The Black Necromancer

Chapter 414 True Necromancy?

A black smoke billowed out of the gaping maw of the black dragon. Grokus stepped forward and held up one of the skull totems that hung off his waist. A green light flashed within the skull and a green dome appeared around Leon and the others.



A massive explosion rang out as the black smoke collided with the dome before releasing an explosion that spread the corrosive smoke even more. However, none of it was able to get past the barrier.

A terrible gust of wind blew about the area, and anything that was touched by the dispersing black smoke was turned to ashes under the corrosive effect.

"Interesting. The Black Dragon Tribe is known for their extremely corrosive breath and aura." Leon rubbed his chin and said. At the same time, his other elite summons sprung into action. They leaped out of the protective dome and quickly approached the dragon and the Necromancer flying beside it, but before they could get far, they were confronted by the other party's elite summons which immediately kept them busy.

Leon's gaze instantly fixed on the figure of the Necromancer in the sky and she also turned to him.

"Let me introduce myself..." She said and pulled down her hood. "I am Garessa, the sword of my Master, and the one who shall bring him your skull. Rejoice, for your skull will serve as a perfect wine cup for my master!" Garessa revealed her identity and grinned wildly.

"I think I will pass on being used as a wine cup." Leon said and stepped forward. As he moved, the power within his body began to stir. He was not at his peak, as he had just spent a considerable amount of power to convert all the dead to his minions. With less than half of his overall mana, he would only underperform in a drawn out battle. And he could not use potions to restore his mana, as potions of such effectiveness were so rare that they were basically nonexistent.

A dark purple flame lit up around Leon. He was already clad in his armor that was adorned with skulls and white patterns all over it. Each step he took left a mark that would take years to clear up if left to remain naturally.

"We shall see." Garessa said and spread her arms. As she spread her arms, a low hum of magic came to life, shadowed by a constant murmur beneath her breath as she chanted in some kind of obscure, ancient language.

"True Necromancy - Bone Shadow!" At the end of her chant, she called out the name of her spell just as a shadow of a blood red giant appeared behind her. The shadow that looked illusory at first soon manifested and turned solid, encasing Garessa within its chest region.

'Is that a...' Leon was stunned as he recalled a certain technique in a show that was popular in his past life on Earth. 'Never mind.' He cast the thought to the back of his mind and prepared to attack.

A hot, glaring white flame was born alongside the dark purple flames that already lingered around Leon. The white flames made it hard for ordinary people to look at him. These flames were born from the Divinity that had been ignited within his core.

Without wasting any further time, the two sides sprung forward and clashed against each other. Leon's sword clashed against the sword that manifested in the hand of the red giant around Garessa. A ring shaped shockwave expanded from the point of collision and the two sides reoriented themselves before striking again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Black and red vanished and reappeared as the battlefield kept on changing. The two parties moved so quickly that ordinary A ranks were unable to properly track their movements and constantly lost sight of them.


"Their movements are too fast! This is a whole other league!"

The few A rank rebels that were still able to retain their fighting capabilities were awed by the spectacle. They could only marvel at the power that each side exhibited. In fact, they did not even worry about how they might most likely die if Leon lost this fight!

On the other side, Leon gritted his teeth as he felt the strength behind each strike of the Bone Shadow that had been created by Garessa's spell. His respect for this opponent rose by several notches as she was able to match him blow for blow in a seemingly effortless manner.

'She isn't even using any complimentary spells that I can see. If this is the power she has after casting just that Bone Shadow spell, then she is terrifying!' Leon thought to himself.

As he thought, he prepared himself to use his Mystic Eyes to cast a debuff on Garessa. If it was able to hit and persist, then he would be able to gain an immediate advantage in the battle.

The mana within Leon's core moved, and a light flashed within his skull. Garessa's sharp intuition hinted at the danger to her, and the moment she saw the flash of green light within the depths of Leon's skull, she instantly reacted.

"True Necromancy - Bottomless Mirror!" Without the earlier incantation, she instantly casted another one of her so-called 'True Necromancy' spells.

A ten meter tall mirror that was framed by twisting bones appeared between herself and Leon, protecting her from the flash of green light that washed over her location.

In the next moment, the light was reflected down onto the fighting summons below, but even still, heavy damage had been done onto the mirror!

Cracks instantly spread over the surface of the mirror, along with the bones that framed it, making it look as if it was worn down and had weathered a terrible storm for the past century without rest.

But surprisingly, the effects of Leon's Rot power had failed to breach Garessa's Bottomless Mirror! Instead, most of the effects had been deflected away, while the little that remained was completely blocked by the spell!

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