The Black Necromancer

Chapter 478 Garden Of Shadows

Chapter 478 Garden Of Shadows

Mica's majestic body soared through the sky, twisting and turning while dodging the attacks that were being launched from down below. Behind and in front, hundreds of winged creatures chased after him while using ranged attacks of their own.

Dozens of attacks slammed into the magical shield that Mica had set up to protect his body, causing constant ripples. Even with the unending rain of attacks, Mica's shield never failed to keep up, easily warding off the attacks. Meanwhile, he never stopped his own offensive.

"Thousand Sword Array!" Mica called out the name of the spell he was charging even though it was completely unnecessary for a mage of his power. Around him, a thousand swords that were the size of his claws suddenly materialized out of the ambient mana. Each sword was roughly two meters in length and one meter wide.

"Gatling Crown!"

The swords suddenly pointed downwards before shooting down. Each blade impaled a single creature before scattering into motes of light. But that was not all. The sword had injected chaotic energies into the bodies of the creatures and sending the mana and other energies in their bodies into turmoil.

The results were not pretty. Bodies exploded, sending gore and all sorts of monster innards and blood flying everywhere.


Monsters roared angrily as they tried to hit Mica and Elena. The flying ones had already closed much of the distance. Although the space within the Bronze Mausoleum looked to be almost infinite, Mica had come to find out that it was not so. It was just mostly an illusion of an endless landscape. He could not pass a certain distance and had to turn back, giving the monsters the chance to catch up again and again.

"Let me help!" Elena said and threw her dagger at one of the flying creatures. She used magic on it to make it untraceable as it arced through the air. When it was above the back of one of the creatures, Elena's body suddenly appeared above the creature, grasping hold of the dagger and plunging it into the back of the neck of the creature.

"No!" Mica tried to stop her, but it was too late. She appeared on the back of a giant, three meter tall bat-like creature that had a wingspan of just over four meters. Her dagger sunk into the neck of the bat creature, causing it to howl in pain. A red flame was born from the wound and began to eat at the surrounding skin and flesh quickly.

As the monster lost its balance and began falling, Elena tossed her dagger back at Mica, teleporting onto his back when it got close enough.

"Elena! Be careful!" Mica's voice sounded aggrieved by Elena's actions. He twirled his body to dodge a few attacks, making Elena hold on tight.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself. You should be more worried about yourself. You are painting a huge target on your back by being this size." Elena rolled her eyes and rebutted.

"Only when I am in my full size can I unleash my full power." Mica snorted. He turned his attention back to the battlefield and continued to cast spells, making the world around look like a hellscape. Flames covered the earth and monsters screamed and wailed in agony as they were burnt by golden flames.

Ten minutes passed like this, with Mica using his powerful Draconic abilities to overwhelm the enemies. Unfortunately, things could not go on like this forever. His mana levels began to dip to a concerning level and the defensive barrier he had put up had begun to show signs of heavy stress.

"I will go down now." Elena told Mica and the Dragon simply nodded in approval. He would also go down to fight. Even without spells, a Dragon's body was incredibly powerful. At Mid A rank, Mica could easily go against a Peak A rank with the victor being anyone's guess.

The giant dragon swooped down form the sky, opening his claws and snatching a few flying creatures before smashing them down on the ground. Elena jumped off his back midway and flung her dagger to the side, teleporting to it.

"Have a buff!" Mica called and a scale detached from his body, shrinking and flying over to Elena before pasting itself to her back. Immediately, she felt a warmth rush through her body and her agility and dexterity undergo a solid boost.

"Thanks!" She called out as she dodged the strike of one of the monsters. Her increased stat boost caused her body to move in a blur as she danced around the creature, her dagger slipping into exposed openings and leaving devastating wounds. In mere moments, she had already disabled half a dozen Peak B rank creatures.


With a thought, a cloud of black smoke billowed from Elena's body with her at the center, spreading for a hundred meters in every direction. The creatures were instantly plunged into a haze of smoke and darkness that their powerful sense struggled to peer through. Some of them tried launching attacks at the smoke but the attacks did nothing to dissipate the smoke and instead hit some other creatures, causing damage to their side.

This was the manifestation of Elena's Domain. She called it the Garden of Shadows. It allowed her to use her powerful abilities to the fullest, granting her the ability to obscure the senses of any enemy in her Domain while being able to teleport anywhere she wanted within those one hundred meters.

While this Domain was powerful against swathes of weaker opponents, against someone who was on the same level or even stronger than Elena, its properties were greatly weakened.

However, the current circumstance was the best possible circumstance that could have been presented before Elena. Against a large number of B rank creatures, she would be able to showcase her full strength while preventing them from using their own full strength with the Garden of Shadows! Right now, this was a gift from heaven for her!

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