December 2021.

"What? The werewolves army are surrounding us right now?"

Selena could hear Joseph talked to his walkie-talky. He was just acting, though. The three of them knew so well that around fifteen werewolves were roaming around the laboratory.

Instead of surrounding them, the werewolves were guarding them. Mike had instructed them to guard them outside the secret room. Even though the werewolves' army didn't know what they were doing in the room, but they obediently did what their leader instructed.

Joseph just injected the formula into the baby's body, and the baby currently lying down on a soft mattress not far from Selena.

Meanwhile, Joseph and Mike were guarding at the door, quite far from Selena's position.

"I think we better surrender now, Jos," Selena spoke coldly. "The human army knows the werewolves' position, that means that they're around here now. You can't escape with the baby, Jos. And you better stop pretending to be a saint. If the army knows that you're working with the werewolves, they will kill you right away."

Joseph's jaw tightened at his wife's harsh words.

Selena felt like she finally won against her husband, but to her dismay, she then heard Joseph lifted the walkie-talkie again and instructed the human army to blow up the laboratory.

Selena's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you crazy? Do you want to commit suicide?"

Joseph smirked darkly before he replied, "I won't lose easily, Sel. By doing this, those stupid humans will see me as a hero rather than a villain."

Selena gritted her teeth in frustration. "You are crazy, Joseph Beischel!"

Right after Selena finished speaking, the bomb that was prepared by the human army exploded. They didn't expect that it was a high explosive bomb.

The damage was severe. The ceiling collapsed, and they hardly could see anything because of the smoke. Not only that, but the room caught fire as well. It was so chaotic inside the room, and they were like standing between life and death.

Selena was so lucky that she could avoid the collapsing ceiling. She shifted her gaze to the baby, and she felt like crying when she saw the baby was unharmed. Before Joseph and Mike were able to move closer to take the baby away, Selena was faster to grab the baby.

She knew a secret passage in the room. There was an old storage cabinet made of iron inside the room. It looked like an aged cabinet with its locked door, but it was actually a secret passage. Selena was the one who prepared the secret room, and she was the only one who knew about it.

She hurriedly fished out the key from her laboratory coat pocket. With her trembling hand, he tried to open the cabinet. Thankfully, she didn't face any obstacles as she easily opened the cabinet door. She immediately stepped inside the cabinet, and the cabinet door magically locked itself again.

The stairs leading down were waiting for her. The stairs would bring her to an underground sewer. She had prepared everything so well, and she was sure that she could escape with the baby.

She kept running with the baby in her arms. Her breath was uneven, but she didn't stop even for a second. Until finally, she reached the other end of the passage. Miraculously, the passage led her into a manhole.

She tried to open the manhole cover in difficulty, and after she successfully uncovered the heavy cover, she immediately ran away from the manhole.

She didn't have any destination and just kept running randomly. She bumped into several werewolves, but luckily she could dodge them all and wasn't hurt at all.

Until finally, she suddenly bumped into someone familiar.


Selena was surprised to see Kris in this situation. She was even more surprised when she noticed that Kris wasn't alone. She found Kevin on Kris's back. Her son was unconscious on the boy's back.

Selena knew that the place wasn't safe for them, so she instructed Kris to follow her.

They kept running until they arrived at an old warehouse that was relatively deserted. The two people then entered the old warehouse.

Selena put the baby on the piles of wood, while Kris carefully lying down Kevin's body on the floor.

Both of them then sat down on the floor while panting heavily.

"What happened, Professor?" The young boy asked the professor.

Kris had known her as a professor, and the two of them had a close relationship behind Kevin's back.

The professor breathed heavily before she turned to the younger boy. "The situation is not good now, Kris."

She then began to explain the current situation to the young boy. Kris was still young, but he was so mature for a kid his age. The boy reminded her a lot of Mike when he was still a teenager.

Selena was still explaining, and her explanation made Kris show various expressions on his face. He looked shocked and scared at the same time after Selena finished her story.

"Then, what should we do now, Professor?"please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

The said professor was silent for a moment. It seemed that she was still contemplating what she should do after this. She had betrayed Joseph, and she couldn't come back to her husband's side again.

Moreover, she was already so tired by staying at Joseph's side. Joseph was too evil, and she should've left the man that since a long time ago.

"I have a plan, but I need your help, Kris."

The young boy frowned at her in confusion. "How can I help you, Professor?"

Once again the professor explained her plan to the innocent boy. Kris was shocked when he heard the professor's plan.

"How can we do that to Kevin, Professor? Kevin surely will hate you if he finds out the truth!"

Selena smiled gloomily while she stared at her son, who was lying on the floor beside her. Her hand then started to stroke her son's raven hair lovingly.

"I know, Kris," the lady whispered. "But, I don't have any other choice. Joseph and Mike are still alive, and we have to deceive them before we can defeat them. Those two men are too cunning, Kris. We can't let them destroy the world."

Kris fell silent. His gaze fell onto Kevin, who was still lying unconscious on the floor.

Selena looked up at Kris, and she noticed the little boy's affectionate gaze toward her son.

"Do you like my son, Kris?"

Kris's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the question. His cheeks flushed a bit, and Selena knew the answer even though the boy didn't voice it out loud.

"Kevin is a strong boy, Kris. I know he will be a good man in the future. Moreover, we won't leave him for real. We will stay beside him in secret. We will protect Kevin, Kris."

Kris was still silent. His mind was tangled after hearing Selena's narrative. He actually opposed the idea, but he didn't have a better idea to substitute the professor's idea.

"You will inject the formula into Kevin's body for real, Professor?" Kris finally spoke again.

Selena noticed that Kris was hesitant, but she still smiled at the young boy. "The formula will save humanity, Kris. It will also protect Kevin in the future. The formula won't bring any harm for Kevin."

"But, what kind of power will the formula give to Kevin, professor? How can you be so sure that it won't harm him?"

Selena smiled knowingly. Kris was worried too much about Kevin. She knew that the young boy harbored a deep feeling to her son.

"I won't harm my own son, Kris. Can you believe me?"

Kris finally looked up at the professor. Selena tried to show her certainty through her gaze. She wanted Kris to see that she wouldn't ever harm her son.

"I believe in you, Professor."

The professor was so happy to hear Kris's final answer. They were in cooperation now, and the trust between them was the most important thing. They had to trust each other from now on.

Selena then started moving. She took out some objects from her laboratory coat. Kris frowned when he saw a bottle contained blue liquid and a syringe in Selena's hands.

Kris was nervous, but Selena was even more nervous than him. She started filling the syringe with the blue liquid with her trembling hands, and then she sighed. It seemed that she tried to grow more courage inside her heart before she could inject the formula into her son's body.

Finally, after she mustered enough courage, Selena brought the syringe close to Kevin's body. She rolled up Kevin's sleeve and then pierced the pointy needle into the boy's forearm.

Little by little, the formula inside the syringe moved into Kevin's body. After the syringe was empty once again, Selena pulled out the syringe and put it on the floor.

"The formula will fully active seventeen years later, Kris. During that period, you have to protect Kevin with your life."

Kris gazed softly at Kevin, who was still unconscious on the cold floor. He then looked up at Selena and nodded his head.

"I understand, Professor. I'll protect Kevin with my life."

Selena smiled in relief, but her smile died down when she heard Kris's question.

"Who created the formula that you just injected into Kevin, Professor? Did Professor Joseph create it?"

Selena remained quiet as she stared at the young boy. Not long after, she looked away from Kris and replied, "No, Kris. I'm the one who created the formula inside Kevin's body."

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