The Black Necromancer

Chapter 130 Power And Wealth

Leon walked over to the body of the dead creature and placed his hand over it, activating his Supreme Skill. A dark shadow rose from the body, and the corpse turned into ashes that were blown away by the wind. Curiously, Leon looked at the creature's status to find out what it was called.

[Summoning Appraisal]


Race: Undead Flame Raptor

Level: 1

Health Points: 16500

Mana: 8000

<Strength: 255>

<Agility: 200>

<Vitality: 185>

<Intelligence: 140>

<Dexterity: 165>


<Tail Whip level 83>, <Flame Breath level 77>, <Flame Reinforcement level 56>, <Rapid Blade Kick level 61>, <Flame Breath level 88>

Titles: None.


"Hmm, that's pretty decent. Let's call you Little Blade." Leon patted the tall creature's head, as it had leaned down. He then turned to face the others that were looking at him strangely. Jet only smirked, as he had gotten used to this display over time, but the red haired family all looked at Leon strangely. They knew he was already pretty strong personally, and he already had an army from the looks of it, but seeing how easily Leon was able to transform the dead monster into another minion had rubbed them the wrong way.

"What?" Leon asked them, slightly irritated by the stares. It made him feel insecure about his bones.

"Now I understand why lone Necromancers are hunted down by kingdoms and countries all over the world. They are too dangerous." Rodius muttered, and Leon's eyebrows rose up in surprise.

"They are hunted down?" He thought about it a bit, and his surprise lessened. He could understand why they would want to hunt down these dangerous individuals, but that meant that he would also be in danger when word of a powerful B rank Necromancer roaming the world got out.

'I need to up my game.' Leon told himself. The others around him simply felt a cold chill emanating from his body.

"Hey, I got your back. You can reach out to me when Divinity's Bout is over." Jet walked over and placed a hand on Leon's shoulder. He had been traveling with Leon for a while now and felt that they had bonded to a certain level. He saw Leon as a cheerful person with a free spirit, and the idea of Leon being hunted down like some dog did not sit well with him.

"Heh, thanks." Leon grinned at his friend. His first human friend in this world.



Zone E...

"I can't believe we pulled off that heist!" Lance laughed out loud as the group ran off with bags full of gold and other valuable treasure and resources. Behind them, a winged reptile cackled happily and breathed out a plume of golden fire in its excitement. Elena jogged right beside it with a wide grin on her face.

"Bah! We never stood a chance at losing. How do those puny dweebs plan on fighting a dragon? Plus these bad boys aren't just for show!" Barak barked out words and kissed his bulging biceps with pride. Barak just laughed.

The group had come across a grand scuffle for a heap of treasure that was found. They had come when the battle between many groups was already well underway, but with their overwhelming might, they had barged in and stolen a good chunk of the treasure before retreating. With the help of the golden dragon, Mica, they had been able to retreat successfully and deter anyone from chasing after them.

After running for a while more, the group stopped by a stream of running water surrounded by large rocks. There was adequate cover here and they could rest.

"Let's count the gold. We're rich!" Balak cackled with glee and reached out his hands like a lecherous old man.

"Back off, bozo!" Elena slapped away the horned boy's head and Mica growled at him. Balak quickly backed off as he was still suffering emotional trauma from what had happened before. His hair still hadn't started growing back up till now. If anyone back home saw him like this, then his life would be terrible!

Elena took it upon herself to peruse through the treasure that they had gotten. They had managed to get a better portion of it, hauling about two-fifths of the treasure before running off. Even though they had only gotten a small portion, it was still a lot.

There was a sack for gold coins, another and another for silver coins. There were no copper coins at all in the haul as they had all targeted the areas with the concentration of gold coins.

There was also another sack with valuable potions and pills, and a final sack that held some other valuable materials like herbs and ores that could be useful in crafting and alchemy. Elena knew a bit about alchemy from Baba Yaga, but she did not know enough to craft her own potions. She only knew enough to tell what a herb was used for and if certain plants were poisonous or beneficial. There was a host of very excellent herbs that could be used in a variety of manners, and many ores that could be used to craft high quality equipment. As for the money, they could only call themselves rich as the coins ran into the thousands.

"This amount of money is enough to raise several commoner households to the level of a Count in a kingdom at the very least!" Barak exclaimed as his eyes skimmed over the pile of money in the bags with greed.

"We can split the money later. We still have over a month before Divinity's Bout ends." Elena said. The three Demons turned to look at her with puzzled expressions.

"No, we don't." Lance said. "When the last floor of the Tower of Trials is cleared, Divinity's Bout will end. That is how it had happened the previous times too." He explained.

"What?! And you didn't tell me?! We need to step up then." Elena's eyes opened wide. She had thought that the Tower of Trials was just a temporary thing and that when it was cleared Divinity's Bout would continue as usual.

"Well, you didn't ask." Balak shrugged. Elena turned to him with a glare and Mica growled threateningly at him, causing Balak to turn away. "You know what? I think I need a bath..." He walked off to the back of a rock.

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