The Best Director

Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Chapter 124.: Out of Jail, the Magical Yang Returns!

Chapter 124: Chapter 124.: Out of Jail, the Magical Yang Returns!

Los Angeles morning sunlight was splendid, on the lush garden lawn, Danny lazily lay there, its two big round shiny black eyes watching the bees flying to and fro in front of it, feeling very bored. Suddenly, it heard the familiar sound of a car from the front yard, it was dear Jessica coming back! Eh, that familiar scent… It couldn’t help but lift its nose to sniff, it was Wang Yang!

Wang Yang! The guy who petted it so comfortably, loved to play ball with it, loved to take it for walks! It had been such a long time! Danny quickly leaped up and ran crazily towards the front yard. Reaching the front yard, it saw Jessica and Wang Yang in black T-shirts not far away, embracing and kissing passionately. Danny charged over excitedly, dear Wang Yang!

Wow, Danny!” The two who were kissing were suddenly interrupted by Danny’s pounce, and they parted at once; Wang Yang burst out laughing, grabbing the crazed Danny jumping towards him: “Hey, Danny! Long time no see, how have you been lately?” Danny kept kicking and jumping, trying to lick his face; Wang Yang held it down, rubbing its neck vigorously with both hands, a brilliant smile on his face, saying, “Alright, alright, buddy, I’ve missed you too!”

Danny, stop that.” Seeing him wrestling with Danny, Jessica next to him had a sweet, happy smile on her face, feeling very happy and warm inside. This scene hadn’t been seen for over a month, Only with him here, did this place feel like home. She clapped her hands, laughed, and said, “Danny, are you being naughty? You chubby thing, I said stop it!”

Wang Yang bent down, petting Danny’s head, his face smeared by its hot tongue, looking at the familiar house ahead, breathing the familiar fresh air; he couldn’t help but murmur softly, “Home, sweet home!”

Today was April 30th, another Monday, Rek Island’s regular visiting day, but what did that have to do with him? All of that was no longer related to him; perhaps only Robert Downey Jr. would have to serve another month before he could apply for parole, Wang Yang’s parole application had been approved by the committee yesterday. Then he took a flight back to Los Angeles upon leaving Rek Island, Now he was back here.

As long as he did not violate those parole conditions, he did not need to go back to Rek Island, that ghastly place where he spent 40 days.

Those 40 days of prison life brought him a lot, a lot of bad things, like missing important days; but there were also gains—he had had time to think.

Nevertheless, looking at all the familiar things before him, he realized that his previous life was truly, truly wonderful!

Freedom, joy, happiness… He should cherish all of this even more, cherish these people, and not lose a good woman named Jessica like Downey did, only to regret it ten years later. At this thought, Wang Yang stood up, wiping the drool off his face from Danny, his eyes burning as he looked at Jessica, and said, “Come here, baby!” Jessica knowingly leaned in, and they embraced, kissing passionately again.

After a good while of kissing, they bumped foreheads, reluctantly parting. Wang Yang took her hand and ran towards the house, laughing and shouting “Home, I’m back!” Jessica ran behind him, likewise laughing and shouting, “Wang Yang is back!” Danny, with excitement wagging its tail, followed closely behind.

Having been apart for over a month, they both wanted to quietly enjoy their time alone. As for the party with good friends to celebrate his release from prison, they would hold another one in a few days, but not now. On this first day back home, Wang Yang spent the morning cuddling with Jessica. In the afternoon, he lay on the familiar bed, which had just the right firmness, and slept comfortably without any more nightmares about turning into a beetle; instead, lie dreamed a good dream about traveling in Paris.

In the evening, he and Jessica played basketball in the back garden, and he swung on the swing under the sycamore tree like a child; it was only when dusk fell that the two returned to the house, where, in the kitchen, they cooked dinner together by hand.

On the small round dinner table in the dining room, delicious food was spread out, both Chinese and Western dishes. Wang Yang closed his eyes, deeply inhaled the aromatic fragrance of the fried rice on the plate, and said with “Jessica, you wouldn’t understand. The food in prison wasn’t bad, but


it always lacked a certain flavor…” Jessica on his left frowned with reluctance, shaking her head to interrupt him: “No, don’t mention prison anymore. I’ve had enough of it.”

OK, OK!11 Wang Yang laughed as he nodded, shoving a mouthful of rice with his chopsticks and said harshly, “I’m fed up with it too, no more of it, damn prison!” He wanted to start a new topic, but recently, apart from the prison, there was nothing else.

Jessica became very gentle, patting his left hand, and said, “Yang, I just want to tell you that all those things are in the past, don’t hold on to them.” Wang Yang nodded again. She had heard that people who’ve been in prison might suffer from psychological trauma, which was her biggest concern. She didn’t want to lose the sunny Yang, nor did she want to see him unhappy. She said softly, “Yang, take a good vacation for a while, relax a bit, okay?”

I’ll be with you.” Jessica squeezed his hand tighter, smiling toothily

even decided not to participate in the ‘High School Musical 31 promotions.”

No, no, no!” Wang Yang immediately shook his head, pretending to be stern, That won’t do, that would cause Mr. Wang and his Flame Films to lose a large sum of money. Although it’s not our money, we should still have some professionalism! Plus, I think you should start learning street dance, Mr. Wang mentioned that ’Sweetheart’ was going to be scheduled soon.”

Jessica rolled her eyes with a laugh, slapped his thigh lightly, seriousness on her face, “Don’t wear yourself out, you hear me?”

I won’t.” Wang Yang smiled, picked up a piece of fried meat with his chopsticks and fed it to her, winking as he smiled, “I do need to relax properly, but a week will be enough. Just one week, be with me!” Jessica opened her mouth to accept the fried meat, laughing crisply, “Okay, Mr. Wang!” Wang Yang nodded with a smile, asking as he ate his fried rice, “So, what interesting things have been happening lately? Give me some gossip!”

The phone calls during the daily exercise period or the thirty-minute visits clearly weren’t enough to keep him up to date with the gossip in his circle.

Hmm, let me think,,.11 Jessica fed him with her chopsticks, thought fora moment, and then her eyes lit up as she said with a smile, “Got it! Joshua was dumped by his girlfriend, and now he’s very sad,..but trust me, in a couple days he’ll have another girlfriend, or they’ll be back together.” Hearing that Joshua was dumped, Wang Yang’s eyes widened, and he hurriedly asked, “Why? Why? Weren’t they in a good relationship? When did it happen? Why didn’t Joshua tell me, why didn’t anyone tell me?!”

It happened just a few days ago. The reason he was dumped is the interesting part.” Jessica couldn’t help laughing, then shook her head in resignation and said, “The reason was that he wouldn’t wear a pink long-sleeved T-shirt she’d bought for him. He thought it was too basic, then they argued, and Joshua said, ’You’re not nearly as gentle as Britney!’ And that was that!” Wang Yang could not help but laugh out loud, “I think a pink long-sleeved T-shirt is not bad… Wow! Don’t buy it for me, I mean it suits Joshua! Babe, what other gossip do you have?”

Jessica thoughully rolled her eyes while laughing, then said, “Oh yes! Roland has a new boyfriend, a photographer.” Wang Yang nodded and replied with a smile, “Oh, that’s nice!” Roland was one of her best girlfriends and her makeup artist. He Laughed again, “That’s too ordinary, give me something more explosive!” Jessica frowned and said, “Hmm, let me think, I’m not too sure, I’ve been in New York… seems like I almost caught something.11

After enjoying a long-missed cozy dinner, they sat on the living room sofa, watching a TV sitcom and laughing happily when suddenly the doorbell “ding dong” rang.

Jessica glanced at the time, a mysterious expression on her face, “Yang, you go open the door, I don’t want to move.” Wang Yang gave her a puzzled look, seeming to understand something, and smiling, he stood up and went to open the door. Outside stood a group of people—Joshua, Rachel, Michael Pitt, Zachary and Eileen, Harry George… everyone was surprisingly laughing and shouting, “Wow, the amazing Yang is back!”

Haha!” Wang Yang spread his hands and leaned back, feeling very warm at the sight of these smiling faces, and said, arms and hugged the happily laughing Joshua, patting his shoulder, and said, “Buddy, Tin sorry to hear about your breakup.” Joshua laughed carelessly, “Dude, no big deal, I’ve thought it over, I wasn’t really that into her, and I’ve already got a new target! ’’

Hey, guys! Come on in!11 He opened his

It’s not me, not me…” Michael Pitt spoke quietly with a faint voice, causing everyone to freeze and stare at him. Michael spread his hands innocently and said, “It’s just a joke, in reference to the pink long-sleeve T-shirt,” Everyone but Joshua burst into loud, hearty laughter. Joshua asked in puzzlement, “Why does everyone know!?”

I heard it from, um, Britney…” Joshua, looking

Michael shook his head with a smile and said, “Zachary told me.” Zachary immediately stood up, his thick brows aloft with a laugh, “Eileen told me… Eileen glared at him and said,

at a laughing Rachel, Wang Yang, and the rest, seemed to suddenly understand and exclaimed, “It was Jessica, I only told her! That big-mouthed woman, she told everyone!” At that moment, Jessica’s deliberately serious shout came from not far away, “Joshua is a fool— ”

I see you!” Joshua caught a glimpse of his sister passing by and charged inside with gritted teeth, shouting, “I’m going to beat you up!” Wang Yang, watching his good friends smiling faces, invited once more, “Come on in, guys!”

Despite Wang Yang’s plan to get some proper rest for a week before starting on his new projects, that didn’t stop him from announcing his plan. During the two days since his release, whether it was print media or online media, attention on him was reignited, and they reported on it; “Magic Yan released on parole!” “Wang Yang ends his 40-day prison journey!” The gossip tabloids were buzzing even more: “Magic Yan returns to Los Angeles quietly and kisses Jessica openly at the airport…” ” usual…” ” charm?

Innovative director is back, walking his dog as Former DV lad getting handsomer, does prison time add to a man’s

While the media’s focus was still on tiis release, the official website for Flame Films suddenly announced Wang Yang’s three new production plans, and Wang Yang’s personal blog confirmed it. He stated that the already announced producer project “Sweetheart,” won’t be affected by his incarceration at all; “Sweetheart” will soon enter the substantive preparation phase, slated for release next April.

Media and fans already knew about this project, and the continuation of “Sweetheart” was expected, but what really caught their attention were the two new projects he announced. First was the one that he would produce and oversee—a 22-episode drama TV series called… “Prison Break11!? The first response from everyone was, could this be Magic Yan’s April Fool’s joke belatedly filled in? It’s not a joke? So, this must’ve been what he was thinking about during his 40 days in Rek Island, blatantly defying the court’s decree.

However, it didn’t seem to violate parole conditions. Where would they stipulate “Aconvict is not allowed to produce a TV series about prison breaks”? As for Magic Yau’s attitude, after all, he didn’t say those words himself, with no issues with his attitude. The entertainment gossip tabloids all seized on this to report it, with “Daily Entertainment” saying, “This is Magic Yan’s silent protest, cleverly using this method to hit back at the court, but it inevitably makes one wonder if this TV series is just a product of him venting on a whim? Will it be exciting?”

Fans and movie buffs also harbored this doubt. Big directors taking on TV series is not unheard of, but not everyone is a big success. Magic Yan has already fully proven his movie directing capabilities, but can he navigate the world of TV series this time? And what kind of TV series is this venting piece “Prison Break”?

However, it was reported that as soon as the news was released, numerous free-to-air and subscription TV stations showed interest. If “Prison Break” looks promising, they are very keen to order it and then arrange for it to air in next year’s spring schedule.

Compared to “Prison Break,” Wang Yang’s second new project announcement aroused even more excitement amongst the movie fans, because it’s a movie plan! Magic Yan is finally going to make a movie again! It’s known now that “Magic Yan’s movies”

film directed by him this year, it means the youngest age for breaking the Oscar record for Best Director will rise to 23 years old—there’s not much time left until the oldest option of 24 years old.

exciting and good-looking;11 and if there’s no new

As an article in “The Washington Post” said, “Magic Yan captures so much interest and enthusiasm not just because his movies are enjoyable to watch, but because he himself is a living miracle. Those who follow him fall into two categories, those who like him, hoping to see him continue to perform miracles and bring more exciting wonders; and those who dislike him, hoping to see him encounter his Waterloo, ending his miraculous streak. But these two groups of people, they all keep an eye on him, to see what new feats he comes up with next.”

So, whether Wang Yang can break the Oscar record for Best Director is a focal point of public interest. So what new feat is he preparing this time?

The information released by Flame Films’ official website and Wang Yang’s blog added up to this, “This movie is called ‘District 9/ a mockumentary-style film that will utilize special effects technology, and it’s sure to be exciting.” Then there was no other information.


Even so, when reporting on his new project plan, the media gave “District 9 more coverage. “The Los Angeles Times” entertainment section reported with the headline “Magical Yang Returns”: “It seems that 40 days in prison have not beaten down this 21-year-old. His three plans make him seem oh so ambitious.”

The New York Times1‘ headlined with “Wang Yang Returns with a New Mockumentary!”Three years ago, Magical Yang burst onto the scene with a DV film ‘Paranormal Activity1, sparking a new trend in mockumentary filmmaking; and now he has announced that ’District 91 will return to the mockumentary genre. Clearly, this won’t be a DV film, but does it mean that ’District 9′ will be a horror movie? At least it’s not so sunny, right? Regardless, Magical Yang’s mockumentary, especially with special effects, gives us reason to expect more, a film with enough entertainment, enough classic quality for the Oscars.”


Movie fans also expressed great expectations for the film, but many “sunshine faction” fans were worried, as one highly supported comment read: “Seeing the name ’District 9′ and the word mockumentary gives me the chills.”

Though just from the name “District 9,” it’s impossible to tell what kind of film it will be, Magical Yang’s mockumentaries can scare the life out of people! Think back to the midnight showings in theaters three years ago, how many people were scared and flipped backward in their seats? And that little girl who was so frightened she became paralyzed… Will “District 9″ be sunny? Not many people have such high hopes.

However, it seems that the film won’t be seen for a long time to come, as it requires special effects production, and Flame Movie has not mentioned any schedule information for it.

Natalie, there is no role suitable for you, not that… This is a film with a male lead,” Wang Yang leaned against the railing on the spacious balcony, looking up at the round moon in the night sky, holding a beer in his left hand and his phone in the right, saying, “Anyway, there are no major roles, maybe you could play yourself in the trailer, Natalie Portman, just kidding, that would make the audience laugh and affect the immersion. Don’t understand? That’s right.

About not visiting him in prison that day, Natalie later explained that it wasn’t because she didn’t want to; she just had an important class, Wang Yang wasn’t bothered from the start, just felt especially lonely that day. He didn’t want to get all tangled up with her now; he loved the life he had, he said with a laugh, “OK, that’s it! Buddy, I’ve got to go. I still have some things to do, bye!” With that, he ended the call, drank his beer, and stared absentmindedly at the moon.

Hey…” Jessica tiptoed over quietly, hugged him from behind for a moment, then leaned on the railing alongside him, following his gaze into the night sky, smiling, “Yang, the moon is so round tonight.”

Wang Yang nodded, took a sip of beer, and laughed, “They say the moon is a base for aliens; do you think there really are aliens in this world?” As he spoke, he handed her the beer. Jessica took a sip without hesitation and said, “Of course there are! The universe is so vast; how could humans be the only ones? She looked at Wang Yang and laughed, “That’s a silly question!”

Yeah, silly enough,” Wang Yang smiled, then suddenly asked, “So, what if there was a huge alien spaceship, hovering over LA?” He pointed to a spot in the night sky, saying, “Right there, where all the citizens of Los Angeles could just look up and see it, what do you think would happen?”

Jessica tucked away the strands of hair lifted by the night breeze and pondered, “Well, I think the tourism in Los Angeles would definitely get even better,”

Ha ha!’1 Wang Yang burst out laughing, took the beer back and drank, saying, “That’s actually true, with Hollywood, movie stars; plus alien ships and aliens, who wouldn’t want to come take a look? Suppose the ship was filled with a million, two million ugly-looking aliens, humans would still put them on display, locking a portion of them up in zoo cages, of course we’d have an excuse…”

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