​ When Andrew searched for Alveena's friend, he couldn't find them anywhere in the club.

'Where did they go? Don't tell me they just left, leaving their friend alone?' Andrew thought to himself, rubbing the space between his brows.

He couldn't believe that they would just leave like that, not even saying goodbye to them.

'Are they really a true friend? How could they leave Alveena alone?' Andrew felt annoyed by that thought.

He decided to stand up and look for them further but he was stopped by a cold hand, grabbing his wrist. He looked down only to see Alveena's pitiful face.

"Where are you going? You don't want to listen to me anymore?" Alveena pouted. She tightened her grip on his wrist.

"Promise, this vampire won't eat you. Please stay…" Alveena softly mumbled, begging him to stay.

Andrew looked at her helplessly. 'You already bit me. Not once but twice! Making a promise now that you've already bitten me twice?'

"I will just look for your friends. I'll come back after." Andrew said, reassuring her.

Alveena didn't let go of his hand. She shook her head and said, "No need to look for them. They went home already. They messaged me."

"What? When did they leave? How about you? Why you didn't go with them." Andrew couldn't believe it. They really left without bringing their friend Alveena.

Alveena pouted once more. "I couldn't leave you. Besides, they already left even before I read their message."

"You should go home. I think you are drunk already." Andrew was trying to remove her hand that was gripping his wrist when suddenly Alveena pulled him down to sit beside her.

Andrew looked at her, bewildered. 'She's strong for a woman who was already drunk.'

Then Alveena leaned on his shoulder and started to speak some random things to him. Andrew could only sigh deeply and listen to her.

"Mr. Drunky, comfort me. I am mad and upset. I feel frustrated with my family. They wanted to set me up with someone I didn't even know. They are about to take away my freedom and marry me off to a guy that I don't even like." Alveena gazed up to see Andrew's reaction.

He was looking at her, expressionless. She couldn't tell what he was thinking right now. He was just silently listening to her.

"I don't want to get married! I'm not yet ready for that. I hate commitments. Why they are doing this to me?" Alveena firmly stated, complaining to Andrew.

This time Andrew made a side comment while massaging his temple with his free hand. Alveena was still clinging to his other hand.

"Maybe their goal is to find you a good husband that can discipline you. Maybe you were giving them a lot of headaches and troubles lately so they wanted to marry you off. Maybe you misused and abused your freedom for them to resort to this."

Alveena hit his chest once again. It was just a light tap so Andrew didn't complain.

"Why are you defending them? You should comfort me instead. Your 'Maybes' are wrong! They just want to have a grandchild."

Andrew's lips twitched, fighting the urge to smile. 'Parents will always be like that. So eager to see their grandchildren.'

Alveena continued, sharing her thoughts with Andrew. "It's my brother's fault. He should marry first before me. But that damn fool brother of mine became a woman-hater. Mom and Dad couldn't even do something about him. He was acting like the head of the family and he was so strict toward me. I am pitiful right? So come, comfort me."

Alveena reached for his other hand and put it on her head, asking for a pat from Andrew. She moved closer to him and sunk into the warmth of his body. Andrew sighed helplessly before stroking Alveena's hair.

Unknowingly, Andrew gave in to Alveena's request once more, making him do things she wanted. Now he was trying to comfort her by doing this.

"Come, I will drop you at your house. You should go home now, take a rest and clear your mind. After that, talk to your parents and brother. Explain your side to them. They will listen to you," Andrew gave her a piece of meaningful advice.

She shook her head vehemently after hearing that. "No. No! I don't wanna go home tonight! Please don't bring me home." She pleaded.

"Okay, just tell me your friend's address. Or let me call one of them. I will drop you at their place," Andrew suggested again.

Alveena chewed on his lower lip while shaking her head. "No, please don't. My monster Brother will know where to find me."

Andrew rubbed his temples once again. "Why are you afraid of your brother?"

"I'm not afraid of him. I just don't want to see him. I want them to worry about me not going home so that they will realize their mistake. This is me getting even with them." Alveena said stubbornly.

"So stubborn woman. Can you act like a grown woman? Stop acting childish. Just go home." Andrew felt like scolding her.

"I said No. I won't!" Alveena insisted. She's firm on her decision.

"Sigh, where are you planning to sleep tonight? In this club or in the street?" After saying that, Andrew picked up his phone.

"Let me book a hotel for you," he added.

Though this woman could irritate and annoy him to the core, he couldn't bear to leave her like this. She refused to go home and to go to her friend's place.

Seeing how stubborn she was, he knew it's futile to convince her. She won't listen.

What if something terrible would happen to her if he let her be? This woman was still the one who saved his life. He had to take care of her and ensure her safety as well.

Andrew was about to book a hotel room for Alveena when she suddenly snatched his phone from him.

"Hey, what are you doing? Give me my phone back. I am trying to book you a room!"

"Not hotel, not home, and not friend's place! Bring me to your place instead! Just take me with you! " Alveena demanded him.

Andrew: "..."

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