The Black Necromancer

Chapter 419 Battle Of Incarnations

Because of the restraints of using his power outside of the Celestial Realm, the strength of the wave of black energy was limited. Its range was also very limited, so before it could engulf the entire army, it had run out of juice and dissipated.

Over half of all the combatants on the battlefield had been wiped out by that one single attack. A much larger portion of the survivors were summons that were already infused with Unholy Energy, so they were better equipped to resist the death wave.

Leon only took a glance behind him before he was forced to turn his attention back to the giant God Incarnate before him. A giant black hammer manifested in the hand of the incarnate, burning with black flames. In the black flames, silhouettes of skulls floated about, making grotesque expressions.

"Abyssal Sin Hammer Strike!" The hammer wielding Incarnation bellowed and slammed the hammer down at Leon. Leon was barely able to dodge the strike, but even then, the shockwaves, as well as whatever powered those black flames managed to taint him, leaving his body prone to a follow up attack.

With a solemn expression, he watched as the hammer swung in his direction, but just before it could connect, the space around him shifted and he found himself floating high up in the sky. Meanwhile, the area several kilometers ahead of the hammer strike was devastated by the strike, killing a huge number of summons and survivors.

"You did well, not running away." A familiar voice said beside Leon and he finally looked to see who his savior was.

"Michael..." He breathed a sigh of relief. The newly advanced Major God had a calm expression on his face as he met the gaze of the Chaos God Incarnate that had finally recognized his presence.

"If it isn't the puny Fate God. Finally came to save your Ace Candidate?"

"You run your mouth too much, Atrox. I can guarantee that you will regret your actions today." Michael said as he slowly descended from the sky. He turned to Leon and addressed him. "Take care of your summons and clean up the battlefield. I will handle him."


As Michael was speaking, Atrox, the Chaos God, finally made his move. He did not intend to let Michael lead this confrontation and instantly struck at him to catch him off guard.

Michael held up a single hand and a silver barrier appeared around him.

"Fate Blocking Barrier!"

The hammer strike instantly looked illusory and was redirected, striking empty space beside Michael instead. In the next moment, Michael countered and a silver sword with mysterious glowing runes appeared in his hand.

"Fate Severing Slash!"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm


Atrox managed to pull back and hold up his arms in front of his body, but the power of Michael's slash still sent him flying back dozens of meters. A deep gouge was left in each of his forearms where Michael had struck, exposing the bones within.

"What?! HOW??" Atrox was stunned at how effective Michael's attacks had been. As a Chaos God, he was not kept in a constant loop of certain matters of the other Gods, one such matter being Michael's recent ascension to Major God level. Because of his lack of information, he had underestimated Michael, only using the bare minimum of his strength to defend against the earlier attack.

With his opponent still reeling from shock, Michael capitalized on this rare window to continue his combo attack.

"Binding Fate Chains!" He called out and the ghastly wounds on Atrox's forearms shone with a silver light. Translucent silvery chains suddenly burst out of the wounds and wrapped around Atrox's forearms and torso, firmly binding him, while limiting his mana and Divinity at the same time.

Without wasting a beat, Michael lunged forward with the tip of his sword pointed at the center of his opponent's chest. A strange, mystical light emanated from the runes engraved in the sword that caused Atrox's heart to palpitate. He tried to dodge, but for some odd reason, he felt as if the tip of Michael's sword had already locked onto his soul. This was not a strike that he could evade.

With a cold heart, Atrox realized that he had truly underestimated Michael this time. Who would have thought that this upstart God that rose up at the end of the Era of Gods would prove a threat to him?

With regret burning in his heart, he could only watch with hatred and anger in his eyes as Michael's sword stabbed through his armor, flesh and bones, stabbing through the core where his will manifested into this Incarnation and pumping it full of destructive energies.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm "Argh! Michael! I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!!!" Atrox declared as his body swelled with chaotic Divinity and exploded, shrouding the area in a curtain of smoke, dust and chaotic mana. The space within the area seemed fragile, as if it could collapse at any moment.

Michael stood with his hair waving in the wind. He looked at the deep crater that had been formed by the explosions and waved his hand. The unstable space that had been triggered by the explosion was instantly mended as Michael expended his Divinity to fix it.

He walked out of the dissipating cloud of smoke and watched as Leon led his summons to take care of any remaining enemies. At the same time, Leon collected the souls of the fallen to convert into his own soldiers for the next battle to come.

With his timely intervention, although the battle had taken several unexpected turns, the Battle of Magair had finally been concluded. The defending Elves had all been taken care of. Very few, if any of those that had surrendered earlier, had survived the subsequent attacks that had come their way when Atrox's incarnation descended.

Not even the rebel forces had been spared. Although, they had managed to survive in a greater percentage when compared to their opponents.

In the end, it was a heavy loss for both sides.

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