The Black Necromancer

Chapter 107 Flight Or Fight

When the portal first shimmered into existence, Leon instantly heard the words of a person, a man, explaining how he thought that the spiders and millipedes were Spirit Summons. Interest bloomed within Leon's mind. The man truly sounded like he knew what he was saying.

"Excellent deduction!" Leon could not help but blurt out as he stepped through the portal, arriving in the massive cavern where he had fought against the spider queen and her army not long ago.

An impish, heart chilling smile spread over his more malleable jaw as he set eyes on the humans that had trespassed onto his domain. It was too bad that the humans could not see it, as his face was hidden behind his new armor set that had come with his latest Race Advancement.

The man who had spoken earlier regained his wits quite quickly and began to issue instructions to his comrades, while Leon just watched, intent on seeing what they were going to do.

"Caesar, summon all you can!" Joseph turned to a Peak C rank mage that was adept in Summoning magic and instructed. The man had held back before to save his mana just in case something unexpected happened.

The ginger haired man nodded his head without speaking and rose his arms. The large and bogus sleeves of his orange robes slid down, revealing white tattoos that ran down his fair skin. Mana bloomed from within those tattoos as he began casting a complex spell that was very mana intensive.

On the back of his robe was a large, circular magic circle. The moment he started casting his spell, the magic circle glowed and departed from his back, appearing a distance away. When Caesar pumped more mana into the magic circle, it began spinning, before morphing into a bright portal.


A strange screech came from the other side of the portal before a large limb pushed out of it, slamming into the ground and raising a plume of dust. Next, a head pushed out, and bright red eyes turned to look at Caesar.

"Umaga! I have summoned you to vanquish my enemies! Do that, and you shall feast on their souls!" Caesar called out to the massive, five meter tall monstrosity that pushed its way out of the portal on its four feet.

"Very well, Contractor." The beast's tongue whipped out of its mouth and cracked at the ground. A strange sound was emitted from the action, and most people associated it with what they knew of dimensional summons. It was calling on its kin.




Screeches of various intensities echoed from the other side of the gateway before dozens of smaller creatures that resembled the first one poured out of the gateway. Soon, they turned to hundreds, and before long, an army of veritable strength had appeared on the central plane.

The dimensional beings that had all come from the other side possessed strength no less than Mid C rank, so this was indeed a force to be reckoned with! By the time the last one had stepped out of the gateway, Caesar's face was red with exertion, and a fourth vial of mana recovery potion clattered to his feet.

The gateway flickered and went out as the ginger-haired man went down on one knee, tired and exhausted. Umaga flicked his tongue in distaste towards the human he had made a contract with. He found humans to be a pathetic, but necessary evil.

Leon watched the humans make their preparations with amusement. He was actually surprised when one of them went on to summons beings from another dimension, but he did not let that shake him. They could summon ten thousand C rank beings, and he would still have the confidence to take care of them all.

Raising his hand, Leon issued a single order to his summons. "Attack."

The mass of black, insectile creatures surged forward, eager to carry out their master's will.

"Charge!" The humans also reacted, with Marcus taking the lead in their charge against Leon's summons. This was a Fight or Flight scenario for them, but their path of flight had already been sealed off, leaving them with no option but to fight.

The two sides clashed in a flurry of slashed and bashes as the humans faced off against Leon's summons. The managed to hold their own pretty well, even against the stronger summons, but that was because Leon had held back the true monsters amongst his army.

Leon glanced to the five B rank millipedes. After their Race Advancement, the five Royal Millipedes now went by Undead Royal Sentinel Millipedes. They were large and bulky, like small tanks carried by dozens of legs. He could feel the eagerness radiating off them, but they held themselves as per their master's commands.

"You five, I want you to take care of those summons." He ordered them. He wanted to test his new power, but was not willing to do so against such weak people. It would be a waste of his time to go there, only to smack them aside like they were flies. So instead, he pushed these responsibility onto his eager summons.


The five millipedes let out loud screeches and dashed forward. Leon chuckled, upon seeing their eagerness, but was shocked stiff in the next moment.

The millipedes had only dashed forward for a short time, before leaping high up into the air and taking flight. As for how they did, it was simple, yet strange. A strange, dark membrane had been formed between their legs, and with that membrane, they were able to surf on the air currents to fly over to the location of the four legged summons of Caesar in record time!

"What the heck?!" Leon watched with fascination as the millipedes flew quickly. In just twenty seconds, they had reached the area where the strange, fleshy four legged summons were wreaking havoc in the ranks of millipedes and spiders.


The five millipedes let out a collective screech, and like magic, all the summons in that area cleared out, making way for them to land.

A stare down was quickly underway as the five millipedes stared off the thousand dimensional summons.

Without another sound, both sides lunged at each other. In just a few seconds, the difference in strength was already made known as the millipedes buldozed their way through the ranks of the dimensional summons. It took about a dozen of the summons to temporarily hold back just one millipedes, and it lasted that way until the stronger ones came forward. Even then, the Peak C rank dimensional summons were only able to hold them back for just a bit longer before being felled.

Umaga soon noticed how quickly his underlings were falling, and he cast a contemptuous glance at Caesar.

"Is this why you summoned me? To waste my kin in this battle? Bah! I hate humans!" He bellowed before turning and rushing straight for the battlefield as quickly as he could on his four large legs. None of the C rank summons in the way could stop his charge, as a dark red barrier formed around him.

Just before he struck, he ordered his kin to move out of the way, giving him full view of one of the millipedes. The red barrier around him concentrated at the front, transferring a massive amount of force right onto the body of the millipede, and sending it flying back!

A thick, fleshy tail that hung behind him whipped around and struck another millipede, sending it flying back as well.

"Do you pitiful creatures thing you can stand against me?! Send forth your master, and I will put him down!" Umaga roared to the ceiling of the cavern, his body glowing brightly with red power as he gathered energy for another attack.

"Oho?" Leon looked at the giant monster with surprise. The monster's quality seemed to far surpass that of his B rank millipedes, as was evident in how easily it threw them around. Looking around, his gaze settled on one of his elite summons.

Feeling Leon's gaze on him, Nero turned and knelt. "Let me handle him, my lord." The loyal, knightly summon requested.

"Go ahead. Take care of him." Leon grinned and tilted his head in Umaga's direction.

"As you wish." Nero stood up and held out his arms. His black great sword, and black kite shield appeared in his right and left hands respectively. A moment passed before a deep, terrifying aura wafted out of his body. His gaze flashed with red light as he fixed it on Umaga.

"Come! You can't be any worse than these stinky creatures! I am itching for a good fight!" Thinking that Nero would be another run off the mill summon, Umaga could not help but run his mouth, itching for a fight.

"My lord, I need a path." Nero spoke to Leon as he faced forward, his shield held up in front of him. Leon nodded and waved his arm, commanding the millipedes between Nero and Umaga to part, and creating a straight path.

Without wasting a second more, Nero's shield flared with a red light as he dashed forward. Umaga also dashed forward, with his red barrier concentrating on his head.

With a deafening sound, the two clashed.

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