You’re going to persuade me?


You’re not expecting me to change my mind just by blocking my attacks without fighting back, right?

“No way,” Choi Yeonseung said firmly. Regardless of any naivety, expecting her to change her mind just because he blocked her attacks was foolish. Of course, that wasn’t his plan.

The Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead looked slightly embarrassed, as she had actually thought that Choi Yeonseung was going to do that.

I’m glad my words got through.I couldn’t communicate with the other constellations at all.

“Illeya, I apologize for any unfair work I’ve assigned to you.”


The observer constellation resisted the urge to swear at him. Unlike before, she didn’t erupt from anger, as being emotional in front of her adversary meant showing weakness.

Yes, but then again, I don’t really care about that. After all, I was prepared for that from the moment I started living on Earth as a human. Really, I don’t care at all. Do you understand?

‘She seems to care though, based on how she speaks,’ Choi Yeonseung thought to himself, but the goddess of sloth stopped him.

-You better not say that if you want to convince her.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ says it is truly amazing.]

[He cannot even imagine how difficult it must be for a constellation to pretend to be a human being and live on Earth.]

Indeed, it was hard.

The observer constellation nodded in agreement.

“Yes, I imagine it must’ve been hard,” Choi Yeonseung added.

...I don’t want to hear that from you, who pretended to be human with the power of a constellation.That must’ve been incomparably harder.Wait, are you making fun of me right now?


Choi Yeonseung was frustrated. He was just trying to sympathize with her, so he couldn’t believe he was being framed like this.

So?How are you going to persuade me?

At the words of the observer constellation, the completely-frozen Goddess of Pleasure and Lust signaled with her eyes.

‘Catch her off guard and aim for a vital spot! Now, while her guard is down!’

The goddess eagerly signaled Choi Yeonseung to take action.

What persuasion was he thinking about? Grudges and conflicts between constellations wouldn’t be resolved until one of them fell. The resentment fueled by the twisted desires of the observer constellation could never be resolved through persuasion.

She had to be eliminated!

…But despite the earnest message from the goddess of pleasure, Choi Yeonseung still wasn’t moving.

“Observer constellation, as you might’ve guessed, the Master of Slowness and Silence sees all the other constellations as a hindrance. You know that sooner or later he’ll cut you down.”

I know, but I won’t cooperate with you just because of that. I should’ve warned you last time. You’ll either have the goddess help you or me. You can’t have it both ways.

“But can you really deal with the Master of Slowness and Silence?”

No one can guarantee that, but one thing is for sure.It’s me or the goddess.

“Observer constellation…”

At this point, what argument could he possibly use to sway the observer constellation…?

“The goddess and I already have a child.”


The goddess of sloth broke into a fit of coughing as though she had a sore throat.

The other constellations, who had been paying attention to the situation in order to help Choi Yeonseung, were also quite shocked.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ is flustered and wonders if the goddess knew about Choi Yeonseung’s real identity. ]

[If she didn’t know and coveted him as a mortal, it is very immoral…]

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is making an excuse by saying she knew and that the sentiment was mutual.]

[They knew each other beforehand…]

The angel constellation suspected that the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead had used her position to take advantage of Choi Yeonseung, who had been unable to reveal his identity as a constellation.

Fortunately, the cat constellation’s excuse dispelled his doubts. But regardless of that, the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead already lowered her head in shame.

Such a ridiculous lie!You would never have the chance to do that!It would’ve been more plausible if you had a child with that angel, Adaquaniel.

The chef constellation and goddess of sloth both nodded in agreement. Even if he lied, he had to make it a bit more convincing...

“I swear on everything I have that it isn’t a lie.”

Choi Yeonseung was being truthful. Although they had no children in the present, they had one from the future. The Angel of Martial Arts from the Future was that child. He didn’t know when or how they would make that child, but it was probably true because that angel had, in fact, visited them from the future.

Are you saying you can’t throw her away because you have a child together?

“No, that’s not what I mean. Listen to the end. A prophecy from the future...”

I won’t hear it!

The observer constellation decided that continuing to listen to him would be pointless and swiftly launched another attack.

-I think you should pay more attention to the order in which you explain things…

Choi Yeonseung couldn’t pay attention to the advice of the goddess of sloth, as the glaciers of the observer constellation rushed once again at him.


How many attacks had he received?

Choi Yeonseung realized he was sinking deeper than before. It seemed that a massive glacier had split and plunged him into the depths of the sea.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ says it’s time to fight back.]

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ tells you to fight back! He argues that it’s probably impossible to reason with each other.]


While the constellations were screaming at Choi Yeonseung to do something, the observer constellation slammed him into a glacier. Then, she sank the glacier along with him into the icy waters of the Antarctic.

The constellations had lost count on how many times he had sunk.

Choi Yeonseung could feel the cold seep into his bones, but he quickly used his internal energy to nullify it.

The temperatures of Antarctica and the chill of the deep sea were laughable in comparison to the attacks of the observer constellation. In addition, he had found himself in environments ten times harsher than this in the Abyss.

-Even so, this is getting too dangerous!

The goddess of sloth couldn’t stand it any longer and urged Choi Yeonseung to do something.

No matter how many times he blocked them, the continuous attacks from a constellation would gradually wear him down, even if the damage wasn’t evident. At this rate, he would soon be unable to fight back. He would actually turn into an ice statue and sink to the bottom of the sea!

Of course, it wasn’t like Choi Yeonseung wasn’t nervous.

‘Was it really impossible to convince her in the first place?’

He had thought that the observer constellation might change her mind if he told her about the Angel of Martial Arts from the Future and about her prophecy that they could only deal with the Master of Slowness and Silence by cooperating, without abandoning the goddess of balance.

But seeing how things had progressed, he had only managed to anger the observer constellation even more.

‘You should’ve started with the prophecy…!’

The goddess of sloth wanted to say that again, but Choi Yeonseung’s situation was so dire that she couldn’t do so.

Choi Yeonseung racked his brains as he sank deeper and deeper into the cold darkness. Was there really no way? Could he do nothing? The moment he fought back, any chances of convincing the observer constellation would vanish.

He thought intensely as he fended off attacks from all sides.

‘A salary raise, Korean food, a promotion... I don’t think any of these things will work.’

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t come up with a viable solution. He was wondering if perhaps he could finish what he had been talking about earlier when he suddenly felt something change within himself.

[’????’ is starting to take shape.]

[It is split in half.]

[The shape of ‘??’ is completed.]

[The ‘Domain of the Future’ has revealed itself.]

It was the mysterious power he had received from the Angel of Martial Arts from the Future. Part of it had just been revealed to him!

‘The Domain of the Future!’

The Angel of Martial Arts from the Future was worthy of her name.

Choi Yeonseung could feel the uncertain power of Future Sight evolve thanks to the Domain of the Future.


The observer constellation was puzzled by the sight of Choi Yeonseung breaking through the ice pillars and glaciers.

‘Is he faster than before? No that’s not it…’

In fact, Choi Yeonseung’s pace remained the same. The observer constellation noticed something strange. He seemed to move in a more precise manner, as if he was predicting each of her attacks.


The observer constellation stared at the goddess of balance in disbelief. What had she done?

The goddess of balance shook her head in an embarrassed manner, as if to say that she hadn’t done anything.

‘Is it possible to do this with the power of Future Sight?’

The observer constellation had studied that power for so long that she had developed a good understanding of it. Future Sight was hailed as an extremely rare and fearsome power in the Abyss, but that was actually an exaggeration.

For example, anyone could predict that a human would die if one of their vital organs was pierced. Now, if someone asked when exactly that person would die, things would be a bit different. Only those who had an accurate understanding of the human body and had seen the injury up close could make such an accurate prediction.

Future Sight merely pushed that to the limit with the constellation’s power. It also implied analysis through information. Given how delicate Future Sight was, it was difficult even for the constellation to understand why certain outcomes had come about!

As such, dealing with this power was easy in a combat situation. All the observer constellation had to do was to shower her enemy with attacks from all directions, overloading him with information and variables!

Trying to foresee everything was like digging one’s grave.

However, Choi Yeonseung was unrelenting. The constellations watched in amazement as he dodged everything without fighting back.

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ is amazed!]

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ is also amazed!]

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says seeing you fight so well brings tears to its eyes because it is reminded of the past...]



The constellations of the Abyss displayed their strength with all kinds of powers, but not many constellations out there could pressure their opponent just with movements alone.

As Choi Yeonseung inevitably closed the distance, the observer constellation braced herself for disaster. Having driven him to this point, Choi Yeonseung would certainly stop playing defense.

Of course, he would have the advantage in hand-to-hand combat, but the observer constellation wouldn’t go down without a fight.

I’ll give it a try…

However, instead of using martial arts to strike the observer constellation, Choi Yeonseung used a different kind of power.

[The ‘Domain of the Future’ is used on the observer constellation.]


Everything Choi Yeonseung knew about the Angel of Martial Arts from the Future, as well as what they had to do to stop the Master of Slowness and Silence—the vast knowledge was compressed and flowed into the observer constellation.

The compressed information, for which a thousand words wouldn’t be enough to convey, baffled the observer constellation. Most of all, everything that Choi Yeonseung had endured and done in order to vanquish this enemy completely overwhelmed her.

The observer constellation could finally understand Choi Yeonseung, and she was forced to admit that her grievances were insignificant.

“Please listen to me, observer constellation. Give me a chance.”

After his opponent stopped, Choi Yeonseung seized this opportunity to try to reason with her again. He wasn’t particularly confident in this, as it was his first time using this domain, but he had nonetheless managed to convey everything to his opponent.

The observer constellation had to have realized why they needed the goddess of balance.



Choi Yeonseung looked expectant as the observer constellation was about to say something. However, her reaction was completely different from what he had expected.



The observer constellation burst into tears, and the air around her turned cold.

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