*Loud Ringtone Playing*

[ Monster Brother is calling… ]

'Argh, where the hell this loud and annoying sound was coming from?' Alveena complained in her mind.

The ringtone continued for several seconds. Because of that, Alveena finally awakened. She rose to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes briskly.

Then her eyes widened in a realization. She immediately scanned her body. She closed her eyes tight and opened them again.

She didn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed right now. She was not naked, instead, she's wearing a pair of shorts and a blouse.

"Damn?! Don't tell me… that was just a dream! Argh… Why? Oh, Why? I thought I really did it with him! It felt so real." Alveena tugged her hair while shaking her head vehemently.

The ringing sound already stopped. She knew who was calling her as early this morning. That ringtone was assigned to her brother, Clifford. She ignored the phone call since her mind was busy, focusing on her strange but hot dreams.

"Oh no! What am I thinking? Why did I dream about that!?" She couldn't believe it. She had just a wet dream and it's all about her and Mr. Drunky.

Her cheeks were flushed as she could vividly remember her dream. The remnants of her dream were still fresh in her memory. Her heart was pounding crazily at this moment.

"Oh my, I think I need to have a cold shower. My body is burning hot," Alveena continued her monologue.

She got up from the bed when she remembered something. She peered at her surrounding with a startled look on her face until she realized where she was.

The design of the room was very masculine. It was a minimalist style. All she could see was a combination of shades- white, black and gray.

She smacked her forehead gently. "Oh, what got into me last night? Aww, my head hurts as well. My hangover started to kick in."

She lay down on her bed again, staring blankly at the ceiling as she reminisced what transpired last night.

She remembered how she argued with Andrew. He was convincing her to go home but she refused. He also suggested dropping her at her friend's place or a hotel but she became stubborn.

In the end, she told him to take her in his place instead. She threw a fit when Andrew rejected her request. She threatened him that she would find another guy who would allow her to come with him to his place.

At first, Andrew didn't believe her, thinking that she was just bluffing. He didn't expect that Alveena would really act stupid, talking with some random guys in the club and asking them if she could stay in their place even just for one night.

She's already drunk and tipsy. The men she approached were also looking at her with their lustful eyes, probably thinking of ways on how they could take advantage of this beautiful drunk lady.

Andrew couldn't stand watching them anymore so he dragged Alveena away from those men. He immediately pulled her out of the club as he guided her into his car. And just like that, Alveena succeeded again in making Andrew complied with her request.

He brought her into his penthouse. Fortunately, Hannah and Andrew were still having a cool off. Hannah didn't visit him even once after he got discharged from the hospital. Completely no communication between them as well

Upon arriving at his place, Alveena started throwing up. Andrew had to bring his car to the carwash today because of that.

Aside from that, she also did worst. When Andrew was about to assist her from getting out of his car, she suddenly threw up all over his clothes. Alveena felt really guilty as she remembered that scene.

She buried her face using both hands. She felt embarrassed as well. She didn't know how she would face Andrew today. Though he seemed annoyed and irritated by her, he still took care of her.

Fortunately, he had an extra room. Alveena slept in the guest room. It's been a long time since someone used that room. Whenever Hannah would stay in his place, they were both sleeping in his room.

Last night, Andrew prepared the guest room for her while Alveena was taking a shower when she sobered up a little. Unknown to her, the clothes she was wearing right now were owned by Hannah, Andrew's fiancee.

"Argh… what should I tell him? What if he is mad at me because of what happened last night? Should I use my drunkenness as an excuse? Will he forgive me? Argh! Mr. Grumpy will hate me again."

"Oh, and that dream?! It still bothers me a lot. Why the heck I dreamed about sleeping with him?"

She grabbed a pillow and buried her face. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She felt really embarrassed right now.

Fortunately, Andrew had no idea about her super hot dream, or else, she would die from embarrassment.

Alveena was still thinking about how she would apologize to Andrew when she heard a knock outside her door.

'Damn! She's already awake.' She bit her lower lip.

She glanced at the closed door, contemplating what to do. After a few seconds, Alveena stood up, but instead of approaching the door, she headed to the bathroom.

She didn't want Andrew to see her 'just-woke-up' look. For some unknown reasons, she wanted to look pretty and presentable in front of him so she dashed to the bathroom to freshen up first.

While Alveena was doing her things inside the bathroom, Andrew was kept on knocking outside her room. He heard some movements inside so he was certain that Alveena was already awake.

He just finished cooking breakfast for them. He decided to wake her up and invite her to eat with him. He wondered why she didn't open the door yet. She didn't even bother to tell him that she would come out in a while.

Andrew just remained standing outside, leaning on the door while waiting for Alveena.

'What is she doing inside? It's been ten minutes already since I knocked. Why is she taking her time to open this door? Is she deaf?'

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