The Black Necromancer

Chapter 450 Behind The Scenes

Leon stayed with Nedra for some time before departing to see his elite summons that were also making the transition.

The first he visited was Kaladin, the Lightning Mage. When he stepped into the room, the first thing he noticed was was how charged the atmosphere was. His vision could pick up tiny wisps of lightning dancing in the air under deliberate control.

'Control... That is what he wants to base his foundation on?' Leon thought to himself. It was quite an interesting concept when he looked at it from another angle. Lightning was inherently chaotic. Going for a Domain that was centered around Control would give Kaladin a new edge and it would surely increase the lethality of his lightning.

Next was Nero. When Leon studied him, he found something rather surprising.

'I was thinking he would go for something like the Law of Sharpness or Cutting.' Contrary to Leon's expectations, Nero had gone chosen to set his primary Law as that of Protection. He fought to protect. While there were signs of other Laws, they were not as pronounced as what Leon initially sensed.

'Well, it is his choice.' Leon ultimately shrugged and moved on to the last one, Grokus.

Unlike the other two that had pronounced Laws that they had chosen to focus on, Grokus' choice was a lot more varied.

Laws of different elements floated around Grokus continuously, turning the space around him into a colorful lightshow. Several black skulls floated around his body in perpetual motion. Their eye sockets glowed with a myriad of colors, representing each element or Law that they took on.

When Leon was about to leave, he suddenly felt a fluctuation in the air and turned back. Grokus' eyes had opened, but they were not focused on him. The Divine Energy and Laws in the atmosphere began to go crazy as they were rapidly absorbed into his body. With the restriction of the System having been lifted, the Divine Energy that was available for someone who was attempting to break through and ascend was abundant!

"I wasn't expecting Grokus to be the first to do it." Leon chuckled to himself as he watched. He was also on the lookout for anything that might be detrimental towards Grokus' ascension.

Hours passed and the tempo of energy kept on rising, turning the room into a swirl of power that would have swept away most things. However, the castle that was built here was not most things. It easily withstood the powerful energies and what's more, with Leon's support, it also isolated the energies to prevent any accidents with it messing with the others.

Leon watched as the various Laws condensed to form Grokus' Domains. A very deep and profound aura began to form, one that was of pure power and might, with also a hint of mystery buried within it.


An expanding green shockwave shook the room as Grokus' aura finally solidified and turned into that of a Divine Might.

"Ha..." His lips cracked open and he sighed deeply before blinking rapidly and regaining his proper vision. "Hmm? Master?" Grokus immediately noticed Leon's presence.

"Congratulations, Grokus. You are the first among the others to break through and become a God. How does it feel?" Leon asked.

"It feels... Wonderful! I feel rejuvenated!" Grokus exclaimed and lifted his arms. The black skin that was unique amongst Leon's summons suddenly gave way for vibrant green skin that Orcs were known for. A powerful vibe radiated from the newly ascended Orc God.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Leon was not surprised that Grokus had changed the way he looked. After all, Divine Power could do anything if one had the power to support it. Changing appearance was not a big deal. What mattered was that even with Grokus' ascension, the bond between Master and Servant was still as strong as ever.

"Why don't you pay your tribe a visit? I am sure that they will instantly become your devoted worshippers when they see you." Leon suggested. "Of course, you can do that after you have stabilized your realm. Carry on with your meditation for now."

"Thank you, Master." Grokus bowed his head and returned to a sitting position to meditate.

With that handled, Leon had just acquired a God as a subordinate, and he was about to get a few more! He kept watch over the others and soon, the next person to break through emerged.

Nedra's breakthrough was not nearly as stormy as Grokus'. Instead, her aura was calm and gentle, quite the opposite of the explosive one that Grokus had released. Her Domain was centered around Control, like Kaladin, but in a different way.

"Well done, Nedra." Leon smiled widely as Nedra smoothly completed her ascension. His Spirit Companion's aura bloomed in a way that reminded Leon of the feeling of a warm embrace.

"Thank you." Nedra's voice was soft and rich and instantly had a compelling feeling to it. When Leon thought about it, he guessed that it was in regards to her position as the queen of the White Millipedes. Her Control Domain also probably had something to do with it.

Leon and Nedra walked to a different portion of the castle while Nedra was busy acclimatizing for her new state. Kaladin and Nero would not be ascending any time too soon from Leon's estimates.

"How are the White Millipedes? I can tell they have been flourishing under your care." Leon asked with a smile. Not long ago, the White Millipedes were mostly a passing thought to him but now they were the backbone of the newly founded Cromwell Empire. The name of the newly founded empire was quite basic, but Leon did not care too much. It was his to name, and he liked it that way.

"They are fine..."



Celestial Realm, The Void...

"Izeal, what a surprise to see you here." A deep voice that radiated power rang out through the dark space that spread through the Void.

"I do not like it when I am referred to by my True Name." Another voice, one that was much colder, but just as powerful, responded.

"I am the Master of Destruction. I call whoever's name I please. Now, what is it that you need from me? It is not every time that you seek a person out of your own will." A True Body that was made of burning hot flames comparable to a sun manifested within the Void. This was the true body of the Master of Destruction, Ijas.

Not far from Ijas, another being manifested, but this time, it was a manifestation of cold, malevolent energy and a bunch of floating skulls and many distorted faces. This was Izeal's True Body manifestation.

"I want to propose a cooperation between us two." Izeal finally revealed his intentions.

"A cooperation? This is something unheard of. The Paragon of Undeath, with all his might, seeking cooperation from another? Bwahahahaha!" Ijas feigned shock before bursting into a fit of laughter that gradually died down when he sensed how serious Izeal was about the matter.

"Ahem. Okay, what is this cooperative motion you propose? Does it have anything to do with the next world my army will march upon?" Ijas asked seriously. The mass of flames that surrounded him swirled curiously.

"Indeed, it does." Izeal nodded. "There is something I am interested in on that world. I will send a portion of my army to deal with it while your army raids the world."

"I see... But what is in it for me, then? I will not facilitate your interests for nothing." Ijas hummed.

"My army will help in subjugating that world so you can spend less time and effort there. Is that not enough?" Izeal asked.

"Hahaha! Do you take me for a fool, Izeal?!" Ijas' body suddenly burst with a fury. His tone turned cold and harsh. "You know such trivial matters cannot sway us True Gods! Give me real benefits!" He growled.

"...Very well, then." Izeal sighed and a purple flame appeared in front of him. "This is a Primordial Spark. It is the beginning of any world. I am sure you will be interested in this." He said.

"Good! Good! You are very generous, Izeal. It seems you already knew what to give me." Greed radiated from Ijas as he accepted the purple flame from Izeal. "You may join my army when the time to lay siege to Datar comes. In about a month or so."

"Very well, then. Until next time, Ijas." Izeal voiced his agreement and vanished from sight.

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