Aside from the audience below the stage and those who were watching on the football field, Zhen-Zhen's fellow candidates were dumbstruck in their spots.

It was hard to believe that the woman in a white dress standing in front of them right now was the same woman they insulted during the registration of participants at the Student Council Office.

"How can an ugly duckling turn into a beautiful swan in just one day? This is really suspicious. Is she a fake?" one candidate couldn't help but express her thoughts.

Even Athena and Jade were startled in utter disbelief. Jade took note of Zhen-Zhen since the night of the Acquaintance Party wherein she was replaced by her in becoming usherette of the Davis.

Her displeasure toward Zhen-Zhen intensified when she learned that she's a friend of Sophia.

She saw her helping out Sophia in front of the Guidance Counselor and Disciplinary Committee when they confronted each other.

Jade and her friends also looked down on Zhen-Zhen telling her that she and Sophia were suited to become friends.

Who would have thought that this Lillie Meyer was a beautiful fair lady?

Athena and Jade glanced at the crowd. They could see the look of fascination and admiration from the men directed at Zhen-Zhen.

Zhen-Zhen just stole the limelight from Jade and Athena. The men who were fawning over them moments ago immediately had a change of heart upon seeing Zhen-Zhen.

With the appearance of this lovely Zhen-Zhen, Athena and Jade, who were supposed to be the only strongest candidates for the Campus Belle's title, lost their shine and the trace of their presence in the eyes of those male students.

For the first time, they felt threatened. Jealousy and insecurity appeared on their faces as they watched Zhen-Zhen walking across the stage while becoming the center of attraction for men.

She looked elegant, graceful, and breathtakingly beautiful to the extent of bewitching all the observers.

If the three girls would stand together, everyone would notice that they were completely different levels and couldn't be compared. Zhen-Zhen's beauty was way higher than them… superior to them.

It appeared that from today onward, the title of Campus Belle would be given to the freshman student.

Grandpa Lu and Tristan had a proud look on their faces.

Tristan and Zhen-Zhen met each other's gazes a while ago. Just looking at her made Tristan's heart beat faster and time seemed to stop, everything around him was in slow motion.

All he could see was her… his lovely wife. He noticed the surprised expression of Zhen-Zhen when she saw him.

But her stunned look was replaced immediately by a loving smile. His stomach fluttered, his heart thumping louder and louder the moment he saw that beautiful sight.

'Damn, she is gonna be the death of me. My heart is running wild. Why are you so beautiful, wifey? Can I just keep you forever? Lots of guys are feasting their eyes on you right now.' Tristan thought to himself while sighing deeply.

Meanwhile, Betsy and Alicia also had the same reaction as others.

"Oh my gosh… am I dreaming? Is that Lillie? Tell me, Alicia, you are also seeing what I am seeing right now," Betsy exclaimed in disbelief.

Alicia's eyes widened in surprise as well. She didn't know what to say. This was truly a shocking revelation to them.

"Did she deceive everyone? Why did she hide her beauty? Is she ashamed of her look? Is she avoiding someone? Maybe a pervert stalker!!!" Betsy continued talking, her imagination was running wild.

Alicia couldn't respond as she was still overwhelmed by everything. Now, she, including their other classmates, understood why Lillie Meyer was too confident to compete for the Title of Campus Belle.

But, there were still others who were doubting Zhen-Zhen's identity. They were thinking that she was just an impostor.

Others believed that the beautiful girl standing before them was not the real Lillie Meyer but a fake one…  a substitute for this event.

One candidate on the stage voiced her complaint and protest.

"I think there is a mistake here… a conspiracy or some kind of cheating!" She paused and pointed her finger toward Zhen-Zhen who was still in the center stage.

"This girl is not a candidate. This is the first time we saw her. She doesn't look like the representative of First-Year Class A who registered last week."

"She asked someone to represent her in this event. This is clearly cheating!" Another candidate spoke up, supporting the other's remarks.

Grandpa Lu and Tristan heard their complaints. Now, the two men were having a dark expression on their faces.

"Why are they accusing my granddaughter-in-law of cheating? Are they blind? Fake and impostor, where did they get that idea? So ridiculous!" Grandpa Lu said in a low voice, expressing his displeasure.

Tristan also squinted his eyes at those two women who were accusing his wife.

"They couldn't accept that my wifey is more beautiful than them. Seriously? Different Person my foot!! My wife is always looking beautiful even in her disguise."

"Are they blind, Grandpa?!" Tristan added, just repeating Grandpa Lu's statement.

'You are the blind one, Tris, because you can't see the difference,' Matthew thought to himself while trying to hold his laughter.

Meanwhile, at the stage, Liam and Mary who were already aware of Zhen-Zhen's real appearance started to speak up for her.

"I, as the Vice President of the Student Council, could attest that there's no cheating here. The girl in front of you is indeed Lillie Meyer. This is her real appearance." Mary said firmly using her microphone so that everyone could hear her words.

"I was the one who gave her the orientation during her first day of class. She disguised herself because she didn't want to attract attention," Mary was hell-bent to stand as a witness for Zhen-Zhen.

"Yes, this is very true. I also saw her real appearance before. There's no mistake. She's Lillie Meyer. There's no reason for me to lie," Liam finally broke his silence.

Aside from the two of them, another professor from the Faculty Staff also supported Mary and Liam.

"I can also attest to this. She's always been a lovely student. Honestly, I was puzzled when she started to come to school using her disguise. But I assure you, that girl was none other than Lillie Meyer," The person who spoke up was the English Professor of Zhen-Zhen.

He remembered meeting her when he relayed the message to her that someone came to see her and she was being excused from his class. That was the time Grandpa Lu visited Zhen-Zhen in her school.

Since these three reliable people already assured them, everyone believed that the real Lillie Meyer was the one standing on the center stage right now.

Just like that, the cheating issue was resolved.

Even Marcus, John, and Lester didn't expect this event to unfold before them. They were shocked beyond belief.

Who would have thought that Sophia's friend would be as beautiful as this?

The other members of the Basketball Varsity Team started to show their interest to Zhen-Zhen. A new beauty who might become their new Muse just appeared.

The team became more excited than before. At first, they thought no one could surpass Athena's and Jade's beauty.

Zhen-Zhen really exceeded their expectations. A while ago, they had already decided of whom they should vote for and support between Athena and Jade.

But after seeing Zhen-Zhen, they were now having second thoughts. They wanted this new face to become their Muse.

After a while, one guy from the Varsity Basketball Team stood up and raised something to them.

Liam and Mary acknowledged him and they let him talk.

"Ms. Lillie Meyer, I just noticed that aside from other candidates, you are the only one who didn't make any promises to us." The guy paused for a moment, smiling mischievously at Zhen-Zhen.

"How do you expect us to support you and vote for you? Come on, Miss Lillie, you have to convince us and make some promises just like the other candidates," Another player spoke up, urging Zhen-Zhen to make a promise.

Tristan, who was just listening to their demands, was trying his best to control himself from talking back at them.

"How dare they demand something from my wife?! Are they expecting her to offer a picture and a date just like what the other candidates had offered them?" Tristan complained through his gritted teeth.

Matthew just looked at his best friend helplessly. He just hoped Tristan could maintain his cool, or else, he might do something he was not supposed to do.

"Hey, Tris… calm down. You know it's natural to make promises during this event. You even experienced it before, remember?"

"Don't get mad and don't make a scene here, for your wife's sake," Grandpa Lu also reminded his grandson.

Tristan had just calmed down when another player suggested something.

"Miss Lillie, why don't you give us pictures too or offer us a special date with you."


Tristan totally lost it. He stood up and slammed his hands on the table in front of them after hearing that suggestion.

He shot the guy a cold sharp glare. His eyes were bloodshot. He clenched his teeth.

'There's no way I will allow that!' Tristan screamed in his mind.

All eyes were now focused on Tristan. Everyone was puzzled because of his sudden action.

"What's wrong with CEO Davis?"

"Is he mad? But why?"

Grandpa Lu just facepalmed while shaking his head.

'What an impulsive grandson I have here,' Grandpa Lu mumbled to himself.

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