The bell which was a sign of the end of school rang loudly. The sound waves propagated through the air medium until finally slipped into the ears of the students who immediately displayed delighted expressions.

Blue was one of the students who finally could cool off her mind after the bell rang. The blue-eyed girl was always serious about following all school subjects. She had a big dream to become a scientist like Kevin, so she had gone the extra mile to achieve the goal.

She originally planned to bury the dream if no one would adopt her before the age of 17, but Kris suddenly appeared and adopted her officially. The almost dead candle of hope now shined brightly again.

Speaking of Kris, the man she called 'uncle' still wanted to be responsible for her life. After they separated at Kevin's house last night, Kris transferred a large amount of money to her bank account and told her not to hesitate to use the money to meet her needs.

At first, Blue felt bad about using the money, but eventually, she convinced herself that she had the right to use it as Kris's foster child. Even so, Blue was still wise in using the money and didn't use it for leisure.

The bottom line was nothing had changed in Blue even though she had recently acquired a large amount of 'inheritance.'

Blue also still worked at the café even though she already had a large amount of savings in her account. After school, she usually would go straight to work at the café, but today was a bit different. She had to wait for Kevin because the man said he was going to pick her up at school.

Traffic started piling up the afternoon street. Crowds of pedestrians walked along the pavements or tried to cross the road. The noise of cars, taxis, or scooters flying past was ear-piercing. Many vehicles flashing past, while the others were crawling along at the traffic lights.

Amidst all the hustle and bustle, Blue was patiently waiting for Kevin to pick her up. She stood in front of the school gate while occasionally glancing at the clock curled around her wrist. Kevin was late for 10 minutes, and it was not normal for him.

She was still waiting for Kevin's arrival with a little worry when suddenly a man in a black hat and mask walked over to her and stood right in front of her. Blue, who felt anxious, finally stepped back a little.

The man wordlessly took off his mask, and that was when she could see his face. That was when she started to get frightened.

"Don't be afraid, Blue," the mysterious man said. His voice was deep and low enough to add a sinister impression on him.

Blue didn't know the man, but she remembered that she had seen the man before. Yes, she saw that man last night. He was the man who attacked Kevin, he was the werewolf who almost made Kevin his dinner menu.

It was on this basis that Blue did not let her guard down in the slightest. Amid fear, the young girl asked, "How do you know my name?"

Hearing the question, the mysterious man smirked amusedly. "I will answer your question, but not here. How about I buy you some ice cream? It's so hot this afternoon," he replied as he waved his hand in front of his face to strengthen the argument.

"You think I'm a kid that you can trick with ice cream? You are a bad person, why should I go with you?" Blue ventured to refuse the stranger's dangerous invitation.

Like hell she would believe the mysterious man! He looked so suspicious from the start, just like child kidnappers who tried to kidnap their target. In that area, many kidnappers acted like that too. They lured the kids with ice creams or candies and then kidnapped them.

But, Blue was not a kid, for God's sake!

The rejection made the stranger laugh. "You called me a bad person because I attacked that scientist last night? Why does everyone care so much about that good-for-nothing scientist?" He even asked back instead of answering Blue's question.

The question sounded like an insult to the young girl, and she barked, "Who did you call good-for-nothing?" Her blue eyes flared bravely at the man. "Do you know him so you could judge him like that? Who are you?"

The man was a bit taken aback by Blue's harsh refute. "Okay, I'm in the wrong here. I shouldn't have called him like that." He raised his hand in surrender.

Blue still glared at him coldly. "You better go. If you don't go, I'll call the police," she threatened the man as her right hand moved toward her school skirt pocket and fished out her phone.

But, the threat did not affect the man in front of her. Unexpectedly, the man laughed calmly and asked, "Why do you have to call the police if you can beat me barehanded?"

The man's question stunned Blue. "You... do you know who I am?" She asked in a low voice while glancing at her surrounding.

The man smirked dangerously, he seemed to be satisfied that he managed to lure the girl. "Yes, of course, I know who you are. But, you don't know who you are yourself, do you? Come with me, and I will tell you who you are," said the man.

Blue's heart skipped a beat at the man's invitation. She felt a little eager. The mysterious young man seemed to know who she was, and that perked her interest. She did not deny that she was very curious about her true identity.

She always wanted to know about that, but Kris was never willing to tell her. Perhaps, it was her chance to find out who she was. She had to take the risk to pull herself out of the darkness even if it was dangerous.

Finally, the blue-eyed girl nodded her head. "I'll come with you, but I need to text someone first," she decided.

The man in front of her only shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, then gestured for Blue to do what she wanted.

It didn't take long for Blue to message someone. After the smartphone was put back in the skirt pocket, she and the mysterious man simultaneously walked towards a place. A small ice cream parlor was not far from Blue's school, and the two of them were currently heading to the shop.

After arriving at their destination, they ordered ice cream cones for themselves; raspberry flavor for Blue, and coffee flavor for the man. After they got their orders, they sat across from each other on a table inside the shop. The man immediately enjoyed the bitter ice cream in his hand, while Blue was still glaring at the man.

"Finish the ice cream first before it melts. I used the money to buy it," the man admonished Blue, who kept glaring at him without intending to start eating the pink ice cream in her hand.

The girl finally obeyed, slowly she began to move her tongue to lick the tart and sweet ice cream, but her mind was too cloudy to enjoy the cold and creamy sensation in her mouth.

A few minutes passed, and the ice creams in the hands of the two youngsters were gone.

Blue grabbed a tissue on the table to wipe her lips and her hands, then asked, "How do you know my name?"

The man sitting opposite her put his left elbow on the table, then supported his chin with his palm. "Kris told me," he answered casually.

Blue looked a little surprised to hear the answer from the man in front of her. "How could he have told you? Aren't you two enemies?" She asked as she frowned.

The innocent question made the man laugh. He straightened his body again and peered at the girl playfully. "Who said we were enemies? Did Kris tell you?" He asked back.

Blue didn't answer. She only made an assumption based on the tension between them when they were almost fighting last night. She only watched from the car, but she could see Kris's anger and also could see the man's provocation to Kris. They didn't have a good relationship, but that didn't mean they were enemies.

Blue was still silent. She knew that she should be careful with this mysterious man. Her instincts told her that the man in front of her was dangerous, even more dangerous than Kris.

"Blue, do you want to know who the real Kris is?" The man suddenly asked in a mysterious tone. Blue didn't answer the question, but her face bore a deep sense of curiosity. The man noticed it, so he continued, "Come closer to me, I'll tell you who Kris is." Blue hesitated for a moment, but she finally pushed her slim body forward until she was relatively close to the man across the table. The man smiled, then whispered to her, "Kris is a liar."

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