430 Secretary K defending his lover’s honour

Zi Han’s heart was palpitating like he was having a panic attack and his mental power was raging on the verge of losing control.

But he couldn’t afford to have a breakdown now. In front of him was something straight out of a horror movie. It was a beast about the size of Igneous in primal mode and like a water demon, it emerged from the red sands of the desert snatching one’s soul from their body in fright.

It had the body of a snake minus the charm of one and its head was shaped like a wolf with four mouths wide open like that of a carnivore about to eat its prey.

The creature snarled at him and Zi Han’s legs felt soft at the knees. He immediately broke into a run but like in dreams where you are being chased but don’t seem to be getting away, Zi Han’s feet kept sinking in the red sand as he struggled to climb up the crater the creature created when it emerged from the sand.

While Zi Han was struggling and on the verge of collapse, a gunshot rang in the control room but it missed its target blasting a hole in the wall.

Yi Zhen was taken by surprise. If it weren’t for his years of training that helped him dodge in time he would have been injured. “Zi Xingxi are you fuckin craz-,” he said only for another shot to be fired in his direction. He immediately dodged and the laser beam shot the glass of the simulation room that was still pitch dark.

The laser beam barely made a dent on it but Zi Feiji couldn’t help but panic. If this continued she might burn a hole in the console and affect Zi Han who was currently in a running simulation.

Zi Xingxi’s wrist was grasped and her father confiscated the weapon in her hand and put it away while holding her back.

Zi Xingxi might have been bound but she could still run her mouth. “Fuck you. You fucking bastard,” she swore at him her face flushed with anger.


Everyone, “...”

Zi Xingxi had a very loose and unrestrained mouth that could be considered shrewish sometimes but she would never curse someone this directly. There is a big difference between saying the F word and saying the F word followed by the word you so yes, this was a first for her taking everyone by surprise.

Yi Zhen couldn’t even refute that. He knew he pretty much deserved it, even worse curses than this but he really wanted his son back and had tried to speak to these two for the past two days and they ignored him.

He knew that something as complicated as this needed more than just physical and mental stimulation. The key missing piece here was the emotional stimulation. With the three elements and some pressure, a reaction was bound to occur. The simulator was the catalyst which is why he decided to risk everything and come here.

For Yeoh Jun, it was the death of his mother that stimulated his ‘awakening’ for the lack of a better word. One might ask how he knows this. It’s because unlike the Zi family the Yi family wasn’t devoted to the royal family thus they didn’t feel the need to restrain themselves.

They snooped on the Royal family for countless generations and had insider information on the Royal family’s secrets hidden underneath the surface. He obviously knew things that they didn’t know.

“You can reserve that anger for later but if you want him to reach that level in a short time you need more than this. He needs emotional stimulation as well. Now are you going to waste your time on me or encourage your son,” he said and Zi Xingxi’s lips twitched.

She clenched her fist and shook her father’s arm away before taking a step forward. With a loud PA sound, she slapped him across the face and the former marshal instantly saw dark spots.

Yi Zhen touched his burning cheek in disbelief. He stared at her with a complicated gaze when he felt some wetness at the corner of his lips. He moved his trembling fingers to lightly touch them and when he looked at his fingertips stained with blood he couldn’t help but grunt as he took a step back.

“Get the fuck out,” she said in a raspy voice like her throat was choked by her emotions.

Yi Zhen didn’t hesitate. He immediately walked out without saying a word. Lynn Feng who was trembling in fright met Zi Xingxi’s frightening gaze and shakily pulled the swivel chair before stumblingly sat down.

Zi Xingxi seemed to notice her momentum was a bit terrifying thus she retracted the viciousness in her eyes and asked, “How is he holding on?”

Lynn Feng pulled up the footage from the simulator and shook her head.

“He is not fairing well. He seems to be on the verge of collapse. He is scared,” she said her eyes stinging like she was on the verge of tears. She couldn’t bear watching a strong person like Zi Han struggle alone like this.

“End the simulation,” said Zi Xingxi but after Lynn Feng pressed the button to end it a prompt notification showed up rejecting the command.

“Fuck,” swore Lynn Feng while trying to end the simulation but the prompt kept coming back up. That’s when she found out that the former marshal was very thorough. This simulation was designed in such a way that Zi Han wouldn’t be able to get out of it until the end of the mission.

While Lynn Feng was trying to sort this out Yi Zhen who had just stepped out of the room with Zi Feiji hot on his tail bumped into a tall brawny figure blocking his path.

When he raised his head to look the person in the eye he saw Secretary K staring at him with a stern expression. Yi Zhen wanted to move out of the way as he was severely outnumbered and injured from the last fight thus he asked, “What do you want.”

Secretary K clenched his jaw as though restraining something before saying, “You might have an entire army but you aren’t invincible. Pull that shit again and I won’t be polite.” After saying this he bumped the man’s shoulder roughly and walked away.

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