Meanwhile, The Guidance Counselor finally let Jade and others leave the conference hall wherein they were asked to stay behind to reflect on the sin they committed.

The Guidance Counselor asked them some questions regarding the 500-page Rule book of the University of Imperial Knights to confirm whether they read it or not.

They were able to answer some but failed with other questions. In fact, they just read the first 30 pages.

They spent most of their time inside the conference hall just talking and plotting again how they could take their revenge against Sophia, including Matthew and Zhen-Zhen who helped Sophia.

They didn't attend the rest of the afternoon class after that. They were about to leave the campus when they received another message from their parents, asking them to meet in one place.

To their surprise, their parents were all gathered together in one place and now they were being asked to come as soon as possible. Their families were also close to each other.

There were projects that their families were both working on. Sometimes, they were business partners.

"Wow, it looks like we are having a family gathering and reunion tonight!" Emma said excitedly after reading the message.

Nyka heaved a sigh of relief. "Wow, I was nervous for nothing. I thought they already knew the trouble we caused here in school, that's why they were asking us to go home early. And now, our parents are gathered together just to have bonding time with all of us."

"Nice, it's been so long since the last time I saw my future-in-laws. It's my chance to bond with them," Lester winked at Nyka while grabbing her waist as he pulled her closer to him.

Nyka just giggled and wrapped her arm around her boyfriend's waist. She also gave him a peck on his right cheek.

Emma, Jade, and John just rolled their eyes at that public display of affection by the couples.

"Okay, let's move faster. We don't want our parents to wait that long for us," Jade said to her friends.

Jade and the two boys brought their cars. Nyka joined Lester in his car while Emma joined Jade. Their parents asked them to meet at Jade's Family Mansion. Marcus was also at home.

Marcus had no idea why their parents were all together. He saw the serious and problematic expressions they had when he passed by the living room. It seemed that they were discussing a very important matter.

When his father told him that he would talk to him and his sister, he noticed that his father was in a bad mood.

He was acting so cold at Marcus as if he had done something wrong that made his father upset with something.

Marcus wanted to ask his father but he told him that he would talk to him later together with Jade and their friends.

Marcus was puzzled by his father's action. He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his room. He wanted to be alone for now.

Marcus was still thinking about Sophia. He couldn't believe that she and Matthew were in a relationship.

What was most depressing for him was that he couldn't forget the passionate moment he had with Sophia.

He was lying on his bed, thinking of Sophia. He touched his face that was slapped by Sophia this morning. Now, he understood why he deserved that hard slap from Sophia.

"I have to confront Jade. I must stop her from using that video to blackmail Sophia," Marcus mumbled to himself. He felt sorry and guilty for Sophia.

It did not take long when Marcus heard a knock on his door. The maid informed him that his father was looking for him. Jade and their friends just arrived.

Marcus sighed deeply before getting off the bed. He didn't want to see John and Lester. However, he had no choice but to join them. Their parents initiated this gathering and they were clueless about the reason why.

Their parents were waiting for them in the living room. When Jade and others arrived, that's also the time Marcus came downstairs to join them.

Nyka and Emma excitedly greeted their parents. But the smile and excitement on their faces suddenly faded away the moment they noticed the angry look from their parents.

Nyka whispered at Jade, "Is it just me or not? Why do I feel like our parents are mad at us right now."

Jade also became anxious upon meeting the cold stare from her father. John and Lester could also feel the heavy air surrounding them.

Their parents' silent treatment towards them was making them more nervous and confused. They had gloomy expressions on their faces.

There was a hint of disappointments in their eyes. This was not the scene they expected to see upon entering the house.

They thought this would be a happy occasion together with their parents. But it seemed that they were mistaken.

"What's wrong with them?"John also asked Lester in puzzlement.

The living room was engulfed by deafening silence.

Jade, Marcus, and others stayed rooted in their spots, waiting for their parents to speak up and explain to them why they were all gathered there.

Several pairs of sharp eyes were now looking at them. They felt the heavy tension and pressure coming from the cold stare of their parents.

After a few seconds, Marcus and Jade's father finally spoke up, breaking the silence. His stern authoritative voice was heard in the living room.

"All of you… What. Have. You. Done? How did you offend the Davis Family? Did you know the great consequence of your actions?"

Everyone was shocked and confused upon hearing that. They had no idea what Jade's father was talking about.

"What do you mean, Dad?" Jade asked him quizzically.

"Are you talking about the Davis Family that owned the Heavenly Star Enterprise?" Marcus inquired with a deep frown.

"As far as I could remember, we didn't offend anyone from the Davis Family. Are you mistaken, Uncle?" Nyka also spoke up.

"If you didn't offend them then how come they blacklisted our companies from doing transactions with them?! The assistant of the Chairman and the CEO even told us that we should blame our children for this. They rejected our proposal of partnership that we submitted to them!" John's father who was the Head of Bancroft's Company also asked them with his angry tone.

Marcus, John, and Lester could somehow connect this incident to Matthew and Tristan. The Ladies also remembered what John and Lester had shared with them regarding the relationship of Sophia and Matthew.

Now, they were thinking that Matthew had something to do with this. They suspected that he influenced the Davis Family to blacklist their Family Businesses.

"Damn, so it's true. Matthew and Sophia are in a relationship. He was trying to get revenge from us by doing this!" Emma murmured.

"This is what I am afraid of. Sophia has a strong backing because of Matthew, the assistant and best friend of the CEO of Heavenly Star Enterprise," Lester mumbled to them in a low voice.

"Stop whispering to each other! All of you are grounded for one month. No Credit Cards, No Car, No Hanging Out. Go home straight after school! And now… Explain everything to us! What have you done?" Marcus' Father said firmly with his stern cold voice.

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