"Steve?" Kris questioned him in disbelief. "You suspect Steve? But why, Kevin? Steve has been with your mother for so many years, and he has sworn to me that he will remain faithful to me even if your mother had passed away. How can you suspect him, Kev?"

That was the reason why Kevin didn't tell the truth to his fiance from the start. Even if he could sense that something was not right with the guard, but he opted to remain silent and just kept his suspicion to himself.

Kris trusted Steve a lot, and he had expected that the man wouldn't believe in his suspicion. He wasn't surprised by his fiance's denial.

"I have my reasons for my suspicion, Kris," Kevin replied firmly. "First, I remember that you asked him to do some tasks outside the district, so you dismissed him from any guarding task right? So why did he suddenly come back to our apartment to find your other guards' corpses instead of going back to his house to rest after completing the task?"

Kevin was quite confident with his first reason, but Kris still looked doubtful after he finished speaking.

"That didn't prove anything, Kev. Steve is the leader of my guard team, and it's normal for him to go back to his post instead of resting in his house after completing the task."

"He always did that even if he knew that there were seven guards who were already guarding your place? Don't you think he's too much if he still insisted on coming back to his post at late at night?"

"Steve is so loyal to me, Kevin. Maybe he wanted to ask his brothers to rest instead, so that's why he came back to our apartment."

Kevin and Kris were involved in a tense argument, and the other people in the room could only listen to their bicker in silence.

"Fine," Kevin decided to give up. "But I still have the second reason, and the second reason is that Steve was the one who saw us when we came back to the apartment with AZURE. Aside from Blue and Jack, he was the only one who has seen AZURE's appearance."

Kevin admitted that his fiance's reasoning earlier was acceptable, but his second reason shouldn't easily be refuted by Kris. That reason made him suspect Steve more than Jack.

Kris sighed heavily upon hearing his lover's next reasoning. "He indeed saw us back then, but he didn't know what kind of robot AZURE was. He only knew that AZURE was just an ordinary robot, Kevin!"

Kris was stubborn with his own reasoning once again, and Kevin didn't have any intention to argue with the opinion.

"I still have the third reason, Kris. And the third reason is related to the surveillance camera footage," Kevin continued voicing his reasoning, and this time he peeped at Luke. "You asked Steve about the footage, right? He only told you that there's no suspicious figure recorded by the camera, but he didn't show the footage to you. I know that there's no camera in front of our apartment unit, but don't you think other cameras would manage to capture suspicious figures even just a little? Don't you want to see the footage yourself, Kris?"

Kris indeed believed in Steve right away without questioning the footage at all. Steve said that there was nothing wrong with the footage, and Kris immediately nodded his head without wanting to look at the footage himself.

This time, Kris couldn't argue quickly and just kept staring at his fiance in silence.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Kevin didn't know what Kris was thinking, but he could guess that Kris was reflecting his action.

"I indeed didn't ask him to show me the footage, but I trust him, Kevin," Kris spoke again softly. "He had never lied to me before, so there's no reason for me to doubt him."

Kris softened the tone he used to speak at his lover, but he still couldn't believe what his lover said.

Steve was his most trusted subordinate, so how could the honest man lie to him about such an important matter?

"Give me one day."

They could hear another voice break the silence in the room, and they turned their heads in one direction. They stared at the one who just uttered the words. It was Luke.

"You need the camera footage, right? Give me one day to hack the apartment security system. Just tell me the day when the accident happened, and I will give you the footage you need. I can even retrieve the deleted footage if you want to."

Luke was the IT master, and he could even hack the strongest security system in the country. So, hacking the apartment security system wouldn't be a big deal for him.

Luke was confident, and Kevin was also confident that he would get something from the grey-haired man.

But wait. Kevin just remembered something, and he shouldn't leave this 'something' behind.

"I will need to bother you with the footage matter, Luke," Kevin replied to the grey-haired man's words. "But I remember you said about the mysterious account just now. You said that you have managed to hack the account, right? Can you give us the information about that account?"

Kevin almost forgot that important matter because they suddenly changed the subject to the matter related to Steve, but now he remembered that issue again. He wouldn't miss the chance to question the IT expert.

"I can always tell you about it, but are you sure that you want me to tell it in front of these people, Kevin?" Luke questioned the raven-haired man back as he glanced at the people in the room, and his gaze paused at Julia for a while.

Kevin noticed how the gaze stopped at the pregnant lady, and he became more curious about what information would he get from his colleague.

"You can reveal the information here, Luke.. All people in this room deserve to know about it."

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