420 Resorting to threats

“I I was wrong. I am just worried for Chen-ge... that’s all,” explained Li Ran but Zi Han wasn’t reassured at all. Recalling how happy he was when he got that response he couldn’t help but get furiously angry. He really thought Yi Chen had responded to him and felt at ease but who would have thought it was these two that colluded to deceive him?

Zi Han repressed his anger and asked, “What happened to him?” Li Ran felt extremely guilty and wanted to apologize but how could he not know Zi Han’s temperament? He pursed his lips and turned to display the information they found.

“Before he disappeared he found this,” said Li Ran displaying a blue jade that Yi Chen found on Tala’s person.

Zi Han scrutinized the blue jade that felt a bit familiar but despite looking at it for a very long time he couldn’t recall where he had seen it. Li Ran saw that Zi Han wasn’t speaking so he continued to say, “I am not sure if he told you but Yi Chen believed that your father was still alive so he had been trying to figure out a way to get to the Republic all this time. He wasn’t really getting anywhere until he found this thing and all of a sudden he disappeared. I am not sure how....”

Li Ran was about to continue speaking when the former Marshal raised his hand to wave him away. Li Ran’s lips parted like he was hesitating to say something.

After much thought, he finally said, “I am really worried and if anyone can find him it would be you. Please help us find him.”

Zi Han could clearly hear the pain in his voice which calmed his anger down significantly. He watched on as Li Ran left the room.

Yi Zhen turned to Zi Han and said, “He did this for you.... He has been stuck on this issue all for you so... you have to go find him.”

Zi Han still didn’t respond. He was just looking at him with that complicated gaze which made him very uncomfortable thus he could only continue speaking.


“You don’t exactly know it yet but you are the only one who can do a space jump to the Republic. If he is there then you can find him and bring him back home.”

Zi Han’s expression remained unchanged but internally he was completely vexed by the former Marshal’s words. What did he mean by performing space jumps? It literally made no sense but he didn’t interrupt. He let the man continue speaking. Let the crazy continue speaking and he will find Yi Chen himself.

“You see your father, your father’s father, and all your ancestors that came before you were all gifted in this regard. Your family didn’t discover how to space jump but they were the ones performing the space jumps. Your physiology is phenomenal but it is also a well-kept secret because if certain people know about that they would take advantage of it,” he continued to explain but the person he was speaking to kept silent like he didn’t care about the matter at all.

“I suspect this blue jade was something the former emperor injected his mental power into to perform space jumps with his son. They would go on these father and son trips occasionally that couldn’t be explained and this was something your grandfather gave to your father in case one day he lost control of his power and wanted to come back home. The prince treasured this blue jade until it went missing. He was extremely distraught,” said the former Marshal before pulling out one of his father’s pictures in Igneous’s cockpit.

The same blue jade was hung inside the cockpit like he carried it wherever he went. Who would have thought his vicious stepmother would take a fancy to it and rob him?

“He had it with him always. This... this information is from gathering all the memories of your father I have but the one about you being able to perform space jumps... that one I am certain of.”

The former Marshal had said so much but seeing Zi Han’s unresponsive face he became a little anxious. Didn’t this person like his son? Why wasn’t he saying anything? He didn’t think he would need to threaten Zi Han but if need be then he wouldn’t mind doing it.

Having run out of options he brought out his trump card. “If you don’t agree to help me find him... I will arrest you right here for your crimes against the Federation. The crime of killing an official of Onyx Federation, especially a prime minister is life without parole in a maximum security prison,” said Yi Zhen and Zi Han who was repressing everything just now laughed out loud with a hint of mockery. This man wasn’t serious. He was actually turning to threats now? How fascinating.

Yi Zhen felt very irritable as he watched him laugh despite the seriousness of the matter. He clenched his fists with a deadly aura in his eyes. It was obvious he was on the verge of exploding.

“Zi Han, do not forget that I can destroy your entire family. With the snap of my finger, I can destroy you, I can destroy your mother and your grandfather as well. I will even go to war if I have to,” he said threateningly his voice trembling with anger.

Unexpected Zi Han didn’t cower in fright or yell back at him. Instead, tears flowed down his cheeks subconsciously. Yi Zhen was sure that Zi Han didn’t even have an idea that he was crying.

Zi Han’s entire body was shivering unable to restrain himself. His lover was missing for two days and all this man could think about was threatening him.

If they had told him directly he would have already started looking but they waited for two days only to arrest him thinking he wouldn’t agree. Zi Han bit his lips while staring at him with bloodshot eyes. It was when he felt the wetness on his hand that he realised he was crying. He lowered his head and wiped away the tears.

His restraints were removed and that could only be the work of one person. Lynn Feng had managed to hack into the devices restraining him.

To the Marshal’s surprise, Zi Han got up just like that and wordlessly turned to leave. The young man’s expression was woeful but what guarantee did he have that Zi Han would go look for his son?

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