After their passionate moment at the entrance of the house, Tristan brought Zhen-Zhen to their room. They stayed there, lying on the bed while cuddling each other. Tristan still had more energy to do another round but he decided not to do it or else, his so-called Father-in-law would find out about this.

He was supposed to fetch FaMo in the company but he ended up going home with Zhen-Zhen to give her 'punishment'. Since he didn't come back to the company, FaMo and Matthew might be wondering now why he was too late.

He glanced at Zhen-Zhen who was sleeping in his arms. Zhen-Zhen could easily get tired lately. Maybe this was the result of exhausting too much magical power when she created that portal, fought with the guardian warrior, and transferred energy to FaMo to quickly heal his wound.

Tristan felt lighthearted now. He was able to talk with Hannah and have closure with his past love. He also tried to fix things with his brother, Andrew. He felt so happy about this turn of events. And now, his beloved woman was in his arms.

He couldn't get enough of her. He already felt blissful knowing that he was able to finally do the deed with his wife, not only once but twice already. He was excited and looking forward to the coming days.

His life started to change the moment he first met Zhen-Zhen. He felt more alive each day because of her presence. He didn't imagine that the world could be as wonderful as this. It became brighter and more lovely each day. This was all because of her.

He wanted to stay with her longer while cuddling her like this but he was thinking that his Father-in-law aka FaMo might be waiting for him already.

He couldn't ask Matthew to drop FaMo into his place. Matthew would suspect and ask him questions about why suddenly his adviser was staying in his place as well.

He didn't tell Matthew yet about Zhen-Zhen's true identity. It was better not to let him know in the meantime. He trusted Matthew but he didn't want to share this secret with others. He wanted this secret to remain between him and his wife only.

Besides, it was better if Matthew and others didn't know so that they would just treat Lillie like a normal person. This was also for Zhen-Zhen's safety.

Though Tristan was reluctant to leave, he had to get up already to fetch FaMo. He kissed Zhen-Zhen on her forehead before getting off the bed. But when he was about to leave, Zhen-Zhen woke up.

"Hubby, are you leaving?" Zhen-Zhen asked Tristan with her sleepy voice. She was rubbing her eyes.

Tristan couldn't help but chuckle. Zhen-Zhen really looked pretty and adorable after waking up. Tristan nodded at her with a smile, caressing her cheeks.

"Yes, Wifey. I have to fetch your father in the company. He might be wondering now what took me so long to arrive." Tristan explained to Zhen-Zhen.

"Go back to sleep, wifey," Tristan added, patting her head. 'Before I change my mind. Instead of leaving you here, I might just stay here and let Matthew bring father-in-law back here,' he added to his thoughts.

Zhen-Zhen just nodded at him with a smile. Soon, Tristan left the house.


~ At Heavenly Star Enterprise ~

Tristan was right. FaMo and Matthew were already waiting for him to come. They were already in the lobby. Matthew received Tristan's message that he was already on the way. He said something came up in the hospital that's why it took him a lot of time before he could go back.

If FaMo just knew what truly happened behind his back, then he would surely be mad at Tristan again. Tristan was able to score with his wife twice now. It happened because FaMo was not around. The fool outsmarted the mighty protector once again.

They were sitting on one of the benches in the lobby when Grandpa Lu and Assistant Twig saw them. Grandpa Lu decided to approach Matthew. He was intrigued by seeing a new face sitting beside Matthew.

Matthew immediately stood up to greet Grandpa Lu politely. "Chairman Lu," Matthew slightly bowed at him, acknowledging his presence.

Grandpa Lu nodded at Matthew. "Why are you still here? Where's my grandson?" Chairman asked Matthew, peering at their surroundings while searching for Tristan.

"Chairman Lu, Tristan is on the way here now. He dropped by at the hospital, visiting Andrew," Matthew informed Grandpa Lu.

Both Grandpa Lu and Assistant Twig were surprised to hear that. They exchanged glances with one another. They didn't expect that Tristan would initiate to visit his brother.

Grandpa Lu already visited Andrew early this morning. He was glad that he was doing fine and his wound was not severe.

Grandpa Lu couldn't help but smile. He was thinking that the relationship between his two grandsons was improving lately. He hoped that this would continue.

"Oh, by the way, who is this gentleman with you?" Grandpa Lu turned to FaMo who was also looking at him.

FaMo had a good impression of Grandpa Lu. Zhen-Zhen mentioned lots of good things about Grandpa Lu. She told FaMo how kind Grandpa Lu to her. He was treating her well. So definitely, FaMo liked Tristan's grandpa. He liked him more than his so-called son-in-law, Tristan.

FaMo stood up and introduced himself to Grandpa Lu personally. "Esteemed Chairman Lu, I am Fa-, Zu Wan." He almost committed a mistake by mentioning his name FaMo.

FaMo extended his right hand to Grandpa Lu. Grandpa Lu gladly accepted it.

"Oh, nice meeting you, Zu Wan. You knew me already," Grandpa Lu responded with his friendly smile.

Zu Wan bobbed his head frantically. "Yes, I heard lots of good things about Chairman Lu," FaMo said enthusiastically.

Grandpa Lu chuckled after hearing that. He somehow felt comfortable with this young man though it was his first time meeting him.

"Are you a new employee here?" Grandpa Lu asked him curiously.

"Hmm, sort of. I am Tristan's advisor in the meantime."

Grandpa Lu and Assistant Twig were taken aback when they heard that. They had no idea that Tristan hired an advisor.

Advisor for what? For what purpose? When did the CEO need an advisor?

These were the questions running in their mind right now. Grandpa Lu decided to ask him about further details.

"Oh, I didn't know that my grandson hired an advisor. Is he having difficulty in the company lately?" Grandpa Lu asked both Matthew and FaMo.

"Nothing that I can think of, Chairman Lu," Matthew responded.

But FaMo chuckled. "Chairman, sorry to say this but your grandson really needs some advice. For me, he is a FOOL." FaMo emphasized the word 'Fool'.

Grandpa Lu: "..."

Assistant Twig: "..."

Matthew: "..."

They were rendered speechless, not expecting that someone would blatantly call Tristan a fool.

FaMo let out a husky laugh once again seeing the stunned expression of the three men. He decided to elaborate on his statement.

"Not about the company though. He is a complete fool in managing his own relationship, especially with his woman." FaMo said matter-of-factly.

"Pffft…" Assistant Twig was not able to hold his laughter.

Matthew was also trying his best not to laugh because Chairman Lu was there.

Chairman Lu, on the other hand, ended up bursting into a peal of laughter.

'Oh, I already like this Tristan's new advisor. He is honest.' Grandpa Lu thought to himself.

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