406 Lynn Feng and Secretary K’s secret love affair

It was fine if he hadn’t mentioned it but now that he had Zi Han was reminded of it and he suddenly felt irritable.

“It was fine,” he said while rubbing the glass with his thumb.

Seeing his downcast expression, Zi Feiji felt a sharp pain in his heart. He had seen what it did to Zi Han over the years. They had even tried to link him up with people his age but Zi Han stubbornly refused. His heart was set on Yi Chen and there was nothing in the galaxy that could change his mind.

Grandpa Zi gave up a long time ago and decided to at least try and put a smile on Zi Han’s face but he also knew it wasn’t enough.

“Don’t you want to at least meet up with him? You two can go on a vacation. Like maybe a two week vacation alone and try and figure things out. He went against his father for you after all,” said Zi Feiji and Zi Han really couldn’t listen anymore. He was suddenly ridden with guilt. His reason to stay away was clear but somehow he felt like he had made the wrong decision. He just didn’t want to pull Yi Chen’s reputation down. He wanted to give him enough space to thrive.

Zi Han sucked on the straw drinking the rest of the drink before standing up to leave. “Grandpa, I will go, help mum, okay?” he said patting his grandfather’s shoulder before leaving.

Zi Feiji wanted to stop him but before he could open his mouth Zi Han had already left. Zi Feiji shook his head while tutting. It seemed the curse of the Zi Family was deeply rooted in his grandson as well.

Zi Han stomped out of the room his steps heavy and hurried but after walking aimlessly for a while his steps slowed unable to bear the overpowering feeling in his heart. His steps suddenly paused with his palm pressed against the wall. His breathing turned heavy and laboured as a sharp pang stabbed at his chest. Maybe they were all right. He should stop being stubborn and meet up with his lover properly. Maybe the people on StarNet won’t scold him as much like before. Maybe he could meet up with him after his inauguration as the new Marshal.

As he stood up straight it seemed he had made up his mind. He was about to keep walking when he heard a sound coming from the cleaning robot’s closet.


He walked back to check who it was but when he opened the door his jaw almost dropped. With his hand covering his eyes, he shouted, “When did you two even get here? Secretary K, I thought you were with mum.”

Secretary K whose hand was on Lynn Feng’s waist had on a stoic expression but his ear was so red it sold him out.

“How long has this been... you know what I don’t want to know. Please carry on,” said Zi Han before turning to leave.

Lynn Feng’s eyes widened as she rushed out to explain. “He had something in his eye and I was helping him,” she explained but Zi Han closed his eyes while singing,

“Lalalalala I am not listening... and I saw nothing.”

After he disappeared around the corner, Secretary K followed her out of the closet while taking hard candy from his mouth. “There was something in my mouth not my eyes,” he said before stretching out his hand to give it to her.

“Do you still want it?” he asked and Lynn Feng nodded her head but before she could take it from his hand, he put it in his mouth with a slight quirk at the corner of his lip while saying, “Then come take it.” Lynn Feng bit her lip and grasped his collar pushing him back into the closet.

While they were continuing with their make out session Zi Han entered the brig. Even if he didn’t know where he was going he just had to follow the screams. He found his mother standing by the console while administering what Zi Han could only describe as mental torture.

“Oh, you are here. Did you see Secretary K? I sent him to get something but he hasn’t come back yet,” she asked.

Zi Han’s entire body froze his eyes wide like light bulbs well, that is until she looked at him.

“What, why do you look like that?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Han shrugged his lips while shaking his head.

“Nothing, it’s nothing. I I I didn’t see anything... uh, I mean him. I didn’t see him,” he stammered trying as much as he could not to seem guilty.

“Okay. He has been doing that a lot lately. Do you think he is up to something?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Han absentmindedly leaned against the control panel and accidentally pressed a button increasing the intensity of the electric shock in Tala’s body.

The screams grew louder and Zi Han panicked. He quickly shut it down and everything fell into silence.

“She is fine... I think,” said Zi Han pointing at Tala who had passed out.

“Honey, are you okay?” asked Zi Xingxi while placing her hand on his forehead.

Zi Han who didn’t have a fever but was just too stunned to speak properly explained, “I am fine. You are worrying over nothing.”

Zi Xingxi wasn’t convinced at all. She held his shoulders and said, “It’s okay not to be okay. You don’t want to talk it about but I can see the pain in your eyes. You can’t keep hurting yourself like this more especially when you don’t want to move on.”

“You don’t want to break up with him neither do you want to see him and you are simply stuck in limbo... for years. At least go talk to him, okay?”

Zi Han pressed the tip of his tongue on his cheek trying to suppress the tears forming in his eyes. He gulped while averting his gaze. He didn’t want his mother to see him crying thus he sucked it up.

“What, ahem... what about the former Marshal’s threat to take down the Bloodgarde. I don’t want him to ruin everything you and grandpa worked extremely hard for,” he said clearing his throat when he realised his voice was hoarse.

Zi Xingxi reached over to fix his hair while saying, “Will deal with it at that time. Just go talk to him. He probably misses you more than you miss him.”

Zi Han nodded his head before glancing at the passed-out Tala, “Right after we deal with her. She is the cause of everything.”

Zi Xingxi couldn’t agree more. This woman fucked up the love lives of two generations thus she had a huge debt that needed to be repaid.

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