Olive and Ana walked over to follow Clifford and approach him. They were just a few steps away from him when they noticed another presence.

Clifford stopped in front of a very beautiful woman. The woman smiled at him sweetly while giving him a thumb up. Olive wanted to stop but her curiosity won over her.

She wanted to know who's the girl in front of Clifford. 'Is she his new girlfriend? But I didn't hear any news that he got a girlfriend.'

Ana looked at her friend worriedly. She didn't know if it was still a good idea to approach Clifford. It seemed that he was not alone. He was with a beautiful woman who might be his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen was glad that the suit she picked was fitted to Clifford.

"You look great with this suit!" Zhen-Zhen said to him while giving him a thumb up.

Clifford had the urge to laugh because of her childish behavior of giving him a thumb up sign. He wanted to fight it but failed. Clifford ended up letting a soft chuckle.

"I always look great with a suit," Clifford stated confidently, boasting a little bit.

Zhen-Zhen also giggled after hearing his last remarks. At least, this man started to ease up a little, unlike before when he looked mad as if he was always angry at the world.

'Maybe he was really in a bad mood a while ago,' Zhen-Zhen thought to herself.

"How about the other two suits?" Zhen-Zhen asked him curiously.

"They also fit me. Now, I wonder how did you know my size?" Clifford said amusingly.

Zhen-Zhen pointed her finger at her eyes and said matter-of-factly, "By observing you."

"Come. I will pay for those three suits as my compensation to you and as a sign of my apology. We have to leave fast or else you might be late from your appointment today!" Zhen-Zhen grabbed Clifford's hand again, pulling him toward the cashier.

The moment the two of them turned around to leave, they bumped into Olive and Ana. The smile on Clifford's lips disappeared in an instant when he recognized the girl.

She's the last person he wanted to see right now. He didn't expect that their paths would cross again here. The last news he heard about her was that she went to the States after breaking their engagement.

'She's back,' Clifford thought to himself. His expression darkened as he gazed at her. After a few seconds, he looked away.

"Hi Cliff, long time no see. How are you?"

A soft mellow voice was heard. Olive was staring intently at Clifford's handsome face. There was a hint of longing in her dark orbs.

Clifford maintained his expressionless front as he shifted his gaze back at Olive who was giving him a faint smile. Instinctively, Clifford held Zhen-Zhen's arm tightly, pulling her closer to him.

Clueless about what was happening, Zhen-Zhen just darted her gaze back and forth between Clifford and Olive. She remained silent while observing them.

'Wow, I really had a bad day today. Who would have thought that I would encounter the two people I hated at the same place? Did Tristan and Olive meet each other here? Was that the reason why that punk was also here a while ago?' Clifford started to speculate in his mind.

'Well, I don't care about them. They can meet all they want.' he added to his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen could sense that Clifford was mad about something again. She looked down, watching Clifford's hand that was clutching her hand too tightly.

The atmosphere around them became awkward. Olive greeted him with a friendly smile on her face but Clifford just remained silent, looking at her blankly, no emotion at all.

Ana could also feel the tension between Clifford and Olive. She didn't dare to make a sound. She just bit her lower lip, anticipating Clifford's reply to Olive.

Zhen-Zhen could no longer stay silent so she nudged Clifford's shoulder and said, "Hey, are you okay? Is there something wrong?"

Clifford averted his gaze to Zhen-Zhen. Zhen-Zhen was giving him a kind of look as if saying "Your friend is greeting you. You should greet her back."

But Clifford pretended that he didn't get what she meant by that look. He just smiled at her sweetly while shaking his head.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine. Let's go now… Sweety." Clifford mumbled with so much gentleness in his voice. He emphasized his last word, calling Zhen-Zhen 'Sweety.'

Zhen-Zhen: "Eh?"

Ana: "..."

Olive: "..."

After saying those words loud and clear, Clifford gently pulled Zhen-Zhen away from Olive and Ana. He decided to ignore Olive and her friend, Ana.

Clifford's lips stretched out into a triumphant smirk upon seeing Olive's shocked and disappointed expression.

Ana and Olive just watched Zhen-Zhen and Clifford until they vanished from their sights. The two of them already assumed that Zhen-Zhen was Clifford's woman.

Ana felt sorry for Olive. She was the one who suggested to Olive that she should greet Clifford. Who would have thought that he already had a girlfriend? No one mentioned it in the news articles or magazines.

'Did I give Olive a false hope?' Ana felt like scolding herself.

Olive, on the other hand, concealed her emotions, pretending that she was just fine.

"Let's go and continue our shopping!" Olive said to Ana cheerfully. Ana could only bob her head.


Clifford and Zhen-Zhen arrived at the cashier. She paid for everything. After a few seconds, she received a message from Tristan, asking about her current location. He already arrived at the mall.

Zhen-Zhen was just done replying to Tristan when she heard Clifford's voice.

"Thank you," Clifford said to her meaningfully.

He didn't know how he would explain to her the reason why he called her 'Sweety' in front of Olive. Fortunately, Zhen-Zhen didn't make things difficult and awkward to him.

She didn't ask him further about his action a while ago. Zhen-Zhen was respecting his privacy. She knew that he had his personal reason for that and she was not in the right place to question him about sensitive matters.

She could sense that there's something going on between this man and the girl they met a while ago.

"Why are you not asking me anything?" Clifford couldn't help but bring it up.

Zhen-Zhen smiled at him before saying. "I have no right to ask you. Besides, we are still strangers to each other."

Clifford was dumbfounded because of her straightforward response. She had a point and he understood that. In fact, he really appreciated her.

"Then, maybe it's our time to introduce ourselves. I'm Clifford Sy." Clifford extended his left hand to her. He was left-handed.

Zhen-Zhen nodded at him, gladly accepting his hand using her left hand as well. That's the moment Clifford took notice of her ring.

Clifford frowned upon seeing her wedding ring. For some unknown reasons, he felt very disappointed. 'She has a wedding ring. Does it mean she's already married?'

"I'm Lillie Davis," Zhen-Zhen finally introduced herself.

The frown on Clifford's forehead deepened after hearing the surname Davis. Now, he became curious if she's related to the Davis Family. He also noticed the Black Card she used a while ago.

"Davis? Are you related to the Davis Family, the owner of the Heavenly Star Enterprise?"

Zhen-Zhen bobbed her head frantically.

"Yes, I'm related to them. My husband is the current CEO of the Heavenly Star Enterprise. Do you know Tristan Davis?"

Clifford: "…"

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