After making love in the bathtub, Zhen-Zhen and Tristan continued dipping their bodies on the warm water, just cuddling each other. She was sitting in front while leaning her back on Tristan's chest.

Tristan, on the other hand, was hugging her from behind, his chin was placed on her shoulder. He's drawing circles on Zhen-Zhen's flat stomach using his index finger.

"Wifey, what if you will get pregnant? Will you get mad? We were making love for these past few days and I didn't use any protection. If you get pregnant then you will have to stop your studies," Tristan opened up his concern.

He was having conflicting thoughts. He wanted Zhen-Zhen to finish her studies first before getting pregnant but at the same time, he couldn't control himself whenever they would make love.

He didn't want to use any protection at all because for him making love with her was like a sacred act for them as husband and wife. Whenever they would do it, it seemed that their bond was getting stronger and stronger each day.

Tristan could not deny the fact that they both had a strong sense of mutual intimacy, strengthening their connection as they expressed and showed their love for each other.

The blissful feeling of oneness in merging their bodies and souls was the thing that made the moment become more special. Tristan liked it to be more natural. And he was becoming more addictive every day.

"It's alright, hubby. I will not get mad. Getting pregnant and becoming a mother is the best feeling in the world. I can continue my studies later if ever it will happen. Besides, I heard that Grandpa Lu was really excited and very eager to see his great-grandchild." Zhen-Zhen responded to Tristan cheerfully.

She didn't mind getting pregnant even though she's still studying. Since the day, she was left behind by her parents, Zhen-Zhen became alone and lonely. Though she was sealed for a very long time, she could still feel the loneliness after losing her parents.

The memory of her parents and those happy moments with them were still fresh in her mind. She felt like everything just happened yesterday, not a hundred years ago. So the longing and sadness were still there.

But ever since she met Tristan, that sadness and longing were somehow replaced by happiness. Now, she was not alone anymore. She had Tristan and her newly found family.

She also wished to build her own family with Tristan. She thought that having little children around them would make their married life complete and become more joyful.

Tristan pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Wifey. Besides, I believe that you attending school is just for formality and for you to experience the feeling of being a student. You are a fast learner and a genius, even topping the exam for the first time. You don't need to study anymore," Tristan said, complimenting and teasing her.

"You think so?" Zhen-Zhen tilted her head to look at Tristan's face.

Tristan nodded with a smile before leaning closer to claim her lips once more. This time he kissed her with so much gentleness.

His lips brushing hers tenderly with so much love and affection. No tongue involved, he just gave her a lingering kiss on her lips that lasted for a minute. They just parted from that very passionate kiss when they had to catch their breath.

"Sigh, Wifey, Can I just kiss you forever? Every day… every hour... every minute… and every second?" Tristan mumbled while looking at her with eyes filled with love and yearning for her.

Zhen-Zhen just giggled after hearing his last remarks. "Hubby, you are becoming greedy."

"Yes, I am greedy, but only for you. I couldn't get enough of you. Damn! Can you feel it? Someone wants to enter your beautiful cave and make love to you once more," Tristan said, feeling helpless as he felt his manhood getting hard and aroused again.

Zhen-Zhen could also feel his erection as she was sitting on his lap. She let out another soft giggle.

"Before that hubby, there's something I wanna tell you. It's also about my request. Can you hear me out, please?" Zhen-Zhen said with her pleading tone.

"Hmm, sure. Anything for my wife. Tell me, what is it?"

"Hubby… can I stop using my disguise anymore? Can I go to school using my real appearance?"

Tristan was stunned for a moment after hearing that. He suddenly fell silent, not saying a single word to her.

Zhen-Zhen became anxious because of Tristan's silence. She bit her lower lip, not looking in his direction. She's worried that Tristan became upset with her.

"Hubby, are you mad?"

Instead of answering her question, Tristan asked her about the reason she decided to do it.

"Why? Why do you want to do that?" Tristan used his neutral voice when he said those words.

"Because I am planning to win the title of Campus Belle. Hubby, I will participate in the Selection of Campus Belle next week. Can you allow me to do that?"

Zhen-Zhen received another silent response from Tristan. He didn't utter a single word again. She couldn't see his facial expression because he was hugging her from behind.

"I'm doing this because I want to give those women who bullied Sophia a lesson. They think so highly of themselves just because they are famous. They look down on others." Zhen-Zhen told him her reason and her motive for doing this.

"Is this the request you want to ask me?" Tristan asked her.

"Yes," She answered him truthfully in her low voice.

Tristan heaved a long deep sigh before he spoke up again.

"Alright, Wifey. If this is what you truly want then I will not stop you. I respect your decision and I will support you on this. But in one condition…" Tristan paused for a moment.

"What condition, hubby?" Zhen-Zhen asked him expectantly. She was glad that Tristan didn't refuse her request. But she was not sure if Tristan was just forcing himself and still feeling upset with her decision.

Tristan brought his lips to her right ear and whispered, "My condition? Hmm, just simple. Make love to me again right now… and compensate me in advance for the jealousy I will experience once I see you being surrounded by college boys."

"Hmmm… I want another five rounds tonight for my advance compensation." Tristan said sensually while biting her earlobe.

Zhen-Zhen: "..."

She was rendered speechless by Tristan's overflowing shamelessness and naughtiness. She turned around only to see Tristan grinning mischievously from ear to ear.

She thought he would get mad or upset but here he was, smiling triumphantly like a hungry lion who was about to devour his pour little prey.

"Are you not mad or upset about my decision?" Zhen-Zhen asked him expectantly.

Tristan flashed his gorgeous smile at her while shaking his head.

"Nope. I'm not mad or upset. I think I should apologize to you, wifey. For making you do this disguise. You are a beauty. That's a fact. Though I am your husband... I don't have the right to hide your true beauty from the world just because I am so jealous and afraid that men will try to steal you from me."

"Now, I realize that... instead of hiding you,  I should be proud to show the world that my wife is a goddess of beauty and I am the luckiest guy on Earth."

Zhen-Zhen gave him a faint smile. She was really grateful right now. She could tell that Tristan was being sincere. He's not mad nor upset.

"Thank you, Hubby. Trust me, no one will be able to take me away from you. I love you so much. My heart is only beating for you, Tristan. Only you. So you don't have to feel insecure and jealous. I will not stop loving you. No one can replace you in my heart." Zhen-Zhen reassured him.

Tristan's heart skipped a beat after hearing those sweet loving words coming from his wife. He believed her. He trusted her with all his heart.

"I believe you, wifey… But… my condition still applies. You have to compensate me with another five rounds tonight… and one round… Now," Tristan said, his lips stretched out into a wolfish grin.

Without further ado, Tristan lifted her and turned her around so that she was now facing him. He kissed her over and over again as his hands began teasing and stimulating her core.

When he made sure that she was ready to accept him again, he positioned her, ready to impale her with his hardened manhood.

Zhen-Zhen knew what he was trying to do. So when he lifted her and grabbed her bottom's cheeks, Zhen-Zhen caught his erection under the water and guided it to the entrance of her core. The second round of their lovemaking began.

"Wifey… I will not let you rest tonight," Tristan mumbled to her softly before slamming her on his hardened rod.

"Uhmm~ Aaaah~ Aaah~ Hub-by… Aah~ Yes~" Zhen-Zhen could only moan as a response to him.

Tristan tried to make it quick since they already stayed longer in the bathroom. "Aah~ Wifey… let's do this fast… Father-in-law might be waiting for us… he might be wondering why until now… we still didn't leave the room."

When Zhen-Zhen heard that, she nodded her head and tightened her grip on Tristan's shoulders. They were now staring at each other, not breaking their eye-contact as their bodies continued moving up and down, thrusting in and out in a synchronized movement.

It was very erotic and sensual, looking into each other eyes as their bodies were united as one once more.

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