The Black Necromancer

Chapter 444 Dura's New King

"What do you mean by that?" Damian asked when his father's words had settled.

Raymond smiled. "I think it is time that Dura welcomes a new King to usher in a new era." He said, squeezing Damian's hand a little tighter.



A few days passed. With each passing day, Raymond's condition got better and better, making Damian rest at ease. But he had something else that weighed heavily on his mind now.

His father's words that day still troubled him. Was he ready for this responsibility? He was still relatively young. However, when he thought of his father's health, he felt the need to relieve him of this burdensome responsibility. How could he weigh Raymond down with this stressful role? The only thing that haunted him was a simple question - Could he perform well enough?

"I can see steam rising from you head all the way over here." A soft feminine voice roused Damian from his inner thoughts. He turned to see a lady with silver hair and eyes step into the room.

"Sky." Damian sighed and shook his head.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The A rank Elf, Sky, bowed with a smirk.

"Do not mock me. I am not in the mood right now." The soon-to-be King rose from his seat and walked over to the window of his room to stare at the bustling city outside. The soft breeze fluttered his hair and brushed over his blue eyes. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I only came to see how you were holding up. After all, what else am I supposed to do as your friend?" Sky walked over to Damian and placed her hand over his, looking up at him with concern. She had dropped the mocking smirk and was truly serious at the moment.

"I'm just... overwhelmed." Damian sighed. "How am I supposed to lead Dura? I'm not prepared at all. But I can't let my father bear such a burden again." He rubbed his face tiredly.

"..." Sky was silent for a few moments. "I do not believe that your father would place a responsibility such as this on your shoulders if you were not ready. He believes you can do it, that is why he chose this time to pass it on to you." She eventually said.

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The room was silent for a long time before Damian spoke up.

"Thank you, Sky." Damian thanked his friend sincerely.



As the days passed, the number of Divine Fragments in Leon's possession increased. However, he was unsatisfied. This was because he had yet to find any traces of the fawn-like celestial creature that had tricked him and escaped.

"Damn thing. Just wait till I get my hands on you." Leon could not help but swear as the third day came to an end without him finding any traces of the fawn. He had scoured the outer regions of the floating island only, as the inner regions were filled with much stronger creatures. He was sure that its lair was located somewhere in the inner regions.

With a resigned sigh, Leon turned around and left the island, returning to the location that he had planned to build his God Kingdom. He already had most of the foundation down. What he needed was a large number of Divine Fragments to complete it. He did not even have up to half of the amount that he needed to be able to complete it yet, but the frustration of not being able to catch that fawn was grating on his nerves, which was actually quite surprising as Gods were supposed to be calm and patient for the most part.




A low click rang in Leon's mind as he fixed the last Divine Fragment in his possession into the framework of his Divine Kingdom. He retreated and beheld his work.

"Looking good." He nodded with a smile.

His God Kingdom was far from being complete. In fact, he had only been able to get about a third of the Divine Fragments he needed so far, but already, as the basic framework was completed and a solid foundation was laid, it was habitable, if lacking somewhat.

"I'll rest a bit before I go back and continue hunting." He told himself as he entered his only solace in the Celestial Realm. It lacked many of the functions of a fully fledged kingdom, but it was fine for now. He was not a wanted man like Michael had been when the latter had ascended.

Leon was just about to seal the entrance to his God Kingdom, when a small light emerged in the distance. He paused and examined it, feeling a familiar aura from it. He was surprised when he likened it to that of the fawn back on the floating island, but he did not know how it could have followed him all the way here. As far as he knew, it was not common for celestial creatures to leave the islands that they had been born on before they completed their journey to forming a complete Divine Spark.


Only a single word was spoken before the light vanished and Leon stopped feeling the familiar aura. His eyes widened as the tone used by the fawn was something very different from the arrogant and mocking tone it had used with him earlier.

"Could it be a trap? Maybe it noticed I left and wants me to come back so it can mock me again?" Leon contemplated while rubbing his chin. "Or maybe it could actually be in need of help, and I'm the only way out. But how is it sure that I won't just kill it myself?"

He was split in what decision to take. On one hand, he was tempted to ignore it and avoid a potential trap, while on the other hand, he did not want someone else to steal his prey. It would be a great loss if he lost out on getting the fawn for himself.

"Fine, then. It seems I'll be heading back right away."

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