After leaving Qingchen bookshop, Ling Jingxuan went to Xinyuan restaurant to say hello to Shopkeeper Zhang, and bought some meat and vegetables by the way. The butcher sent him a few big bones for free as always. When they went back to the village, the few heads of the construction teams had arrived. Early in the morning, Guarantor Liu brought thirty workers and the quarantine ditches around the edge of his land. After the head responsible for building walls checked the site, he went back to find workers, and prosed to start working at noon the latest. And under Yan Shengrui’s leading, others also checked the part they were responsible for. Although the winding corridor could only be built after the fishpond was dug, they could lay the foundations and build the factory first. As for their thatched cottage they were living in now, since it lay with the back against Yuehua Mountains, in Ling Jingxuan’s preliminary planning, there would be built into a duck shed, so whatever those workers did in the front, it wouldn’t influence their life.

Such a big move, and it was about the most infamous Ling Jingxuan of the whole village. Those who owned no land and those who were temporarily done with the farm work all came to watch. Some even tried to pick up a talk with Ling Chenglong and his sons, wondering how Ling Jingxuan made such a huge fortune. Pity that Ling Chenglong only smiled there, and Ling Jinghan and Ling Jingpeng were smart enough, they wouldn’t get any word out of them, so they could only gossip aside with jealousy, watching this whole scene in full swing.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ “Dad, how is it possible that son of a bitch bought land without your approval?”

Among the crowd, the village head and his son who also came to watch looked bad. Anything in the village, be it big or small, it all needed his approval. But this time Ling Jingxuan’s thing was both quick and big, but the village head even got to hear of it later than the villagers. Whatever he thought of it, in those outsiders’ eyes, that was absolute face slapping.

“Shut up! Stop calling him son of a bitch! He is not old him anymore. And our family…Aye…”

Giving his son a stare, and thinking of what had happened to his brother’s big son’s family, Ling Qiyun made a deep sigh. Although, strictly speaking, it had nothing to do with him, after all they were family, and Ling Chenghua and Ling Jingwei’s incest also brought shame to him. How could they have the face to say Ling Jingxuan is a son of a bitch?

“Dad, my big uncle…what should they do?”

Knowing what his father was saying, Ling Chengyu, Ling Qicai’s big son, also darkened his face. Now everybody knew about that. Early in the morning, the chief and the elders of the ancestral hall’s side already sent people to intervene. If they couldn’t give a solution as soon as possible, things would lose control. Incest between the aunt and the nephew, under the public! And they even harassed anyone they touched, which had a really bad influence. Only his father and big uncle were hard to press it down.

“Is there a second choice? Obey the family rules!”

Obey the rules? So Ling Chenghua and Ling Jingwei would be thrown out of the family? Will his big uncle agree? Ling Chengyu highly doubted of that. Forget about the old lady’s spoiling of her little daughter Chenghua, Ling Chengcai and his wife would grant whatever Jingwei requested. They are not Ling Chenglong and his wife. They would never allow that to happen.

“Village head, uncle Ling, you are also here. I was planning to go to visit you. Now it saves me it.”

Suddenly, Ling Jingxuan’s voice clearly came into their ears. He called them the village head and uncle Ling instantly distanced their relations, which made Ling Qicai and his son so embarrassed, but they couldn’t retort. They had been grandpa, uncle and nephew relations, but now…

On the other side, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan brought the head of a construction team came over. When he came back, other heads had left already, only this one called Wang Da stayed. After Ling Jingxuan simply told Yan Shengrui about his thought of building a road, he immediately agreed. Then they brought Wang Da out to survey the terrain. Whether to build a road linking his house to the village, or steer by the village and link it to the market, it had to get the village head’s approval. They planned to bring Wang Da to the village head’s home to ask, but bumped into him here.

“Hehe, Jingxuan, such a big move! Are you planning to open up wasteland to plant things or build a house?”

Trying to swing away that little embarrassment from the heart, Ling Qicai raised a stiff smile toward him, compared to Ling Qiyun’s stubbornness and self-conceit, the old ling Family’s arrogance, as the village head, there was no doubt Ling Qicai was much more shrewd who could size up the situation.

“Sorry to make you see a joke of us. You know, my parents moved out without taking anything. My few cottage rooms are not enough. So I am planning to buy some land and build a house.”

Stopping at a one-arm distance from them, Ling Jingxuan smiled at Yan Shengrui and then said so slowly. In and out of his words, one could sense his sarcasm about the old Ling family. Whether his parents were thrown out of the house or they asked to move out themselves, it was a truth that they took nothing. It was absolutely wrong for the old man to treat his filial son like that. So whatever Ling Chenglong did, Ling Qiyun should never take a little bit advantage of him or what.

The village head was not stupid, he knew he was being sarcastic, so he said with a frown, “Jingxuan, I know you are still angry about that thing, and put the blame on my big brother. I know, what they did to your parents is way too much, but anyhow, they are your…”

“Don't! Don’t put us together again? They are them, and we are us. The old xiucai said something quite right. We live our own lives, be it life or death, rich or poor. Today I am here to talk about something with you the village head not my second grandpa. And if you are willing, we’ll go on. But if not, I can also save some saliva.”

But Ling Jingxuan didn't give him a chance to finish his words at all, and the smile hanging on his face instantly changed into overwhelming indifference. Even if he could only build the road through his approval, he could exchange the opportunity with having any more connection with the old Ling family. He’d drop that plan for the time being at most. And in the future, when he needed to buy a lot of land, he’d directly go to the magistrate, whichever era it is, building a road is something both good for the country and its people. He wouldn’t believe that the magistrate would oppose.


Pointing at him with a deep sigh, Ling Qi knew that he could never look back, and his big brother would be so regretted about for the rest of his life.

“Well, I wouldn’t say another word about it. So, what would you like to talk to me about?”

A moment later, when Ling Qicai raised his head, he already put on a face a village head should have.

“Here is the thing, I want to build a road around the village to the market. I wonder if you would approve.”ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Just now he had decided how to build the road, and he did not want to be stopped by people pointing at them every day. So going around the village became the only option, although it’d cost a lot more.

“Go around the village?”

Is he going to give up the whole village? Ling Qicai couldn't help but frown again, though on the surface, he was villager of Ling village, actually the moment he was thrown out of the family, they did not set him another household. So to put it simply, their father and sons were already not in the family tree of the ancestral hall at all. So they were like outsiders to the whole village, even no better than those settlers from other places. So if he built the road around the village, it meant that he’d completely disconnect himself from the village completely.

“Well, as you know, my father and I were never liked in this village. Now my sons will go back and forth from home to school several times a day. You’d also find us an eyesore, right?”

On the surface, Ling Jingxuan said it was for their good, actually everyone could tell the naked sarcasm. Yan Shengrui who sat next to him raised the corner of his mouth, giving him thumbs-up in the heart. That’s his Jingxuan! Even begging people is so different!

“Where do you want to go round by? Almost all the land in the village that could be used are planted with crops. There is no room for roads. I think you might l build it through the village.”

Knowing he was mocking them, Ling Qicai could only say so. Now the land Ling Jingxuan bought was even not far from Zhao Dalong’s house, not very far from the village already. So instead of going against him, why not give face to him. He had a feeling that Ling Jingxuan was even more capable that he had thought. Maybe someday, the whole village needed to reply on him. So he would never let him disconnect himself from the village.

“Isn’t there an empty space that side? You know, in inland sea area, it doesn’t grow anything all the year round, and there’s no personal land around there. Isn’t it the best to build a road through there?”

Pointing to a place, Ling Jingxuan said so faintly. After buying the half alkaline land, he didn’t need to mention mending a road thing again. He could directly build a straight road there to go out.

“You…think before you act. If you build a road there, the money needed would be a lot more.”

Ling Qicai nearly got ill because of huge anger. So the other side has already chosen a route and is determined to cut off any relation with the village?

“Hehe...You don’t need to worry about it for me. I wonder what you think.”

Since he brought it up, would he be afraid of money? Ling Jingxuan couldn’t help smiling. Is money more important than his little buns’ future and psychological development? Not to mention that he had already planned to buy that huge half alkaline land. So it was only a matter of time to build a road there.

“I need to consult with the chief and the elders on such an important matter.”

Ling Qicai also knew, the road is a good thing. If he, as the village head, kept refusing, once people heard of it, who knows what people would say behind? So he needed time to think carefully.

Hearing that, Ling Jingxuan slightly frowned. Is he using dilatory tactics? Some kind of cold feeling was infected under his phoenix thin and long eyes. As he was about to push him, Yan Shengrui opened his mouth, “Never mind, Jingxuan. Building a road is something important. Anyhow, he is just a village head. How can he make the decision? Last time when we went to the medicine shop, the shopkeeper said Magistrate Hu is looking for you. Maybe we could go to town some other day. I think as the local magistrate, he would have the final say.”

Yan Shengrui looked at Ling Jingxuan and said so, but actually he was saying those words to the village head and those villagers around, trying to tell them Ling Jingxuan already had Magistrate Hu as the back. He came to the village head only to show him the face. If the village head kept refusing him, they could directly pass him, like how they bought the homestead.

“Hehe...I nearly forgot it if you don’t mention it. He should refuse me since I did him such a big favor. Besides, I personally pay to build a road, he has no reason to turn me down.”

How would Ling Jingxuan not understand his intention? With an eye contact, he immediately put on a two-man comic show with him. Ling Qicai and the villagers all opened their eyes wide. They never expected that Ling Jingxuan now even had connections with the magistrate! When he bought land and ox and carriage, they thought he only used the money that man next to him gave him. Otherwise, he is it possible he got rich overnight? But seen from now…

“Forget it, Jingxuan, don't disturb the magistrate on such a minor thing. I was just worried that you don’t have so much money! Since you are so determined, then build it there.”

Speaking of which, Ling Qicai turned to leave, he could not stop it already.

“Hehe...Wang Da, let's go and see check geology there.”

The purpose had been achieved. The couple gave each other a smile, ignoring those villagers around, they directly took Wang Da to that wasteland. Ling Qicai wants to have a battle of wits with them? Not even the next life!

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