"As for me, I want to choose my personal usherette tonight. Please, I want the lady in white, who is standing at the back."

Tristan: "..."

Mary: "..."

Jade: "..."

Athena: "..."

Tristan reflexively turned to his grandfather with a look of disbelief on his face. He gave him a questioning gaze.

'Eh, What a sneaky old man?! He just warned me a while ago to control and restrain myself about getting close to Zhen-Zhen during the entire party. But here he is, the party has not started yet, he is already making a move so that he can spend time alone with my wife. This is so unfair!' Tristan complained inwardly.

Tristan glanced in Zhen-Zhen's direction, pouting his lips. 'I want my wife to be my usherette too. I want to be with her during the entire party. He said I'm not allowed, but grandpa is doing what he wants without restraining himself.'

Meanwhile, aside from Tristan, there were also two people, complaining inwardly regarding Grandpa Lu's proposal. They couldn't believe it. He didn't want any of them to be his usherette. And he was just randomly picking a substitute.

When they averted their gaze at the back, they saw Zhen-Zhen who was just looking ordinary for them… just plain but not stunning as them.

'Is Chairman Lu really thinking about us enjoying the party?' They couldn't help but wonder.

On the other hand, Mary didn't know what to react after hearing that. She darted her gaze back and forth between Zhen-Zhen and the two girls beside her.

The President personally chose Athena and Jade to escort the VIP Guests for tonight and became their usherettes. However, Chairman Lu didn't want to bother the two young ladies so that they could enjoy the party.

But she couldn't understand why he suddenly chose someone randomly. And that someone was a first-year student who for the first time, was attending this acquaintance party.

"Ahem, Chairman Lu, are you sure about this? Do you want her to be your usherette?" Mary asked her, glancing at Zhen-Zhen.

'She's a first-year student who deserves to enjoy this party as well. How will she enjoy the party together with her classmates and batchmates if she will become your usherette?' Mary added to her thoughts but she didn't dare to voice it out.

Grandpa Lu bobbed his head frantically as a response. "Yes, I'm sure about it. I want her to be my usherette tonight. Will it be a problem?"

Grandpa Lu couldn't hide his happiness and excitement as he thought about spending time with his granddaughter-in-law during this party. He was thinking that they could bond with each other if she would become his usherette. That only meant Lillie would accompany him during the entire duration of the program.

Mary was put in a difficult situation wherein she couldn't decide right away about what she should do.

'This is a little bit strange. Why did Chairman Lu choose Lillie? Does he know her? He seems very happy as he watches Lillie at the back. His mood suddenly improves after saying his proposition.'

Mary was still thinking about whether to agree or not with Grandpa Lu's request when Tristan also made a demand.

"I want her too… as my Usherette tonight," Tristan stated firmly.

"Why don't you give her to me, Miss Vice President and let either one of these lovely ladies serve and assist my grandpa, tonight?" Tristan intentionally copied Grandpa Lu's suggestion.

Mary: "..."

Athena: "..."

Jade: "..."

Grandpa Lu glared at his grandson after hearing that. He shot him another warning look but Tristan met his gaze with another glare.

'Hmmp, you sneaky old man. You want to steal my wife from me. I won't back down. I will fight for my right as her husband,' Tristan thought to himself, giving Grandpa Lu a challenging look.

The grandfather and grandson duo were now having a staring contest. Mary, Athena, and Jade could feel the on-going tension between them.

'What's going on here? Why are they acting like this? Are they going to fight?' Athena asked herself.

'This feels very weird. Why are they refusing to accept us as usherette? Are they blind? Choosing that plain woman over us?' Jade couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Now, Mary had difficulty making a decision regarding this. Even the CEO also wanted to make Lillie his personal usherette.

Athena and Jade signaled Mary to fix this as soon as possible and convince the VIP guests to just accept them as their usherette. The program was about to start and they were still there at the entrance.

Getting the cue from Athena and Jade, Mary cleared her throat to catch the attention of Grandpa Lu and Tristan who were still looking daggers at each other.

"Ahem, Chairman Lu and CEO Davis, there will be one usherette assigned for each one of you so it's not possible if you will both choose the same person. Besides, Miss Athena and Miss Jade are the people assigned by the President to assist you tonight." Mary politely explained to the two men.

"I want her," Tristan simply said, not minding Mary's explanation.

Grandpa Lu narrowed his eyes at his grandson. Then he turned to Mary. "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm the one who suggested this first so just let her be my usherette tonight. Then choose one for my grandson," Grandpa Lu insisted.

Athena and Jade could feel the humiliation of being rejected by these two men. Jade could no longer keep quiet so she spoke up, trying her best to convince them.

"Chairman Lu and Mr. Davis, we are personally chosen by the Univerity President to do this task. Can't you allow us to accomplish it?" A hint of helplessness could be heard in her voice.

Athena also spoke up to support Jade. "That's true. We will feel bad if we will not do as the President says."

Grandpa Lu and Tristan fell silent for a moment. Mary, Athena, and Jade were anticipating their reply, hoping that they were able to convince the two of them and drop the idea of choosing a different person as their usherette.

After a moment of silence, Grandpa Lu spoke up.

"Hmm, Don't worry Ladies. Just let me talk to your President." Grandpa Lu didn't give up the idea of getting Zhen-Zhen as his personal usherette tonight.

Athena and Jade felt utterly disappointed hearing that from Grandpa Lu. Mary had no choice but to do what he said.

"Okay, Chairman Lu, I will inform the President that you want to talk to him," Mary politely responded.

Tristan had a bad feeling about this. He looked like he was at a disadvantage here. The President would be in favor of Grandpa Lu's proposition. He knew that the President would definitely listen to Grandpa Lu.

'Argh! My grandpa is a clever 'old' man! I couldn't win against him.'

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen and Matthew who couldn't hear clearly what the five of them were discussing just watched them curiously on the sideline.

"Hmm, Matt, why are they not entering the venue yet?" Zhen-Zhen asked Matthew. Since she sealed her power, she couldn't hear what they were discussing in that distance. It lessened her super hearing ability.

Matthew shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, Lillie, but one thing is for sure. I think they are having a serious discussion as of this moment."

Matthew could tell that based on the expression of Grandpa Lu and Tristan who looked like they were having another argument.

"Do you want me to come over and be your spy?" Matthew said jokingly while winking at Zhen-Zhen.

Zhen-Zhen let out a soft giggle after hearing Matthew's last remark.

"Don't bother about spying. Why don't you spy on Sophia instead?" Zhen-Zhen teased Matthew.

Matthew: "..."

He was rendered speechless. It seemed that Tristan had already influenced his wife. She started teasing him with Sophia as well.

"Hey, Lillie, stop that. You are making me feel embarrassed," Matthew said, scratching the back of his head.

"Do you like Sophia, Matt?" Zhen-Zhen suddenly became serious when she asked him that.

Matthew was taken aback once more. He just glanced at Zhen-Zhen and couldn't utter a word. He was too embarrassed to admit it.

Zhen-Zhen smiled faintly. " Okay, let me rephrase my question. What can you say about her?"

She didn't want Matthew to feel uncomfortable. She just wanted to know his thoughts and feelings towards Sophia.

For some unknown reason, she was rooting for Matthew compared to Marcus. She would feel at ease if Sophia and Matthew would end up being together.

Matthew took a deep breath before answering Zhen-Zhen.

"Sophia… she's so kind, sweet, friendly and... pretty. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not only saying this because she did a makeover. I know that she's beautiful inside out." Matthew paused for a moment, imagining Sophia's face.

"After talking to her before, I found out that she's really a very intelligent woman. But what I like about her most is that… she's very humble. She's an amazing person." There was a gleam of admiration in his eyes while he was saying those words.

Zhen-Zhen couldn't help but smile brightly after hearing that. She couldn't agree more. Sophia was truly an amazing person.

"Matt, I think you like her," Zhen-Zhen said.

Matthew couldn't help but blush. "Am I that obvious?"

Zhen-Zhen giggled and nodded her head. "Yes, Tristan and I could see it, especially when you look at her."

Matthew smiled sheepishly, scratching his reddened face. "But she's too young for me... so stop teasing me with her. This is just a crush, okay?"

Zhen-Zhen just shook her head while laughing at Matthew. She couldn't promise that.

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