Chapter 296: Familiar Names

Qin Jing had gone back home to deal with a family matter, and later made plans with his brother.

When they were out in the streets, they happened to see Meng Yanglumbering around.

They eventually agreed to have dinner together, and Meng Yangsuggested that they wait forYao TangandLin Xinat school.

Not much was said as the group headed to their usual place.

They sat together at one table and enjoyed their meal.

They had already met Qin RuiduringQin Jing’s birthday, so the atmosphere was pleasant and amicable.

However, it didn’t take long for Meng Yangto blurt out the question that he had been dying to ask.

“Did you meet up with Yan Yuand the others?”

Lin Xin ducked her head and put her chopsticks down.

“No, we didn’t. I have no idea what’s going on, they all told us that our classmates weren’t home. We had no choice but to return empty-handed.”

Qin Rui, who had been eating idly and listening to their chitchat, immediately perked up at the mention of Yan Yu’s name.

It sounded familiar to him somehow, but he couldn’t figure out where he had heard it before.

He brushed off the thought shortly after. All that mattered was that his sister and Yao Tangwere healthy and happy. He couldn’t care less about anything else.


Qin Rui picked up his glass of water and took a sip just asMeng Yangasked, “Then you didn’t get to seeLu Ming, either?”

Lu Ming?

Qin Rui paused this time. Could they possibly be talking about the sameLu Mingthat he knew?

First, there was Yan Yu, and nowLu Ming.Qin Ruifrowned as the snippets of the past flashed in his mind.

His eyes darkened. The incident from before was no simple matter.

Surely, these kids were speaking of someone else. It couldn’t be the same person… Could it?

Qin Rui began paying closer attention to the conversation.

“No, when we arrived at Lu Ming’s house, we were kept out by a mean, old security guard. We tried to tell him thatLu Mingis a classmate, but he just sent us away. I even showed him my Student ID! I’m getting so frustrated just thinking about it.”

Lin Xin’s cheeks puffed up and turned red as she pouted.

All she wanted was for her and her friends to take the college entrance exams together and get into excellent universities. Was it really too much to ask?

To think that Lu Mingdidn’t even want to see them!

Meng Yang slumped in his seat and sighed. He couldn’t help blaming himself for how things had turned out. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so harsh to them…

Silence fell over them as they each wrestled with their own thoughts.

After some hesitation, Qin Ruidecided to speak up. “This classmate of yours, is he from the Lu family in Beijing?”

He vaguely recalled that one of those unfortunate teenagers had moved to City A. If he wasn’t mistaken, the kid was supposed to be a member of the Lu family.

“Yes!” Lin Xinnodded. “Brother Qin, do you know our classmate,Lu Ming?”

Qin Jing turned to her brother as well, her eyes bright with curiosity.

Qin Rui pondered for a moment, still reluctant to divulge anything. “Well, I… I probably do. Why are you guys looking for him, anyway?”

“He failed the exams.” This time, it was Yao Tangwho spoke.

She was looking at Qin Ruimeaningfully, sensing that he was holding something back.

Her hunch was further confirmed when she noticed the faint hint of realization pass over Qin Rui’s gaze.

But he only nodded and said, “I see.”

He withdrew from the conversation after that, and the students continued to discuss other possible ways to contact Lu Mingin the others.

Sadly, they couldn’t come up with a solution.

Still, the stubborn teenagers refused to give up. They had been together for almost three years! They couldn’t just let the boys leave the school without doing anything.

Once they were done eating, Qin RuidroveMeng YangandLin Xinback home.

Then he swung by their house and asked Qin Jingto go upstairs, leaving him andYao Tangalone in the car.

As soon as Qin Jingdisappeared through the door,Yao Tangturned to him.

She raised an eyebrow and asked, “What is it?”

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