“I’m not saying I’m going to do that... Ah, forget it… Just watch.”

Choi Yeonseung concluded that it would be better to find a way on his own than to ask the berserker constellation.

Upon returning to the past, Choi Yeonseung initially thought he could easily take down the Master of Slowness and Silence by using the power of other constellations. However, that was an illusion. Even if he received the help or strength of other constellations, in the end, Choi Yeonseung had to do everything by himself. His encounter with the goddess of sloth had confirmed that…

‘She didn’t help at all!’

Rather than luring out the Master of Slowness and Silence and encroaching on his territory with a complicated and tricky plan, Choi Yeonseung decided to keep it simple.

In the end, wouldn’t everything be solved if he could just directly knock down the Master of Slowness and Silence?

He needed strength that would surpass the Master of Slowness and Silence! And in order to gain that strength...

Suddenly, an identical clone of Choi Yeonseung appeared in front of him. As other constellations often did, he used his own power of existence to make this clone.

‘If other constellations can do it, so can I.’

Choi Yeonseung raised his power of existence.

Constellations used this power to exhibit abilities that mortals couldn’t, but in the end, they were also constrained by rules. For instance, just as the berserker constellation couldn’t use the power of order, the goddess of sloth couldn’t use the power of diligence.

However, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t bound by such limitations.

‘I have already received and used the powers of other constellations.’

Constellations were so proud and arrogant that they wouldn’t resort to using the power of another constellation, but that wasn’t the case with Choi Yeonseung. Since returning to Earth, he had been masquerading as a human and using the powers of other constellations.

Human or constellation, Choi Yeonseung hadn’t changed. He had just become stronger, but he had never been tainted by pride and arrogance. If he could use a power, he would use it, even if it originally belonged to another constellation.

Combined with his power of existence that had recently been growing, the space in front of Choi Yeonseung began to warp. This was the power that the goddess of sloth had once used to seal herself.

Seeing this, the berserker constellation started sobbing.

‘Why is a mighty constellation doing something so ridiculous?’

If a constellation was strong, they ought to rule their kingdoms, grow them, and ultimately command the Abyss. To think that some constellations lay down in their realm or sealed themselves instead of doing that…

The berserker constellation made a vow. If he ever became strong, he wouldn’t follow these ridiculous Abyss customs!

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

Choi Yeonseung sealed the clone made of his power of existence. This whole process had consumed a significant part of his power, but that didn’t matter. If everything went according to plan, he would receive a force far greater than the power of existence he had just expended.

[The power of ‘Domain of the Past’ is coming to an end.]

[The world pushes and pulls you away.]

At that moment, the past suddenly pushed Choi Yeonseung away, and the present pulled him back. Just as the angel from the future had disappeared, Choi Yeonseung realized it was his time to return.

“Berserker constellation, you probably won’t listen even if I tell you this, but… Don’t overindulge in strength.”


The berserker constellation stared in confusion as Choi Yeonseung disappeared.


Right when the Master of Slowness and Silence sensed danger and opened his mouth to swallow him, Choi Yeonseung invoked a new domain and returned from the past.

Seeing Choi Yeonseung appear in a completely different location from before, one of the household members of the slowness constellation panicked and cried out.

-Master, the enemy has switched positions!

The Master of Slowness and Silence turned around. Although he moved very slowly, it was clear that he was flustered. He also sensed that Choi Yeonseung had become a threat.

The slowness constellation didn’t know what Choi Yeonseung was up to, but he was rapidly absorbing the power sent by the souls of Earth.

The Master of Slowness and Silence opened his mouth again, realizing he had to finish this fight quickly. His plan was to swallow his opponent without giving him a chance to attack.

-What just happened?

The goddess of sloth was bewildered. For a moment, Choi Yeonseung had completely disappeared even from her view.

Choi Yeonseung spoke to her with a firm expression.

-I’ll see about you later.


The goddess of sloth was taken aback. Why was he saying that?

-I...What did I do wrong?

-If another constellation comes to you for help, don’t you think you should listen to them instead of disregarding them as a nuisance?

-Is... Is that so?But there were quite a few constellations who came and asked me for help. I don’t remember...

The goddess of sloth indignantly made an excuse. How many years had she lived in the Abyss? How could she remember everything? Moreover, given that she had sealed herself at one point, her memory was hazy.

And now she was suddenly being scolded for something that had happened a long time ago.

‘It’s unfair!’

-By the way, I can see how the Master of Slowness and Silence developed his power.

Choi Yeonseung had been dumbfounded by the overwhelming power of the slowness constellation, not understanding how he had gained it. However, the answer turned out to be quite simple.

It was clear that the slowness constellation had just stayed put.

Just as the goddess of sloth had an overpowered realm that allowed her to grow stronger through defeat, the Master of Slowness and Silence had a similarly absurd realm.

By sealing himself away in a remote area where no one from the Abyss could find him, his power had gradually increased over time. If the other evil god constellations found out about his realm, they would all be dumbstruck and frustrated.

-But in the Abyss, such constellations are strong.

Just as the goddess of sloth had a huge kingdom despite her ridiculous and lazy management...

-Why do you keep doing this to me...?

The goddess of sloth was sullen and kept wondering what had happened all of a sudden.

...The Master of Slowness and Silence had also honed his strength in that manner.

However, things hadn’t worked out as planned. It turned out that establishing such a realm on Earth was incredibly troublesome.

Master of Slowness and Silence, you’re not the only one who can get stronger through isolation.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ is taken aback and wonders what you have done in the meantime to become weak!]

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ asks why you suddenly lost your power of existence...]


Although Choi Yeonseung was confident, the other constellations were taken aback by his sudden decrease in power of existence. They wondered if he had taken too much damage from the Master of Slowness and Silence, but Choi Yeonseung seemed incredibly confident.

What was going on?

-You think running away from Master’s attack and bluffing like this will change anything?

The enemy’s household members dismissed Choi Yeonseung's show of confidence as a mere bluff. At the same time, the Master of Slowness and Silence proceeded to pull Choi Yeonseung back in, just like he had done earlier.

This time, a far more overwhelming and oppressive power of existence encircled Choi Yeonseung, cutting off any possible escape routes. The debris from the shattered buildings stopped falling and froze mid-air.

It looked like the power of existence of the Master of Slowness and Silence was close to reaching its maximum potential.

However, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t drawn in.


Choi Yeonseung stood still in his position. The household members of the Master of Slowness and Silence trembled in fear as they noticed the anomaly.

Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence was surging explosively.

-Ridiculous...This is absurd...How can you suddenly...?

The Master of Slowness and Silence blinked with his whale-like eyes and slowly opened his mouth. He asked Choi Yeonseung a question for the first time in this fight.

[The ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’ asks if you have built up your strength from the past like him.]

That’s right.

Just as the Master of Slowness and Silence developed his power of existence by sealing himself and remaining idle, Choi Yeonseung had grown stronger by leaving his clone in the past. The clone had been steadily building up strength until now, and when its seal was finally lifted, Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence surged dramatically.

Realizing what was going on, the Master of Slowness and Silence looked defeated. He wasn’t that great in terms of combat to begin with. And now that his overwhelming advantage in power of existence had disappeared, there was no way he could beat Choi Yeonseung, who was supported by the majority of Earth’s humans.

[The ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’ asks humanity.]

[Wouldn’t it be more satisfying for humanity to be in his own realm than in the realm of this constellation?]

The Master of Slowness and Silence issued one final question, directed at humanity as a whole, not at Choi Yeonseung.

Choi Yeonseung paused at his question.

‘Huh, I guess he has a point…’

If the Master of Slowness and Silence ruled… Earth would be a fairly quiet and slow place. Many of its problems would vanish under the constellation’s power—pollution would likely disappear, returning nature to its original state.

-Don’t tell me you’re falling for it?!

-I was just thinking about it.

Of course, Choi Yeonseung had no intention of accepting it. Regardless of how tempting the Master of Slowness and Silence’s offer was, Choi Yeonseung had long decided that he would oust the other constellations and become the master of Earth.

He was no longer so weak as to be shaken by such words. However, the people were different. Would everyone else be swayed by the slowness constellation’s offer? Wouldn’t they want a constellation who would finally eliminate all the problems that had been building up over the last decades?

The Master of Slowness and Silence slowly closed his eyes, and seeing this, Choi Yeonseung realized that it was decided.

The enemy’s power of existence was no longer increasing. As before, humanity rejected the Master of Slowness and Silence. Whether it was because of their deep distrust of other races or their unshakeable faith in Choi Yeonseung that had been built over the years, it didn’t really matter.

As Choi Yeonseung prepared to fire the Origin of the Celestial Fist, he gave his final words to the strongest enemy he had ever faced.


Along with a white flash, the beam of his tremendous power of existence penetrated the Master of Slowness and Silence. The attack itself wasn’t loud, but the Master of Slowness and Silence was slowly starting to crumble.

His household members cried out in disbelief, but the Master of Slowness and Silence fell just like that.


[In accordance with the rightful agreement signed by the constellations, a new realm is added to your kingdom.]

Choi Yeonseung gained an overwhelming amount of power of existence, uncomparable to what he had acquired so far. This was only natural, as he had just acquired the entire kingdom of Earth!

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ belatedly realizes what happened and is bewildered.]

[Are you going to be the master by yourself...?]


As the boundary between the Abyss and Earth weakened, cracks formed over the sky and the household members from Choi Yeonseung’s realm emerged one by one.

The rock snakes that had been living in the distant Abyss descended, attracted by Choi Yeonseung’s enormous power of existence.

It was clear to everyone that the master of this land had been determined.

[The ‘Arrogant Light Elf’ says it is ridiculous that it has ended like this!]

[The ‘Monk Pursuing Glory’...]



Finally processing the conclusion of the fight, the other constellations were dismayed, but Choi Yeonseung was calm.

Indeed, the victor was bound to feel at ease.

Choi Yeonseung used his power of existence to push all the other constellations out of Earth. The constellations roared as they disappeared into the Abyss.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ closes his mouth and bows.]

[The ‘Warrior Stained with Madness and Blood’...]

The quick-witted constellations bowed their heads, realizing how great Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence had become in this short period of time.

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ asks what you are going to do now.]

Choi Yeonseung, who was adjusting to his surging power of existence, paused after hearing the goddess’ question. He took a moment to think about it before responding.

-This probably won’t change much.

He would just keep doing what he had to do.

...Although the scale would be a bit different from this point onward.

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