"It's good to see that the two of them are getting along well now. I felt relieved. Tristan and Andrew are working on their relationship as brothers. I'm so happy to see them interacting just like this." Grandpa Lu shared his thoughts with his son, Lucas.

The father and son duo were still observing Tristan and Andrew secretly.

"Yes, Dad. Their relationship has improved a lot lately. I wish this will continue. I want them to strengthen their bond not only as brothers but as friends as well," Lucas mumbled with his dreamy eyes.

He had long dreamt of this day to come that his two sons would be able to fix their conflict. He had witnessed how his two sons became distant from each other. They loved the same woman, one ended up getting hurt and one ended up happy.

"I think all of this happened because of Lillie. Lillie coming to Tristan's life is a blessing. Your naughty stubborn son is changing day by day. I can see it," Grandpa Lu smiled at that thought.

He was really glad that Lillie came into their lives. Lots of good things happened ever since she arrived. Even his relationship with his grandson was also improving because of Lillie. Tristan was becoming close with the family again.

The two men were still talking when a butler approached them. "Pardon, Chairman Lu but there's a phone call from the President of the University of Imperial Knight. He is looking for you."

Grandpa Lu and Lucas exchanged glances with each other. It's rare for the President to call Chairman Lu. They wondered what was his motive for calling him personally.

Grandpa Lu just nodded at the butler before following him to answer the phone call. The president called him through Davis's landline. Lucas also stopped spying on his two sons. He decided to help his wife and his daughter-in-law in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Tristan and Andrew continued talking to each other. The main topic was work and the company. Andrew would report on Monday. Working would help him divert his attention away from Hannah.

Speaking of work, Andrew remembered Alveena and her offer. She volunteered to be his personal assistant for two weeks for free but in return, he had to provide her a place to stay. And she was insisting on staying in his place for two weeks. He had not decided yet about this matter.

She was really a troublesome fellow, rebelling against her parents and brothers. He felt like having a headache just thinking about her. He even left his car in the carwash today because Alveena created a big mess inside his car after throwing up several times last night.

He tried convincing her to go home but she refused to listen. In the end, Andrew left her in his penthouse as he headed here at Davis Family Mansion. He was generous to her because she saved his life. He felt indebted to that troublesome fellow.

Thinking about that, if ever he would agree with Alveena's condition, he could stay here in the Davis Family Mansion and let her stay in his penthouse for a while.

"Brother…" Andrew wanted to ask Tristan about something but he was a little bit hesitant.

"Yes, bro? Hmm… is there something troubling you? Tell me. Maybe I could help you," Tristan asked him after noticing the hint of hesitation in Andrew's eyes.

Andrew scratched the back of his head. "Bro, what branded perfume usually a woman like?"

Tristan raised his eyebrow after hearing that.

"Eh, perfume? Are you troubled by perfume? Are you planning to buy perfume for Hannah? Don't you know the brand she is using? How come you didn't know? You are her fiancee." Tristan said exasperatedly.

Andrew was rendered speechless. He felt like Tristan was scolding him right now.

'Of course, I know what Hannah's like. I'm not buying perfume for Hannah. It's for Ms. Noisy.' He thought to himself.

"Well, It's not for Hannah. I have a friend who is asking me what brand of perfume he will give to his girlfriend. I only know Hanna's perfume. Of course, I don't want to recommend him Hannah's perfume too. He should find another brand for his girlfriend." Andrew lied.

"Oh, I got your point. Then why he didn't ask his girlfriend about the perfume she likes?"

'Because the perfume she likes is Hanna's perfume. I don't want her to use Hanna's perfume. That's why I ask her to change her perfume. And now, she is asking me to gift her the perfume I like for her, not her preference.'

Andrew couldn't voice it out to Tristan. He didn't want his brother to misinterpret the reason why he had to buy perfume for another woman.

"Well, the girl said he should choose according to his likes, instead of her preferences."

Tristan nodded his head. He rubbed his chin, thinking of a good suggestion. This was the first time Andrew asked him for his opinion so he wanted to help him.

"Hmm, recommend our number one and best-selling perfume! The product of our own company! You help your friend and at the same time, you advertise our product. Haha." Tristan winked at Andrew.

Andrew: "..."

"Brother, I didn't know you are such a profiter!" Andrew shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, I'm the CEO of our company. I have a great responsibility to raise our profits every month!"

"Okay. I will tell him that."

The two brothers just finished talking when Isabelle called them. It's already lunchtime and they would eat together.

During lunch, Grandpa Lu brought up the phone call he received from the President of the University of Imperial Knight, Zhen-Zhen's school.

"The University of Imperial Knight which is Lilie's school is inviting me to be a guest of honor during the University Acquaintance Party. Lillie, my dear, you will be attending this party, right?"

Acquaintance Party was one of the big events being held by the University of Imperial Knight yearly.

"Yes, grandpa, all the students are attending this party," Zhen-Zhen responded cheerfully.

"Yeah, I accepted the invitation since I will be able to see my granddaughter there."

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