"Our gorgeous professor is here!!!" One female student yelled to her classmates. She was the one who stood by the door, waiting for their History professor to come.

The girls were all excited in their seats. The boys were intrigued. All eyes on the door, anticipating the arrival of their professor. They could hear the footsteps coming in. Everyone fell silent, almost holding their breath.

Zhen-Zhen, Alicia, and Betsy were also focused on the door. It did not take long when a man wearing white polo shirts matched with a blue sport coat and black denim jeans. It emphasized his great physique.

Others couldn't help but gasp in admiration upon seeing his face especially when his lips stretched out into a charming smile while greeting his students "Good morning."

Everyone was starstruck that no one responded to their professor. Zhen-Zhen was also dumbfounded for a moment when she recognized the person. A few seconds later, a pair of emerald eyes met Zhen-Zhen's blue eyes.

"Liam…" Zhen-Zhen mumbled to herself.

They just stared at each other for a while, eyeing each other. Liam's smile widened the moment he recognized Zhen-Zhen. Though she was in her makeover appearance, Liam could tell that she was Lillie. He would never forget those pair of blue orbs he had seen before. Liam also had a sharp memory.

But Liam was wondering why Zhen-Zhen was looking different from her original appearance the last time he saw her. Liam already knew that Lillie Meyer would be in his class. He already checked the names of his students.

He was surprised to see her name on the list. He didn't expect that he would see her again after their last encounter here when she took the Educational Placement examination. It turned out she chose this school.

Liam gave Zhen-Zhen a friendly smile and glanced at her one last time before he focused his attention back on his class. Liam introduced himself to everyone. For the first time, the whole class paid so much attention to their professor.

This was also the first time he was meeting them. He was the substitute professor of their History Subject. Their previous professor took an indefinite leave because of a health issue. Because of that, Liam was assigned to this class.

He had no plan of becoming a full-time professor because he had some priorities he needed to do but it looked like teaching this class would be fun. He was looking forward to the coming days.

After checking the attendance of his class, Liam proceeded to his lesson. They said History class was boring but because of Liam's presence, everyone was paying attention to him.

Those students who were not participating in the class discussion from the other subjects were now eager to be called by Liam for their oral participation. Every question Liam threw at them, almost everyone was raising their hands, hoping to impress their young handsome, and gorgeous professor.

Zhen-Zhen just let her classmates participate. She didn't even raise her hand because she was not in the mood. Maybe because she was still tired after everything that transpired in the last few days. She was just listening to them attentively and taking down notes. But she would catch Liam looking in her direction from time to time.

Whenever she would meet his gaze, Liam would just smile at her, not feeling shy nor guilty after getting caught for checking her out at the back. It was Zhen-Zhen who would look away first, feeling conscious because of Liam's intense gaze.

Zhen-Zhen didn't know why but there's something in Liam that was intriguing her. She couldn't help but ponder what makes him mysterious to her.

On the other hand, Betsy and Alicia mistook Liam's action. They thought Liam was looking in Alicia's direction because among the three of them Alicia was the one who stood out with her pretty girl aura. Betsy started teasing Alicia whose face was scarlet red. She was blushing at the thought that Liam might be interested in her.

After one hour and a half, their History class ended. They had one hour break before their second class would start. Alicia and Betsy grabbed Zhen-Zhen first, letting their other classmates leave the room.

They would try to approach Liam. He was still busy arranging the audio-visual he used during his discussion. Everyone left the room except Liam, Alicia, Betsy, and Zhen-Zhen. Alicia and Betsy grabbed that opportunity to talk with Liam.

"Sir Liam, you're amazing. We didn't know that History Class could be this fun," Alicia said sweetly at him.

Liam stopped what he was doing and glanced at the three women. Alicia was the one who spoke up but Liam's eyes landed on Zhen-Zhen's face.

"Really? But it seemed that someone didn't enjoy it. Because of that, I wondered if I am a boring professor. She never participated once during the discussion," Liam said meaningfully while eyeing Zhen-Zhen.

Betsy and Alicia exchanged glances with one another. They were confused. They had no idea who Liam was referring to. Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen just chewed her lower lip and smiled at Liam apologetically. She didn't know why but she could sense that Liam was talking about her.

Seeing Zhen-Zhen's embarrassed and apologetic look, Liam couldn't help letting out a husky laugh.

"Oh, Don't take my words seriously, Ladies. I'm just kidding. Go and take your break now so that you will have more energy for the next class."

Alicia and Betsy swooned because of Liam's thoughtfulness. They had no idea that those words were for Zhen-Zhen.

He noticed that Zhen-Zhen had a low spirit today. She was quiet, looking tired, and exhausted. But she still managed to listen to their class.

He didn't see the same enthusiasm she had when she took the Educational Placement Examination. He was worried that she was not feeling well today.

Before the three ladies could leave, Liam took something inside his bag. It was an energy drink.

"Ms. Lillie," Liam called her out.

Zhen-Zhen, Alicia, and Betsy stopped on their track when they heard Liam calling Lillie. They turned around to face him.

Alicia and Betsy were speechless when they saw Liam giving Zhen-Zhen the energy drink.

"Here, drink this. Hope it will make you feel better. Good luck in your next class." Liam softly said to Zhen-Zhen, flashing his gentle smile at her.

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