473 ... Busy flirting with your mistress

Mi Mi was very reluctant. She didn’t want Yi Chen to get hurt thus she pulled him along so they could leave the city.

Her watery eyes reflected the bright lights of the flares in the night sky as she broke down in tears. A loud whistling sound followed before an explosive force struck the nearby roof sending both people and debris flying in all directions.

Yi Chen shielded the father and daughter pair from the explosion. As soon as the environment calmed down his voice came through the cloud of dust. “GO!” he yelled and the old man pulled his daughter away ignoring her struggles and cries.

“Aiyo, while the wife is fighting you are busy flirting with your mistress. My heart is fuckin bleeding,” said Zi Han as another explosion ripped through the air.

Yi Chen disregarded everything else he said catching on to one word. He chuckled like a silly idiot and Zi Han was almost livid. He couldn’t help but wonder if Yi Chen had broken his brain, well, more than it was already broken.

“What? Did you get hit in the head?” asked Zi Han only for Yi Chen to look up and say,

“You acknowledged it. You are my wife.”

Zi Han, “...”

“You are full of shit,” said Zi Han but he was smiling from ear to ear and his tense nerves had relaxed.


Because the playing field wasn’t levelled Zi Han found himself struggling to restrain this little short mech which was incredibly embarrassing.

“Iggy, you are one of the three calamities so how come you can’t even think of a way to take this little mech down,” he said voicing his complaint.

If Igneous had a face it would show a complicated expression. “This right here is the eldest’s sir’s design. He was trying to impress a certain someone that is before I was granted to him thus he packed a lot of heavy artillery in that tiny thing and bragged that it could go against all three calamities combined. Who would have thought your mother smiled at the eldest sir once and that mech was flattened like a pancake? She also said that he should come back to her with a bigger challenge. After that, the eldest sir upgraded this little beast over and over again. In the end, he begged the emperor to grant him me, all to get your mother,” explained Igneous. Now, this explained why the fire power was so heavy.

“Ugh, really. All to get a girl. Now I am fuckin paying for it,” he said and Yi Chen who overheard it all said,

“I will do the same to get you.”

Zi Han, “...”

Okay, this man knew how to tug his heartstrings. He needed to finish this matter off so he could hurriedly reward his man who had such a sweet tongue. Before his mind could sway deeper into this direction a series of explosions ripped through the sky almost shaking the entire city.

The run-down buildings were immediately set alight and the thick smoke rose to the sky choking whoever inhaled it.

Yi Chen saw the situation was bad thus he summoned the mech Zi Han gave him and flew towards the tall bell tower that was about to fall on the citizens screaming in terror.

Yi Chen had no idea what he was doing but it seemed the mech was intelligent enough to make up for it. When the mech reached the tower it held it back letting the people run. Suddenly a bright cute face appeared on the screen of the mech and shouted, “Sir!”

Yi Chen’s brows furrowed as he stared at this thing. He had heard Zi Han talking to something unseen before but he didn’t think there was one in this mech.

Seeing that Yi Chen didn’t even react to it or have the joys of reunion, Raylan was aggrieved. It seemed their relationship was nothing more than this.

“It’s me... sir. Its Raylan. Have you forgotten me,” it said putting on an sad expression?

Yi Chen couldn’t help but answer coldly, “I only remember my wife.”

Raylan, “QAQ!”

How ruthless.

Zi Han was getting really tired of this thus when Yi Chen tossed the burning tower on the ground, Zi Han asked, “I am getting pretty tired of this bullshit. Tell me all the people are far enough. I really want to smoke this troublesome thing.”

Yi Chen glanced around before saying, “You have the green light. Just move the fight over to the north.”

Zi Han smiled slyly before saying, “Finally!” After saying this he didn’t take any mercy on this troublesome mech.

Hit after hit the mech that was showing its prowl just now couldn’t even fight back. It was clearly snared in the trap and couldn’t recover.

After enduring heavy firepower the man in the mech suddenly couldn’t take it anymore and spoke up. “You see this... this is what the federation does. You bully people and don’t even care about innocent civilians’ lives,” he said and Zi Han was so annoyed.

“Shameless,” he said in an icy tone that could chill one’s bones.

Zi Han was about to end it all when the mech that was wreaking havoc just now froze mid air.

Yeoh Lang’s eyes widened as he pressed the buttons on the console in a panic. “Work damnit,” he said through gritted teeth but nothing happened. He had managed to force Yeoh Jun to give him full control of the mech thus it didn’t matter that he didn’t have any mental power.

Now all of a sudden his light show was cut short and he lost control of the mech. “Xixi junior... stand down,” said a weak hoarse voice that hadn’t spoken for more than two decades.

Everyone in this channel suddenly fell silent with Zi Han’s entire body tense from head to toe.

He clenched his fist slightly as he parted his lips to speak but his father spoke again.

“Why am I here? Ah, my head fuckin hurts,” he said while trying to figure out which mech he was in.

“Pa...,” whispered Zi Han and Yeoh Jun froze before denying this black pot that was being put over his head.

“Uh, kid. I am not your father. Don’t go around calling me that. My wife will kill me,” he said still thinking that his only child was in XiXi’s belly so why would there be a grown man calling him father?

Zi Han who had been denied by his father was more concerned about the mech’s name. Who names a mech Xixi junior? This man named his mech after his (Zi Han’s) mother. He suddenly wanted to hear the story behind that.

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