.

"Beautiful! Please tell me your name. Argh. Why did I just meet you now? I feel like you are my soulmate. Damn, what am I saying? Now I am considering changing my gender." Alveena said spontaneously while admiring Zhen-Zhen's beauty.

Tristan just looked at Alveena in disbelief. 'Why do I feel like she's trying to steal my wife away from me?'

Andrew's face also darkened in annoyance. He didn't expect Alveena to act like this without restraining herself and her blabbering mouth.

She was spouting so much nonsense right now. He just wanted to cover her lips to stop her from talking further.

Matthew and Sophia just laughed at Alveena's over-dramatic reaction after meeting Zhen-Zhen for the first time.

Zhen-Zhen also smiled because of Alveena's enthusiasm.

"Hi, I'm Lillie," Zhen-Zhen introduced herself to Alveena.

"Oh my gosh! Even your voice is so angelic. Now, I am fangirling here!" Alveena mumbled cheerfully.

Andrew sighed deeply, massaging his temples. He didn't know what he should do with this girl.

Meanwhile, Tristan looked at Alveena suspiciously. He somehow felt threatened. He felt like he got another competitor here. 'Is she into girls? Damn! I should guard my wife against her.'

"Hey, Lillie. You know what… You are pretty and I am cute. Together we would be Pretty Cute!" Alveena declared while winking at Zhen-Zhen.

Tristan: "..."

Andrew: "..."

After the two men recovered from that statement, they immediately took action, pulling the two ladies away from each other, Tristan getting Zhen-Zhen to his side and Andrew pulling Alveena to his side, thus separating the two women.

Zhen-Zhen: "???"

Alveena: "???"

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