“So the legend is true…?”


The constellations at the scene frowned because they didn’t understand what the nightmare demon was muttering about. What legend was she talking about?”

“...Don’t tell me... No…”


Choi Yeonseung had a bad feeling as she listened to the murmuring of the Manipulator of Dreams and Desires. Whenever someone spoke like that, they were usually right.

“What? Just tell me.”

“Among the nightmare demons... Uh... There was once a story…”

Choi Yeonseung had once visited the realm of the Manipulator of Dreams and Desires. It was a short visit, but it nonetheless left a deep impact on the nightmare demons in her realm. They were utterly shocked by Choi Yeonseung’s presence. ‘To think that such desire existed in the Abyss!’

Indeed, the desire exuded by Choi Yeonseung was on a different level.

Even after his departure from the realm, the shock of the nightmare demons persisted. Consequently, rumors about this mythical desire started circulating among the rest of the nightmare demons, becoming somewhat of a legend.

-It happened on the outskirts of the Abyss. There was a being there with the purest desire I have ever seen.

-Somewhere in the Abyss, there is a being whose desires are purer than all desires combined.

-It’s said that there is a desire that can raise the nightmare demon’s existence by several levels just by getting a taste of it.

In the Abyss, rumors spread surprisingly fast, especially between creatures of the same race. The Manipulator of Dreams and Desires had initially thought that the rumors would be contained into her realm and eventually die out.

But on the contrary, the rumors had kept spreading and gaining popularity, eventually becoming a legend for the nightmare demons in the Abyss.

“There’s no way the nightmare demons would believe such a ridiculous legend...”

“I can’t believe what Lamart said was true.” Ilpalat came to her senses and straightened up. Then she prostrated herself before Choi Yeonseung. “I, Ilpalat, beseech you, the true embodiment of desire! It would be an honor to be your servant and to share a piece of your desire!”

Choi Yeonseung was even more dumbfounded when the plump nightmare demon suddenly knelt before him and started begging.

‘Nightmare demons make me cringe every time I meet them…’

“You had better accept it,” the Chef of Endless Gluttony said with a serious expression.

Choi Yeonseung turned and looked at him with dismay, but the chef constellation was serious.

“If a lowly mortal is begging to serve you, why would you turn it down?”

“Can’t you see that this mortal is salivating for my desire?”

“Of course I see it. That is worship!”


One of them had been born human, and the other had been born a constellation, so it was no surprise that their ways of thinking were completely different.

From the perspective of the chef constellation, all mortals ought to behave like Ilpalat. Longing so much for their master, a constellation, that they submitted completely just to get a piece of their desire—that was the correct attitude of a mortal.

“So you want me to give over my desire?”

“Of course not. Being trapped in an eternal cycle of longing, never to attain what they desperately desire, is the fate of mortals. And they rejoice in their fate, as they naturally should.”

‘Is he crazy?’

“I’m saying this now, but the household members of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training are too free-spirited.”


[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ agrees.]

Choi Yeonseung was dumbfounded when the other constellations and household members agreed. How could they say such things?

-But I don’t think it’s a bad idea to subjugate the nightmare demons...

The goddess of sloth carefully voiced her opinion. Of course, the nightmare demons were a bit unpleasant, but subduing them would nonetheless be advantageous.

Even though there were many constellations in Choi Yeonseung’s team, they were still in the realm of the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust. If they were exposed to the enemy’s attacks for a long time, unexpected variables could arise.


Choi Yeonseung knew this and couldn’t refute it.

-...Okay, let’s subdue them.

-Good call!

Choi Yeonseung raised his head and looked down at Ilpalat.

“Yes, I will allow you to follow me around and act as my servant.”

“Thank you! You are the true embodiment of desire!”


The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust was one of the most ancient constellations in the Abyss. Yet, in all her thousands of years of existence, she had never experienced anything as absurd as this.

Countless nightmare demons were chasing after Choi Yeonseung! They were doing it instinctively, like ants entangled in sugar water.

It is outrageous! Simply outrageous!

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust was at a loss for words. She was the one who had instructed the nightmare demons to revel in desires and feast on them to their hearts’ content if they were confident they could do so.

But looking at the current situation, the goddess of pleasure regretted having trained her subordinates like that. She should’ve told them that they should also control their desires in certain situations.

It was absurd to see them blushing and chasing after Choi Yeonseung like young mortals experiencing love for the first time.

Why don’t they just attack him?

-I think they might be scared because of the difference in power…

Although they seemed to realize how angry their goddess was, the nightmare demons cautiously tried to come up with an explanation.

However, the goddess of pleasure shook her head.

It’s not because of fear.

Even if the opponent was an incarnation of a constellation, the nightmare demons in her realm wouldn’t back down in fear. In her realm, being distrustful and afraid of their master was an unbelievable act of disloyalty.

Besides, nightmare demons weren’t that weak. There was only one reason those were acting like that.

...That mortal’s desire was so beautiful that they didn’t dare to attack.

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust was getting a headache as she watched the nightmare demons panting from a distance, scared that the desire of that mortal would deteriorate or crumble if they touched it.

It’s absurd for constellations to go out of their way to help mere mortals like that… but it’s really happening…

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust never would’ve predicted that other constellations would join Choi Yeonseung in this trial. To make matters worse, they had found a loophole in the rules, so she couldn’t even do anything to stop them. They hadn’t even done that on purpose.

The goddess wondered just what the hell those constellations were doing. Was the Master of Slowness and Silence really plotting something, to the point where those constellations were willing to lose some power of existence?

Even so, it was hard to believe they were challenging the trial with the household member of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training. What kind of being was that household member to receive such help from those proud constellations?

-Should we go and deal with the traitors?

Forget it.Leave them alone.Once the work is done, the ones that need to be thinned out will be thinned out.Let’s see how it goes.

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust didn’t blame the household members for succumbing to their desires. She was quite lenient in that sense.

Those who had gone to the other side would simply be cast out, while those who had remained loyal would receive high praise.

The goddess didn’t think all the nightmare demons waiting in the realm would be defeated.


[The power of the ‘Undefeated Incarnation of Training’ is activated.]

[‘Joy and Happiness Aplenty’ shakes the nightmare demons!]

The rare martial art Choi Yeonseung had acquired a while back activated on its own. The seemingly useless skill swept away the nightmare demons.



Being loyal to the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust, the nightmare demons tried their best to hold out, but they were eventually overpowered and rolled around once Choi Yeonseung’s desire was amplified beyond a certain point.


Choi Yeonseung was taken aback by the fact that this martial art had activated like a constellation power.

-This is what the power of a realm controlled by a constellation is like.

The goddess of sloth quickly gave an explanation.

Even basic skills would gradually evolve if a constellation kept using them. Constellations were beings who could alter reality with their power, so the skills familiar to them would eventually surpass their inherent limits, potentially becoming independent powers for the constellation.

Choi Yeonseung’s martial art was especially prone to that kind of evolution. He alone controlled the realm of martial arts, and so, the greater his power of existence became, the more of his martial arts techniques would surpass their limits and transform into constellation powers.

-But why did it activate out of nowhere?

-Well...I don’t know who created that martial art, but...The last time when I saw the nightmare demons using the Star Absorption Method...I guess that martial art was also influenced by the nightmare demons...

The goddess of sloth made a cautious guess. It was plausible that Joy and Happiness Aplenty had been influenced by the nightmare demons, similarly to the Star Absorption Method.

-When nightmare demons seduce someone, they do it instinctively, without thinking about it or preparing for it. If you’re trying to seduce someone, that power will naturally activate on its own.


In other words, Choi Yeonseung’s power had activated on its own because he intended to make the nightmare demons kneel?

-...What kind of power...

-Successor, you practically created this power, so other constellations will think you specifically made it this way.

In fact, the Chef of Endless Gluttony was impressed by it.

“You actually applied your martial art skill like this. It’s like the mental magic used by nightmare demons, but much more powerful! Can you use it to seduce other races as well? What about someone like Tardus, who serves the Master of Slowness and Silence?”

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ says that if you want to seduce Tardus, please make sure Illaphael doesn’t see it.]

The constellations sincerely admired his power, but Choi Yeonseung wasn’t happy with it. If anything, it was strangely unpleasant.

‘Why did I even bring the constellations with me…?’

“This is the realm of the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust! You mortals… Ghah! Cough!”

“You tried to seduce me with such desires... Sob!”

“...Get out of the way. Don’t interfere!”

As the palace of the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust drew closer, more and more powerful nightmare demons rushed in to block the way. However, Choi Yeonseung overpowered them just with his fierce gaze. The fallen nightmare demons trembled with resentment.

“So infuriating...! I didn’t think he would be so good at seduction...!”

“To think we were defeated by the temptation of a mere human…!”


The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust sat on the throne of the palace, her figure shrouded by a veil. A faint voice echoed from behind her.

I thought you might make it this far.But I really didn’t expect you to come like this.

“It is an honor.”

The constellations nodded as if they were cheering for Choi Yeonseung. Many of the nightmare demons behind them nodded blankly.

“Goddess of Pleasure and Lust, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of this human.”

“I’m sorry, Master!”

The nightmare demons apologized, but the goddess of pleasure could only sigh at the fact that her servants had fallen at Choi Yeonseung’s feet.

Do you know why I am wearing this veil?


The moment this veil is lifted, all mortals here will go mad, the goddess explained calmly. It was no bluff, but a simple fact. A mortal could instantly lose their mind with pleasure the moment they gazed upon the goddess, who was the embodiment of all the pleasures in the Abyss.



The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust felt that something was strange. The constellations were looking at her as though they found her pitiful.

Are you saying you don’t believe me? You cowardly constellations, answer me! Do you not believe me?

“I believe you... But I’m sure Choi Yeonseung will be able to endure it,” the Chef of Endless Gluttony replied in a slightly apologetic tone.

How could he possibly know that?

It was simple—Choi Yeonseung was a constellation!

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