Ashton's POV

"Are you sure you want to do that, Ashton? Are you now ready to face Megan?" My sister asked as she watched me while I was clenching the football ball in my hand.

We were inside my room, and I was leaning on my headboard while she was standing near the open window of my room, and I could feel the night breeze brushing on my skin. It is a starry night, and I can feel the pang on my chest as I remember the many starry nights I spent with Megan in Astikoz hills.

"Yes, I can't take it anymore, Isabelle. I made sure my number was on the cards to all the bouquets I sent her, but I didn't get any text or call from her." I said as I looked at my sister, and I heard her sigh.

"Ashton, don't expect that Megan will communicate with you. You made her suffer, and eight years is long enough for you to look for her. Do you think Megan still feels the same way towards you? I want you to know that there is a possibility that you will only get hurt in the end." Isabelle declared.

"I was hurting for eight years too, Isabelle. And this is the first time after a long time that I felt this way after I met her at the mall, and of course, after seeing my son for the first time. He looked so adorable, Belle. He is so handsome as his father." I said, and my sister laughed and shook her head.

"You are still the old Ashton, I know, but you are right. I can see it in your eyes, and you are not faking your smile, Ash. And I can't wait to meet my nephew, and I could tell that he is charming just like you when you were his age." My sister said, and I nodded my head.

"I guess so; Zach said Axel looked exactly like me, and next time I want to bring you to his school so you can see him," I said, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so excited.

"Just tell me when so I can clear my calendar." My sister said, and I felt sad that she planned to leave our firm since she wanted to open her own business.

"This coming Wednesday since I promise to bring him lunch and some toys," I said, and my sister beamed at me.

"Okay then, good luck with your plan, and I just hope you will succeed," Isabelle replied.

"Me too, I know Megan will push me away, but I will never surrender; I want to take part in Axel's life because he is growing fast, and while he is still seven years old, I want to be there for him and play my part as his father." I declared, and my sister was giving me a mischievous grin.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

"What is wrong with my smile, Ashton?" She asked back.

"I could tell you were mocking me." I declared, and she sighed.

"I am not mocking you, but you could have told me that you are doing all this because of Megan and don't use your son as an excuse, but I know you wanted to be a father to him, but to have Megan back in your life is your primary goal. And you wanted them both to be in your life." She said.

"You were right, Isabelle. I want to have them both in my life, and I wish I am not yet too late." I said as I let out a heavy breath.

"I think you made the right decision. I wanted to come with you to give you moral support." She said, but I shook my head immediately.

"No, I don't want you to see me at my weakest moment, Isabelle; there is a chance she will drive me away. At least no one will witness the possible humiliation that I am going to face." I replied.

"Okay, just remember I will be here for you; you can always lean on my shoulders." She muttered, and I smiled weakly at her.

"Thank you, Belle," I said.

"No, probs, good night, little brother." She said.

"Good night, big sister," I replied as she walked towards my door, and after she gently closed my door, I could feel the heaviness in my heart, and I suddenly felt lonely.

I find it so hard to sleep because of my excitement, and when I hear the buzzing of my alarm, I get up right away because I don't want to be behind my schedule. I tried to reach Megalopre early morning, and I didn't care if I would wake her up early, but my spy told me Megan would have an early run every weekend, so I needed to be there on her doorstep before she even woke up.

I didn't even drink coffee because I hoped she would invite me to have a cup with her. I know I was thinking ahead, but what can I do? I want her back in my life, and I can't wait to see her, and I can't stop myself from thinking of kissing her again. Even if I am so confident of meeting Megan, I cannot deny I have doubts because deep in my core, I don't want rejection, but I don't have a choice but face her and do the right thing.

I am willing to take whatever punishment she will give me as long as she will give me a chance to be with her and Axel. And I will promise Megan that I will be the best dad to our son and be the most incredible husband for her if she will only let me be part of her life once again.

As I was driving my car in the expressway, I couldn't stop myself from having second thoughts, and I wanted to go back to Majuscule and stay in my room the entire day, but the image of Megan and Axel is haunting me even if I am wide awake, or I am asleep.

 I felt so glad Alice called the guard on duty before I arrived at her estate, or else I couldn't get inside her property. I was impressed and fascinated by the view of the long driveway, and when I pulled over in front of her house, I was looking into an enormous mansion, and I realized maybe Gael was not bad after all. Of course, my girl deserved all the luxury in life with her talent, and I wanted to give her and Axel all the comfort and extravagance the world can offer. Still, as I looked around her estate, I realized she was already leaving her life like a princess.

It was still early, and I could tell the sun was about to rise, and I was sitting on the front steps of the front porch of her house since I didn't want to make a noise. Alice told me she didn't want to see me because she knew Megan would know right away her best friend was the one helping me since she is not good at hiding her emotions. 

I watched the sun creep through the sky behind the white clouds, and I smiled as I felt the early morning wind touch my skin. I wish Megan would love my attire. I was only wearing faded jeans and a white t-shirt since I wanted to have a play with Axel today, and I realized Megan's estate has a beautiful manicured lawned, and the Bermuda grass made her house look so inviting and relaxing. 

I shook my head when I watched the beautiful garden surrounding her house, and I realized she might throw all the flowers I sent her since she has lovely roses in her garden. I was deep in my thoughts when I realized it was time to knock on her door.

As I got up and walked through the main door, I could feel the rapid beating of my heart, and the nervousness that I felt made my hands shake, and I took a deep breath to calm myself because I didn't want Megan to think I am not yet ready to face her, and it felt like I was senior high school all over again. I was looking for a doorbell, but I couldn't find one, so I knocked several times until I heard her soft voice on the other side of the door.

My heart was pounding so hard against my chest as I heard her unlatch the door. I could listen to the creaking sound of the door as she opened it wide, and her eyes widened in shock, and my mouth hung open as I looked at her beautiful face, and I could feel the aching of my heart as her smile faded right away and her entire face darkened, and she was looking daggers at me.

"What are you doing here, Ashton?" Megan asked angrily, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling even if she was looking at me with anger because she called me by my first name, it means she was ready to face me now, and I couldn't stop from hoping I would have a chance to have a civil talk with her.

"To win back your heart and claim what is rightfully mine." I replied with confidence, and I couldn't stop looking at her entire face, even if she looked furious and hurt. Her angelic face is still the same, and I can't deny I am still crazy about her no matter how she glared at me with resentment.

"You have nothing to claim because you lost your chance eight years ago." She answered coldly, and I could see she gripped the door frame for support because I knew she couldn't deny it. She was feeling the same way. And I can see it beneath her hard stares.

"Meg, please! Let us talk," I begged, and she laughed.

"Talk? There is nothing to talk about us, Ashton, because what we had was over eight years ago. I came into your house that day begging you to hear me out, but you drove me away. And now you are too late. Please leave because I don't want to see you anymore, not even your shadow." She hissed.

"Please let me see my son," I said, and her face turned bright red.

"Son? What are you talking about, Pritzgold? Axel is not your son.." She said and slammed the door in front of my face, and I felt so defeated as I stepped back, and I know I deserve all this, but I can feel the pain in my heart, as I can still hear her words, and I felt so horrified as I realized what have I done that day.

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