The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 369 The Selection Of Campus Belle

« The Day of The Selection of Campus Belle »

~ At Heavenly Star Enterprise ~

Tristan kept checking the time on the wall-clock while trying to finish everything he needed.

The tap-tap sound of the keyboard could be heard inside his office. He was seriously working on his laptop when Matthew entered the room.

"Tristan, are you sure about this? Do you really have to do this? I think this is not necessary anymore. Don't you have trust in your wife's capability?" Matthew asked Tristan exasperatedly.

Matthew was holding two rectangular boxes in his hands.

Tristan shifted his gaze from the laptop to Matthew, lifting an eyebrow.

"Of course, I do. I believe my wife will do very well today. It's just that this is my way of showing my support. What's wrong with that?" Tristan responded to Matthew.

It did not take long when Andrew came inside his office.

"Brother…" Andrew greeted his brother.

Both Matthew and Tristan averted their gaze to Andrew.

"Oh, Brother, you are back. I heard you hired a new assistant. Why? Did you fire Lodia, your secretary?" Tristan asked him with intrigue.

Andrew was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that Tristan would bring up the topic about his 'new assistant'.

"Uhmm, I didn't fire Lodia. She's still working here. It's just that this new assistant of mine has a different task to do," Andrew simply answered while scratching his nose.

Tristan and Matthew looked at him in confusion but Andrew just smiled at them sheepishly. He decided to change the topic right away.

"By the way, Brother, I came here to check something with you. Our advertising department just handed me documents subject to my approval as Finance Director. Is it true? Did you just ask to release two thousand gift certificates today? Where are you going to use that?" Andrew asked Tristan expectantly.

Matthew sighed deeply after hearing that. The two boxes in his hands right now contained the two thousand pieces of gift certificates Tristan had requested from the Advertising Department.

"Yes, it is true. I ordered it. So sign it already, Brother!" Tristan answered him cheerfully while grinning from ear to ear.

Andrew glanced at Matthew, giving him a questioning gaze. Matthew took a deep breath again before explaining things to Andrew.

"These gift certificates… he will use them to bribe college boy students in the University of Imperial Knights today," Matthew informed Andrew while looking at Tristan helplessly.

Andrew: "..."

Andrew was rendered speechless when he heard that. He didn't know the purpose of his brother about why he had to bribe two thousand college men in the University of Imperial Knight.

He was about to ask him when the door swung open and Grandpa Lu emerged from it together with Assistant Twig.

"Tristan, why did you apply for half-day leave today? And what will you do with the two thousand gift certificates?" Grandpa Lu asked Tristan directly without beating around the bush.

Matthew heaved another deep sigh. He already expected this to happen. But Tristan remained nonchalant about this. He even welcomed Grandpa Lu with a bright smile on his face.

Tristan stood up from his executive chair and walked over, approaching Grandpa Lu. He wrapped his arm around Grandpa Lu's shoulder as if Grandpa Lu was his buddy, not his grandpa nor the Chairman. Andrew, Matthew, and Assistant Twig just watched him in disbelief.

"Grandpa, right timing. I am about to inform you. Do you want to come with me this afternoon? Let's show our support to my wife. I forgot to tell you that she is joining in the selection of Campus Belle today." Tristan said to his grandfather with his exhilarated voice.

"And those gift certificates..." Tristan pointed his finger to the boxes in Matthew's hands. "I will use them as a contingency plan. I will bribe those college students to vote for my wife using these gift certificates!"

Assistant Twig: "..."

Andrew: "..."

Matthew shook his head while sighing helplessly. Would the Chairman approve this? Matthew knew that Chairman Lu doted so much on Tristan's wife.

But this strategy… was it reasonable enough for Grandpa Lu not to scold Tristan for using the company again for his personal reasons?

It did not take long when they finally heard Grandpa Lu's reaction.

"What?! Two thousand gift certificates for bribing them to vote for Lillie?!" Grandpa Lu said exasperatedly before hitting Tristan's head.

Andrew and Assistant Twig both felt pity for Tristan. They were thinking that Grandpa Lu was unhappy with Tristan's action.

'I knew it! It will not work this time,' Matthew thought to himself while biting his lower lip.

Grandpa Lu continued ranting at Tristan.

"You dumb grandson of mine! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! You should have asked for Five Thousand Gift Certificates!!! Not just only Two thousand. Don't you know the population of the students at the University of Imperial Knight? It has eight to ten thousand students there in the main Campus alone!"

"Hehe, Sorry Grandpa. I forgot about that. Besides, I am only bribing the boys. Boys are the only ones allowed to vote for the Campus Belle. The male population is lower than the female population," Tristan justified himself while smiling sheepishly at his grandfather.

Matthew: "..."

Andrew: "..."

Assistant Twig: "..."

The three men who were just watching the grandfather and grandson duo on the sideline were at a loss for words. Who would have thought that Grandpa Lu would tolerate Tristan and even told him that he should have asked for more gift certificates?

They underestimated Grandpa Lu's favoritism. When it came to his granddaughter-in-law, they forgot that he was in full support of her. That's how he doted on Zhen-Zhen, his favorite granddaughter-in-law.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. My wife doesn't need this to win the Title of Campus Belle. I am confident that she will be chosen even without using these gift certificates." Tristan reassured his grandfather.

"I just prepared these to show them that I, Tristan Davis, the CEO of Heavenly Star, will be very supportive to Lillie, the Campus Belle of the University of Imperial Knight. I will sponsor her and be our company's model as well."

"What do you think, Grandpa? This is a brilliant idea, right? My beautiful wife becoming our company model!" Tristan proudly said with his sparkling hazel eyes.

After hearing that, Grandpa Lu let out a soft chuckle. Then he patted Tristan's head while grinning from ear to ear.

"Smart move, Grandson. I like that idea. Now, I take back my words. You are not dumb. You are smart and wise, just like me." Grandpa Lu said, complimenting and praising Tristan.

Tristan and Grandpa Lu were having a great mood today. What a miracle. They didn't fight again but even agreed on the same thing. They were getting along very well lately.

"Assistant Twig, clear all my schedule this afternoon. I will accompany the CEO. The Chairman of Heavenly Star Enterprise should also come personally to woo the next model of our Company."

Assistant Twig: "..."

Andrew: "..."

Matthew: "..."

Tristan: *Grinning broadly while nodding his head*


~ At University of Imperial Knight ~

The members of the Student Council were now busy preparing for the event this afternoon. They already finished decorating the stage where the participants would present themselves to everyone.

Everyone was excited to see all the participants of the Campus Belle. It was the highlight. Some were just waiting to see the showdown between the two friends~ the reigning Campus Belle, Athena, and the Queen of Third Year Class, Jade.

The majority of the students were already expecting that either Athena or Jade would win the title of Campus Belle. They didn't see any strong competitors among the other participants.

The male students were also looking forward to what promise the participants would do just to convince the male students to vote for them.

They remembered Athena distributed her photos with signature and selected men were so lucky to have a chance to date her after winning the title of Campus Belle. Jade, on the other hand, promised to hold and throw a big pool party for everyone who voted for her.

It was a close fight between Athena and Jade. However, Marcus and the basketball varsity team played a bigger role in choosing the Campus Belle because she would become their official Muse during their games.

Marcus and his team supported Athena so, in the end, Athena was the one who received the largest number of votes.

While the other students were excited, the participants were now preparing for the presentations. Each participant was given their own room where they could prepare, do their makeup and change their dresses.

Because of this event, all classes were canceled today, allowing the other students to support their candidates.

Zhen-Zhen was with Sophia right now. She was the only person who was helping her. Mary would come and check on them once she finished her task in the Student Council.

"Lillie, I am sorry. I don't think I can be of help. I'm not good at applying makeup," Sophia said apologetically.

Between Zhen-Zhen and Sophia, Sophia was the one who was very nervous and panicking. She didn't know what to do to help Zhen-Zhen.

Zhen-Zhen let out a soft giggle. "Sunbae, don't stress yourself too much. It's alright. I'll be fine. Let's just choose my dress first."

Sophia and Zhen-Zhen were discussing what dress she should wear when a back-up arrived. Tristan sent Lorenzo, the Head Stylist of the Davis Family, to help Zhen-Zhen with her looks today. He also brought the dress which Tristan personally chose for his wife.

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