56 His mother’s crazy fan

“I know most of you cadets don’t believe in learning various languages within the federation’s desolate planets because you have live translating equipment installed into your mechs and light brains but what if one day you crash land on an isolated planet and all your equipment is broken? How will you be able to communicate with the natives on that planet if you don’t know their language?”

Zi Han, “.....”

She leaned down on his desk and whispered, “This is why I would much prefer this young cadet listens in my class. It might save your life someday.”

Zi Han had no idea what to say as he lowered his gaze frightened by that ample chest right in front of his face. He wasn’t a pervert but those jugs were just staring right at him that he had to lower his eyes.

Noticing his discomfort she backed up a little only to notice what Zi Han had been writing. In front of him was a piece of ancient text from old earth and he was copying them. Astounded she asked, “You are learning an ancient language yet you aren’t fluent in all the languages in the federation? How does that have any logic to it?”

Zi Han squeezed his pen tightly as he raised his head to look at her. He could feel the entire class staring at him with their boring gazes piercing through his flesh but he didn’t care.

His mother had already taught him six of the main federation languages when he was young and three more of the none mainstream languages that this lovely teacher was trying to teach them.

At the time Zi Xingxi had explained that it was of great importance that he learnt various languages just in case he was ever stranded on some unknown planet. He hated it but he had no choice but to learn all those languages.

In truth, Zi Xingxi was using the Bloodgarde handbook to raise him. Assassins raised under the flag of the Bloodgarde were compelled to learn all languages in case of infiltrations or emergencies. Thus Zi Han didn’t feel any guilt about not paying attention in class and focused on his punishment instead.


“Miss..... I mastered all six mainstream languages of the federation and all three non-mainstream languages. I just got this punishment from my grandfather and I can’t even copy it right thus I started doing it now. I am really sorry,” he whispered making it hard for everyone else to listen in on their conversation.

Hearing this her interest was piqued so she changed her language to that of the rarest sand people’s language asking him what he was having difficulty with. Zi Han responded to her in the same language explaining calmly how he couldn’t replicate the text with a calligraphy brush.

She didn’t have any solutions for him but she was very impressed. She nodded her head in satisfaction and said she would inquire on the forum for language experts about this ancient method of writing.

Thus everyone watched as Zi Han got away with it in language class. Hela was even more infatuated by him that she went as far as whispering to her deskmate that her husband was handsome. Yi Chen on the other hand had to shut Li Ran up because he kept on poking him talking about Zi Han nonstop.

As soon as the bell rang Zi Han suddenly glanced at the door and found that Shorty, the person he fought with was leaving the class for the short recess. Struck by a sudden bound of inspiration he got up and followed him.

Why? It was because he truly believed he shouldn’t be suffering alone considering the fact that he was provoked into a fight. Why should he be the only one suffering through this ordeal while others lived a merry life? Hot on Shorty’s trail he found the garden gnome squatting in a secluded area trying to light up an electronic cigarette.

Zi Han grabbed the e-cigarette from him and said, “Someone like you really shouldn’t smoke.” Shorty whose body ached from fighting Zi Han, running away from Hela and being forced to stand in a half squat as punishment by the academy for fighting had been looking for an outlet to vent his frustrations thus he pushed Zi Han away and shouted.

“Someone like what? Short? Being short doesn’t mean I can’t do what others can,” he yelled while standing in an intimidating posture his face menacing but to Zi Han, he looked like a chihuahua causing trouble.

“No not short people. I meant cadets aren’t allowed to smoke. If someone other than me catches you doing it you might get punished,” explained Zi Han wondering how much effort it would take to lift this person over his shoulders.

Shorty, “...”

“What do you want? Hurry up and say it. We only have ten minutes before the next class,” said the short person while snatching back his e-cigarette from Zi Han.

Zi Han leaned against the wall and smiled like a Cheshire cat before saying, Shorty, I need your hel-.”

“That’s not my name,” he said interrupting Zi Han, “My name is Alto.”

Zi Han, “....”

“Doesn’t that mean tall in it .....,” he said but Shorty hurriedly covered his mouth in embarrassment.

“Shh..... don’t you fuckin dare say it? My mum hoped I will be taller than my father thus she gave me this name. But I turned out this way so yes I do see the irony in that,” he explained feeling like he must have owed Zi Han in his past life otherwise why would he come to cause unnecessary trouble for him.

“Okay Shorty, as long as you help me bear the punishment you fuckin caused I won’t say it,” said Zi Han poking him in the chest.

“But I didn’t insult your mother. That was all Maverick. The only thing I am guilty of was not stopping him in time,” explained Shorty taking a step to leave but Zi Han grasped his arm and argued,

“Your minion your responsibility. If you don’t help me I am going to tell my mother what he said and she will not only come after him but you as well,” he explained with a smile so menacing it sent shivers down Shorty’s spine.

“Who is she that I should be so terrified of her? You must be fucking with me, right?” replied Shorty feeling stupid for being afraid just now. What could a woman from a lowly planet possibly do to him? His father was a general. Granted he was the shortest general in the military but he was still as explosive. With his father’s backing, what could a woman of unknown origin possibly do to him?

Zi Han could detect the contempt in his eyes so he smiled slyly and said, “My mother is Zi Xingxi. A person like you should be familiar with her na-....”

His voice paused abruptly because at the mention of Zi Xingxi’s name Shorty looked like his soul had left his body with his eyes wide open like light bulbs. Zi Han thought mentioning his mother’s name would scare

Shorty but he didn’t expect the effect to be this good.

He only found out later that he was in the presence of his mother’s crazy fan. For years he would forever regret ever disclosing this to Shorty as he invited trouble for himself.

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