The Black Necromancer

Chapter 475 Battle Results

Curtis had a bad premonition as a chill ran down his spine. He spun around but was too slow. He could only make out the glint of a blade as it stabbed at his face.


The crisp sound of a blade colliding against a solid surface rang out and the red mist that obscured both fighters dissipated at once, revealing them both, as well as another person.

"That's enough, Rakon." A soft, soothing voice rang out and Rakon fell to his knees at once, his chest heaving with exertion. "You have done well in showing the pride of the White Millipedes, but I will take it from here."

Nedra's smile was radiant and warmed Rakon's heart deeply. He knew that he had done well to receive this praise from Nedra.

"As for you." Nedra turned to Curtis. "Come with me." She vanished together with Curtis, leaving the White Millipedes to rush down to help Rakon. He had been badly injured in the fight, but it was nothing fatal.



"To go through all that trouble just to see me, was it worth it?" Nedra asked as she passed a drink to Curtis. It was a soothing drink that had some healing properties. While the materials were quite rare here on Datar, they were very abundant up in the celestial realm.

"It was." Curtis nodded his head. "You've changed, Nedra. But I recognized you the moment I saw you." Curtis nodded his head with a wide grin before taking a gulp of the drink in his hands.

"Sigh... I knew you would be this way. Anyone who would put in that much effort to find someone like me would obviously not be right in the head." Nedra chuckled. "You must be really smitten."

"I am." Curtis nodded but then pursed his lips. He needed to retain some semblance of a respectable warrior before the woman he sought.

"I can read your thoughts." Nedra suddenly said and Curtis' body froze.

"Ah, I see." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He shouldn't have been surprised. After all, Nedra was a God. He knew of this.

"You are intriguing. All humans are, actually." Nedra said as she sat back in a soft luxurious chair. The two of them were currently in a room in the castle up on Fort White.

"Humans...?" Curtis was confused by the term that she had used.

"Yes, humans. I am not one of you." Nedra smiled. She knew that very few were actually aware that she was not a human. Even fewer knew that she was the White Millipede Queen. "I am the White Millipede Queen. The mother of all those white haired people that spectated your match with Rakon." Nedra revealed and Curtis immediately went wide eyed.

"..." He was speechless and his face went blank.

"Are you still interested in courting me?" Eventually, Nedra asked to break the silence.

"I..." Curtis paused and took a deep breath before looking back up. "I am!" His eyes held a resolve that surprised Nedra. "Human to non-human marriages are nothing new in the Gladius Family. In fact, it would be my honor to court you."

Nedra's smile faltered a bit but Curtis did not pick it up before she adjusted. A strange feeling rose up within her. Not one of curiosity, but one that she was not familiar with.

'Is this what it feels like to be wanted?' She asked herself without changing her expression.

"...Very well, then, Curtis. I guess I will allow you to court me." Nedra smiled sweetly, showing off her white teeth. Curtis mirrored her, also genuinely happy.



Benny returned to the inn where he and the others that followed Curtis were staying and immediately went up to Curtis' room in a haste. He had heard some news concerning the one that Curtis had set out to find that he needed to share at once!

"Young Master!" Benny hurriedly knocked against the door. He heard the sound of movement from inside and a few seconds later, a grinning Curtis stepped out of the room.

"What is it, Benny?" Curtis asked, taken aback by Benny's frantic behavior.

"Young Master, you must cease your search for this person. I just heard that she is not an average individual. She is a God!" Benny whisper-yelled, as if afraid of being overheard by the person he was talking about.

"Oh, Nedra? Don't worry, you don't need to look for her again." Curtis waved his hand at Benny and said, and the older man was surprised. He had thought that it would take a lot more persuasion before Curtis would change his mind.

"Ah, I'm relieved, Young Master." Benny put his hand over his heart and let out a relieved sigh. Now, can we return to the Gladius Family? I think it would be best if we distanced ourselves from here." 

"What are you saying? I meant there was no need for you to look for her because I have already found her. I even had lunch with her!" Curtis' eyes were gleaming as he spoke and Benny's eyes simply grew wider and wider.

"Oh, Young Master, what have you done?!" Benny's despair grew to the extent that his  eyes simply rolled back in his skull and he fell back. His frail heart could not handle the shock of it all!

"Benny? Benny?!" Curtis caught the older man's body before it hit the ground and shook him. "Old man, wake up! What's wrong?"

"It's fine. He just fainted from the shock of it all." A small voice whispered in Curtis' ear and he turned to the tiny millipede that was perched on his shoulder. It was a gift from Nedra and allowed her to monitor and communicate with him at all times.

"Oh... I feared it might have been worse." Curtis' shoulders drooped in relief when he heard that. He picked up the older man and took him into his room to rest. Benny was someone that had been there all through Curtis' life, so he was very important to him. It would have been terrible if he had been harmed.

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